Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Thanks to the MBA student outdoor adventure group for inviting undergrads to the big winter break group trip. But no, this undergrad doesn’t have a spare $12,000 to spend on a cruise to Antarctica.

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Am I the only one who feels we don’t really need to go back to shaking hands with strangers and such at work or personal events? Do I have a better relationship or conversation with you just because we shake hands?


Somehow, someway he needs a break. This is ridiculous.

I’m happy to be flying home to Austin tomorrow, but boy, do I despise packing.


I need a break.

What I need most is not having to do things more than once.

I’m a caregiver and I just don’t have time to pick up half of a much-needed prescription only to do it all again a few days later.

In this 5-day week, there are 7 medical appts and so far, two pharmacy visits.

How do I get a break without getting angry first?

Two wrongs don’t make a right.


HOW could you miss signing up for open enrollment? They sent out several emails beforehand. They sent us cards in the mail. They emailed us near daily reminders via email about enrollment, not to mention all of the question/answer sessions they promoted. They even had it plastered all over our home page this month. Maybe if you didn’t come to work an hour late every day, and disappear from your desk job a couple of hours each day, you would have had the time to get it done… I have no sympathy for you.

The funding for your job dried up. You’re being let go 12/31. Second child is due 1/31. You’re devastated and scared. We’re here to help you any way we can. Hang in there. Better days will come.


Well that was pretty rude.


I don’t want to hear about how your son in law is so wonderful for taking care of your financial stuff. You told me in no uncertain terms to butt out of your financial affairs … so I just don’t need to hear about how if it weren’t for him, you don’t know what you’d do.

Pick a day, Amazon says. Save boxes.

I have 9 boxes coming tomorrow. Nine!

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Anthony’s antlers look just horrible

One - The contract said we would close on October 20. Now two weeks later, the buyers are requesting another extension. I think this sale is going to fall through - I don’t think they can get a mortgage approval (despite coming to the deal with a mortgage contingency letter and putting down about 50% of the total price).

Two - Dad, unfortunately you are losing touch with the world. Your dementia is getting worse. Yes, you have lucid times, and during those lucid times you don’t realize you are not always with it. Riling up relatives and fighting against your lawyer and the nursing home are not helping. They are hindering instead. Your nephew will not be let in if he tries to visit again, after making a scene this week because of whatever paranoid things you told him. I am at a loss as to what to tell you to calm you when you start telling me the nursing home is declaring you incompetent (not true). It is sad, but also very frustrating.

Not only do I have 9 Amazon packages showing up today, but they are coming from 3 different carrier services.

I tried, I really tried.


All the cars are broken/breaking. We are dealing with three bad transmissions on cars that are all over 13 years old. The only vehicle currently working is 21 years old, and we replaced that transmission less than two years ago.
I am seriously at the end of my car rope.

Just read that the soon to be Costco CEO apparently started with the company some four decades ago as a forklift operator. Not so many businesses promote within. Applause to those that do.


Alas two friends, more-or-less contemporaries, died this week in hospice in the hospital. RIP CL and CP. May memories of them be a blessing. Especially thinking of CP’s daughters, contemporaries of my own dear daughter.

I am worrying myself sick over you. I am so afraid. But I know you’ve got this, you have to.

A difficult memorial to attend today for my friend’s brother, James. One of the speakers was Sam West, an actor in All Creatures Great and Small. He met James at Oxford and they became close friends. He said James directed him in plays three times and was his favorite director. Just a terrible loss. :cry:

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We are going to deny our buyer’s request for a three week extension. The deal will be dead, we have a different cash buyer lined up. Hopefully, that happens and happens quickly (everything is ready and done).