Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

If you have ever planted ivy, you owe someone five hours worth of weed pulling for every foot you planted.


If you are as rude to me or my kids at D24’s high school graduation as you were today on the phone to my sister, then you better bring your bear spray with you if you intend to come because I can and will go all mama bear on you and I will have no qualms with telling you in front of everyone to get the ____ out of my house. Life is short and I am not going to waste my valuable time with buttholes like you who are toxic, horrible, mean-spirited people who will suck the life force out of you if you let them.


Dear whacko relatives of DH: This one takes the cake of all the hairbrained things you’ve done: You came to DC for the family dinner (Friday) memorial (Sat) and brunch (Sun) with ACTIVE covid because you thought the hotel wouldn’t give you a refund??? What were you thinking? And those flimsy blue masks are pretty useless— especially when you wear them on your chin, if at all.

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Come on home buyers stop asking for stuff - make a $ offer if you want to negotiate - this is crazy


Another unwanted birthday gift I need to find a place for. We have made it clear to you that we don’t want birthday gifts. I know you’re doing it for you as you love to give gifts. I admit I’m picky and would prefer to buy my own home decor and entertaining pieces.


Expect nothing; Seek nothing; Grasp nothing 
in MLB playoff baseball

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Second time I have ordered the free covid tests from the government and sent them to my daughter’s apartment and they say delivered but they are nowhere to be found (not in her mailbox or lobby). The funny thing is this is a different apartment from last time (but in the same city).

LinkedIn message this morning:

“Dear _______, I hope this funds your well.

(blah, blah, blah)

Hmm. I’m not looking to dig a well but thank you for your unsolicited offer to finance it.

Maybe next time you’re cold calling to offer your firm’s services, check your spellings/autocorrect issues before hitting send.


D2 is a size 6 and 5’10". When we went to try to wedding dresses, most of them were size 0 and 2. I just don’t know how other future brides are able to try on those dresses. They tell us that they would make sure the dress fit perfectly on D1, but how do you make a commitment to a dress when you can’t put it on properly.


Halloween candy sticker shock! Cashier said chocolate went up in price since last year.

  1. There’s a “DENSE FOG” alert out for our area. Why do people think it’s OK to drive without headlights and run with no extra light/reflective clothing?

  2. You say you will pay only half our invoice because you don’t think it should have taken as long to design and draw up the plan. Why don’t you get a master’s degree in engineering and then you might have the right to say that.


Yes, we called your bluff. For two weeks now our buyers were insisting on having their contractor come and look at potential repairs (this is after a very thorough 3+ hour home inspection and having their parents and them look over the house on two occasions for hours). We finally agreed (against our better judgement) but stressed that it needed to be a licensed contractor and that we get his name in advance. Guess what, all of a sudden they are no longer asking for the contractor to come (hours before he is scheduled to come). I think you just wanted to have a friend come and snoop around and we called you on it! (We googled the name we were given and no contractor site showed up for him.)


I just read an opinion piece in the paper that was written by a man who is managing partner of a research and polling company (that I have never heard of). He cites some statistics about responses to polling questions, separating the results by political party. Then he attributes the results to what I can only assume are things that line up with his own take on why the responses were what they were 
 with absolutely no supporting evidence for his assertions. I am absolutely flabbergasted that this piece of (doggie doo) was published as a nationally syndicated opinion piece. I have seen many opinion pieces that espouse views with which I disagree, but I have never seen one that so blatantly took statistics (collected by his own supposedly professional polling service) and extrapolated to such a ridiculous extreme to prove a personal view. How far we have fallen as a society.


I got a new job. In the nick of time. Yay.


You think I don’t know. But I do.

I have gained so much weight, and the really sad part is I care,but I don’t. Totally resigned to keeping it while simultaneously horrified. I feel like 2023 broke something internally.

A pet peeve: customer service/tech support people who get annoyed and impatient with me for being confused by the ambiguous user interface, which says A, asks for B, and apparently actually does C. That may be perfectly obvious to you, who works with the background intricacies of this system every day, but it’s not quite so obvious to me, who encounters one superficial part of it, once a year. Just answer my question, please; there’s no need to be rude. :rage:


Went to a funeral of a young person. They planned their own service over a few months (cancer). Just a kick in the gut and makes you re-evaluate your priorities. Life is way too short.


We’re watching Band of Brothers and Pacific. Seeing these series so soon after touring all the beaches at Normandy is simply overwhelming. I feel a profound sense of sadness at how Americans of all political persuasions are behaving today. It’s shameful.


You kept telling me how you wanted to make dinner for us (at our house), and bring your new boyfriend over to meet us. When we finally pinned down the date, you asked me, “What should I bring?” My impulse was to say, “Um, dinner, like you said?” Instead I said, “Oh, whatever you want,” which is code for “nothing”.

Ugh, I hate cooking. :frowning: