Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I’m just really disappointed. It’s kind of embarrassing.

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A few things:

  1. poop or get off the pot. But know that not making a decision IS A DECISION!
  2. you’ll be 50 next month. Adulting for over 30 years. STOP WHINING THAT IT’S NOT FAIR BECAUSE NOBODY TOLD YOU HOW TO ___! You carry the power of the entire Internet in your hand every day in that iPhone…You want to know something? LOOK IT UP!
  3. Hey Nosy Neighbor - stay in Other State, would you please? You’re super irritating.
  4. Dear Cat - get off the table. Enough.
  5. Dear Husband’s Relatives - I am no longer the cruise social director. I will not come up with a daily itinerary of fun activities in the area for you to do. You all carry the knowledge power of the entire Internet in the palm of your hand every day. You want to know what’s fun to do around here? GOOGLE IT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE! Oh, that means that you won’t come visit? I’m not sad.

That is all.


Oh, my gosh, honey. You call me and tell me our brand new car is missing from the spot you left it in the downtown parking garage. You’d even taken a photo of it before you left. If you had downloaded the Ford app the salesman apparently told you about when you bought it while I was out of town, we could have tracked the car. But no. So I freaked out for an hour until you called to say it was on the opposite side of the garage. And then you want to know if I’m up for something you want to do this afternoon. Uh, sorry. I need to get my heart rate back to a normal level.


I’m not entirely sure I believe that hell exists. But if it does, you are going there. How could you possibly set your house afire, leaving your three children to burn to death? And then you drove away.

Since you didn’t kill yourself along with your children, there will now be an expensive trial and an expensive stay in one of the state’s penitentiaries. But I don’t think your fellow inmates are going to have much sympathy for you, and they may be more likely to take justice into their own hands. Perhaps that will end up being your own hell.


Bracing for unwanted guests. My stepdaughter & her husband and 18-month-old. For 3 days. As a bridge stay before they move into a rental house they cannot afford, when hubby doesn’t have a job, because the baby “needs stability.” The baby you are working in NYC literally to pay for daycare.

I will be bleeding from biting my tongue so hard this weekend. You have not made very many wise choices in your life. Luckily for you, as your stepmother, I’m not allowed to say what I really think. (My kids are not so lucky.)

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Finally Natalee Holloway’s family knows the awful truth. That poor young woman’s last moments were just terrifying. I’m glad her mother feels this is the closure she needed.


Mom, please stop acting like you are poor and can’t spend any money. Please go to the store and get your dishwasher from 1998 replaced. Then call your HVAC company and get a new heating unit. It is OK to spend some money. After that please go to the bank and get your savings account into something that will earn some interest.


Some people just can’t read the room.


Had dinner in Ann Arbor tonight. Why does everyone look so young?


Just read a lovely email from a former patient (40 years ago) of my Dad. I’m always so grateful and amazed how many lives he saved over the course of his career. I really miss him.


As I get older, I am so glad that I’ve learned that I really don’t have to comment on everything about which I have an opinion. Am I truly adding to the conversation? Or do I just want to hear myself talk/type?


Yesterday, an acquaintance found out that his seven year old son has an inoperable tumor on his brain stem. He is going to die soon. The family is going to focus on being together and making memories. Life is just so unfair sometimes.

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“A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”
– Saul Bellow


Do people try to talk down attorney’s bills like they do our engineering ones? We don’t charge as much per hour and we do a good job for our clients. :cry:


My ex father in law was not particularly warm fuzzy with my girls. He was always happy to see them, but was not a doting grandfather. He passed away 2 weeks ago. D2 visited him before he passed to say goodbye. D1 went to his funeral today.
Before he passed away he picked out the menu for his wake. D1 told me there was shrimp cocktail on the menu. It reminded me that he knew it was D1’s favorite. When we used to visit him, he used to have very large shrimp cocktails for D1.


Frustrated with Amazon returns. I pay attention to “free returns”… I take them to Whole Foods… I get a confirmation email.

I have had 3 different things in the last 5 months that they are claiming “didn’t receive the return” and re-charge my credit card.

I call. And they say “it was an error and not marked as received” and they refund me.

Is this their new scam because shrinkage was a problem? See what percentage they can claim as “never received” and re-charge a credit card? And people who aren’t paying attention don’t call and complain?

Hate that Amazon is the easy choice.


I’m enjoying being here alone, but am glad it’s just for a couple of days. I realize how much you do for pool maintenance, landscaping, tech support, etc., and appreciate all of that.


The last few weeks have been hard, both physically and mentally. I’ve felt emotional and overwhelmed by physical challenges and by the news of the world as a whole. Thankful that the last few days have been trending up both personally and globally. May we all treat each other and our planet with kindness.


Oh yes, the first thing I want to do when I don’t have a job is go get a mani/pedi and have a good drinking session at the local winery while my stepsister watches my baby.
The difference between you and me? I DON’T EFFING DO IT.


You are moving equipment from one US state to another! How dumb is it to ask about power requirements? IMO that is as dumb as fokkk!!! :rage: Even a dog named Toto will tell you that even In Kansas the plugs are the same!!