Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Doesn’t Sports Illustrated have editors or college educated writers anymore? :persevere:

Article headline…

Eli Manning is entertained by the Kelce brothers, so much so that he is worried the due could take he and Peyton’s job.


Husband, you have talked for weeks about calling the tree service.

Today 5 minutes before he shows up, now you want the survey.

Then you are annoyed because I’m not sure which picture you want. :woman_shrugging::roll_eyes:

Why are the home buyers being so ridiculous? They inspected it to death (for about 4 hours), they did sewer inspection, they did metal detection for tanks, and they had their parents look it over for hours. Now they want to have a contractor come in. No way, I am done with this nonsense. You said only major issues, this house does not have any major issues. Stop asking for stupid minor stuff. Let’s move on and get this house sold.


You are only going to be here for 24 hr this weekend. Thus, leaving it to DH and I to deal with the rest of the mountain of your dead mother’s stuff. Thanks for nothing. Heck, I’m the daughter in law and I have been the one who’s spent the most time and effort going through the stuff!

If you don’t care about it, then whatever you leave after this weekend is going into a bin.


Just watched a WNBA playoff game, and wow was that fun! My S and his GF are huge NY Liberty fans, and go to a lot of the games. The energy for women’s sports in that arena (can feel it on TV and they tell me it’s absolutely amazing in person) was electric!

Clearly the best team in any sport in NYC right now. I hope the interest in this league keeps growing. Also, the Liberty have a dance team during half time called The Timeless Torches–forty and over. Love it!


Yes, there is a direct correlation with my sleep deprivation and my number of grumpy CC posts. Like, cough, today, cough.


Dear co worker your twins are impressive but working in the mail room at Goldman Sachs is a noble job but it doesn’t make your kid an i banker nor does having your other kid hand out drinks at a prestigious think tank event make them a research associate.

They worked hard to get jobs and should be commended but let’s call them what they are a mail worker and event coordinator. Important roles but not the prestige roles you keep implying.

You should be proud of their actual achievement. Having known them forever they are great kids. Your seeming need to constantly highlight and embellish their achievements undermines their real successes.


You’ve been trying to sell the same sad $3 mini bouquets of fake flowers on Facebook Marketplace for 5 years now. Same with that gray sweatshirt. Nobody wants to buy them. For the love of God, please just donate your stuff somewhere or chuck it in a bin.


I have come to the realization that Kroger jacks up its fuel prices the last couple days of the month because those of us with fuel points often wait until month-end to use our points before they expire. Yes, I paid less than I would have paid at another station, but you raised your prices twenty cents since yesterday … no other stations have raised their prices today. Moral of the story: remember to fill up by the 26th to avoid surprises.


There were multiple highway crashes near our house today (same driver at fault), so a lot of traffic was diverted to Route One and I got caught in the mess.

Yet another OUI driver going the WRONG WAY on the highway. This has happened so many times in the last few years, often on the route that I take all the time. This scares me more than just about anything. At least this time, nobody died.

Today I got the third or fourth survey call from my ‘new’ (July) insurer. I caved and answered their questions. I have refused to have the nurse come an do an in-home visit, even though my mom got a plastic lunch container for free.

I got $100 grocery certificate!


I don’t know how I managed to work a lot of hours at a high stress job and deal with kids and the house, and all the other stuff in life.
I don’t know how I survived years of the stressful crap I’ve been dealing with for only 3 days as a retiree working minimal hours. You don’t notice so much when you’re living it every day, but once you step away, you realize how crazy it really is.


I wonder if the number of posts to this thread could be correlated to what’s happening in the political world.

The baby is here. He’s beautiful. It’s time to pick a name. Just do it.


To an older person

You can comment on someone without mentioning their ethnicity.

Saying they are very attractive doesn’t help either.


You’re on a tight budget and have few work-appropriate outfits, so I sent a couple of things from a store I know you like, figuring it would be a fun “just because” surprise. Hadn’t heard from you several hours after I received the delivery notification and was afraid it was sitting on your porch unbeknownst to you (or taken by porch pirates), so I texted you. Your reply was “yep, I got it”. You couldn’t have added a “thank you for thinking of me”? I understand I might have gotten size or styles wrong and have no issue with your exchanging things, but I feel really hurt and surprised by your lack of common courtesy and foolish for thinking you’d be pleased.



