Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

College students are not the same as powerful officials and politicians. Cut the kids some slack and hold the powerful to account.


I don’t think I’m “living in fear” because I’m reluctant to be in areas where people are congregating. I will be very cautious until the killer is caught.


It must be a pretty miserable existence to be so contrary all the time.


Just stop.

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I don’t even know this woman
she is in one of the playgroups with my DD and her kids. I am shaking I’m so angry.

Had a miscarriage/still birth at 20 weeks. Went there the whole birthing process.

She complains of pains, cramps bleeding

She comes back in to the ER/Hospital where they finally do a scan and 
 oh look
there’s placenta left behind. Put her in what I assume was the maternity ward and the nurse assigned to her case introduces herself and says
‘congratulations’. WTH
read the chart!@

The hospital put the wrong name on the baby’s birth certificate so (and is not taking responsibility) now they can’t release the body for cremation because
they can only release it to the parents and the wrong names are on the official document.

The woman is now back in the hospital due to hemorrhaging
got an emergency D&C and now needs a blood transfusions.

Where is this one might ask
some backwards town
nope. Right here in the great Silicon Valley.

I hope they sue that doctor out of everything they have and the license gets yanked.

Unbelievable. And no, I’m not day drinking and making stuff up
in fact
you can’t make up a mess like this.

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I just can’t believe that you haven’t made one empathetic comment on a number of situations. Is it really all about you? No empathy for others?

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It is both fascinating and dismaying to see how people’s “camps” allow them to develop completely different narratives of how events unfolded – even when the details are unknown. Oh, humans


Dear Gary the Gopher:
You’ve found my soon-to-be-ripening pomegranates and nibbled into EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM!


You need to die.


Such a rush of emotions after they found the shooter’s body. I’m not dealing with it terribly well - having a very ill son brings it all too close to home. I really need to pull myself together.

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My flight to Mexico City earlier this week diverted to Houston because of “volcanic activity”. That’s a new one

Nothing better than “dropping in”completely unexpectedly on your kid who lives 2,000+ miles away.


People keep asking if I am sad about moving from my house of 35 years. Had my first sad moment today, taking off my king ring my library card from that town.


Great day to get the notice of how much my Anthem monthly premium is going up - from $770 to $890. And of course the deductible and OOP are both going up. Such a travesty. I’m thankful my husband is on Medicare. I have three years, nine months to go.


Wow. Insisting on always having the last word
when you’ve run out of anything reasonable to say just makes a person look silly and desperate.


Say it isn’t so.

Matthew Perry, gone way too soon. Age 54.

I know he struggled behind the scenes of Friends with sobriety issues
.but he was such an incredibly endearing person and we all rooted for him.

May he RIP.


I don’t get the Foo Fighters.


Why do cars cost so dang much? :money_with_wings:


I have been there for a whole week, running errands and cleaning and cooking for you. What possible reason could you have for running errands the very first morning I return home? It’s gonna take an actual accident for you to stop driving, isn’t it? You are so frustrating. I don’t care how hard you try and how busy you make yourself and how much you reject help — you are 90, dad just died, and you are in denial. Jeez louise but you try my patience.


My father, the 91YO with cancer, said last week that he needed new underwear. DH took him to DOLLAR TREE because that’s where my cheapskate father insisted on going.

Of course, Dollar Tree does not sell underwear. So DH took him to Rite Aid. Which does sell underwear.

In a multipack.

My father refused to buy a multipack. He said: It was too expensive. He only needs two pairs. One to wear, and one to wash. Every two weeks.

:face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face:

There is no point in arguing, no point in education, no bloody point at all. We are past caring. Honestly, we are not bad people. But this man is beyond help.

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Grrrr. I heard H on the phone with his sleep doctor’s office. He specifically told them that he is now on Medicare & gave them his information. They insisted that he was still showing in the system as being covered by his prior insurance, and he assured them that his insurance ended on the first of the month. The policy is in force because my insurance is still valid until I hit 65, and his former employer uses a single policy number for everyone on the retiree’s plan. Well, they messed up the billing. He just got a letter from Medicare stating that they were told he has other insurance that may be primary. I went into the insurance website for the old insurance, and the doctor’s billing office submitted the claim to the old insurance. The claim was denied (duh). So now H has to call the billing office plus straighten out the Medicare issue. He detests dealing with that kind of stuff, so he is ornery!

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I had an engagement party for D2 that was a prefix meal with wine pairing. The granddaughter, who was not 3, was charged a full amount. I half heartily tried to push back because I knew how much she ate (she ate most of the passed appetizers, full entree, dessert and all the bread), and the only thing she didn’t have were drinks. They were gracious enough to take it off.