Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Mom - how I wish you were still here - you would have been my first call this morning when I got the news :heart:

Whew, ten months post layoff from a FANG company, son finally got a job offer for a contract position working with a different FANG company. Not at the same level but we are all so relieved that he will be earning again and it’s still in his field.


From Jan to July, I received a ton of Medicare calls begging me to pick their insurance company. I also got 100s of mailers, post cards, invitations to dinner or coffee or to pick up a free gift. Finally my birthday and an end to that. Or so I thought. It’s all started again because Dec 7 is mere months away and they just want to know if I’ve changed my mind. No, I haven’t.

So today I get a call (“Do you remember you asked me to call?” no, that never happened) for funeral planning. Really, is the health insurance not going to keep me alive? Now I need to plan my funeral? (and by the way, I don’t care, I’ll be dead).


I have never seen a pipe as corroded as the waste line pipe that was replaced in my home today. WOW, I didn’t think that was even possible. I am sure the plumber will be following up with a big bill! But I am thankful, he came within hours of my call, did a professional job, and I have it repaired before my house closing.



How long will the media say “X, formerly known as Twitter” every time they mention it? What as the purpose of changing the name if it wasn’t to distance itself from Twitter?


WHY is it so freakin hard to buy the right light bulb anymore?!

I am losing years off my life looking to the right size, color, base, wattage, type, shape, etc

WORST task in the world!!! :bulb: :rage:


Today is 10/12. A smidge over 2 weeks from Halloween. Dear child of mine, who will graduate from high school this coming May…you cannot just announce NOW that you want to be Hera Syndulla for Halloween this year. There’s no way we can procure a costume, get the head piece, AND the right make up in time. Not happening. So yeah, you’re gonna be Ahsoka again. It’ll be alright, though…it was a kick butt costume last year and it’ll be a kick butt costume this year, too.

and next year, when you’re in college, you can buy your own Hera costume for Halloween. :slight_smile:

I am, however, totally stoked that you’re into Star Wars cosplay. This makes my Gen X heart happy & proud. Your dad is proud, too. This is the way. :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh, wow - I can’t believe you actually posted on Facebook, “Happy birthday to the second cutest boy in the world.” Yeah, he’s just 2 & isn’t going to read it. But if you continue to openly favor your older grandson, you will regret it, I promise you.

I’d rather listen to the hockey game on the app radio connection than have my anxiety go through the roof watching you try to get the streaming to work. It didn’t work right for the FB game, it’s not going to work now.

Astound cable, you suck. 45 days w/o cable over here. Seeing the fiber optic cable on the road gives me hope that rural broadband will make it and we can get rid of you.


For someone who says they don’t care about it, you certainly seem to know a lot about it and talk a lot about it


Watched a 23 minute video on The Best (or Top) 5 Luxury SUVs produced by a couple from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. After discussing the first vehicle, the male host expressed outrage that the vehicle had a $58,000 starting price in Canada, but it was only $43,000 in the US. (The video then displayed a pricing chart which clearly disclosed that the $58,000 was for Canadian currency and the $43,000 was in US dollars.)

Still, I enjoyed the video and was pleasantly surprised to learn that I seem to be fluent in Canadian.


My Israeli friends have postponed their flight to come to NY and attend daughter’s and fiance’s wedding on 11/11 (among other adventures within driving distance of NYC) to 10/29. They were previously scheduled to arrive this coming Saturday. As I know that every person of good will is feeling, we can only hope that peace–Shalom–comes to their country and its neighbors, ASAP.


Today is national grouch day. I think some people started celebrating early!


Just when it seems impossible to do so, some folks find ways to sink lower.

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Not everything, but close!


There is no other hell like the automated system when you call Xfinity.


Hoping the world recognizes evil when they encounter it.


Wow, I had no idea auto insurance requirements could be so different between states. NJ requires 100K and MA requires 8K coverage?

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And not even a hospital is spared. :broken_heart: I am just sick.