I’ve been going through your dead mother’s stuff for 2 months now. 2 MONTHS! The plan was for ALL of us to spend ALL weekend going through the stuff and getting a good chunk of it out of the house. You decided that instead of 2 days, you were just going to do it for 1 day because you & your kids just wanted to hang out on day 2.

AND on day 1, you didn’t even get there until 12:30 pm. So half the day was gone already.

AND your son left his Nintendo at our house, despite all of us adults nagging him repeatedly, asking him if he got everything.

AND you then asked me if I could ship it the next day to your house because otherwise, your son’s world is basically coming to an end. This after having listened to your son bug you, like, a half a dozen times in an hour to ask you when are you getting him a cell phone. This after your brother, my DH, GAVE you your mother’s iPhone 14 so you could set it up for nephew for him to use and to add it to your family’s phone plan.

Guess what? NO! I’M NOT SENDING THE NINTENDO BACK TO YOU TODAY! That’s your brother’s job now. Not mine.

I’m not doing it. Not after spending half of Saturday cleaning up some truly disgusting stuff in your mother’s kitchen, in her pantry, under her kitchen sink.

You asked me to look for some small set of “nesting boxes” that you wanted. I don’t even know what they look like and your brother doesn’t know either. You said they were on the bed in the master bedroom because you saw them there on Sat night. Guess what? They weren’t there. I haven’t seen it, nor has DH. You should have set it aside and put it in your pile at the time when you saw it.

Meanwhile, you left a pile of stuff all over your mother’s bed and all over the floor. It’s no wonder that your children are messy because guess what? You are, too! You don’t seem to give a rip how much time I’ve spent on all of this. You’re just happy that somebody else is doing it because that means that you feel that you don’t have to.

Well, guess what else? In your refusal to participate, you’ve now handed the reins over to me and aside from the things that you & your brother stored in the ‘keep room,’ everything else is going to the dump.

I don’t care if you think that the ratty & torn books with their bindings falling off are “worth something.” If you felt strongly enough about it, you would have taken the books to the library to donate. Instead, you brought more of your own ratty books from 6 hr away to add to the pile. But now that you’ve washed your hands of all of it, I’m having it hauled to the dump instead.

I don’t care if you think that the 1970s blue Corningware stuff is “valuable” and “a collector’s item,” if you want it sold, then YOU DO IT. Since you’re not willing to put forth any effort, then once the estate sale people show up today to do an assessment of what they will and will not sell in their consignment shop, THE REST IS GOING TO BE TAKEN TO THE DUMP!

if you don’t like it, then you can show up with a UHaul and take it all to your house instead.

The furniture items of your mother’s? you refused to rent a UHaul to take it home to your house. You refused to get a “pod” delivered. Now your brother has decided that the furniture items of your mother’s that YOU want are going to be “temporarily” stored at OUR house until the end of the calendar year. Get your act together and pick up what is now YOUR stuff from MY house. Otherwise, it becomes MY family’s stuff after 1/1 and we will do with it as we please.

I’m so sick of your nonsense.


It turns out they did name the baby. My son-in-law was just so excited he forgot to tell us or our other daughters and had some many texts going on he didn’t see when we asked directly! :joy: All good. The baby is so precious and it’s good to know what to call him!


I said to my son today that maybe I just don’t like old people. Old women more specifically. Yesterday my MIL was here way too long and I had to actually leave the room a few times. Today it was a phone call with my mom. It’s like they are incapable of just being happy. Neither have anything to complain about, yet they manage! My mom always accuses me of taking my dad”s “side”. It’s true - I do, because I can’t even begin to imagine how he deals with her everyday. I felt the same way about my FIL before he died. Rant over.

DH and I visited S over the weekend and was shocked to hear he has a job. I guess the lecture on excessive spending made at start of semester made an impact?

Completely floored us when he showed us two paycheck stubs; and I was utterly confused at first!!!

But super proud of him. 18 hours (including honors classes) plus extracurricular in his major and a radio show, and working on senior thesis proposal super early (junior).

I was lazy in college compared to him.