Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

FINALLY…DHs social security was approved. He applied in August. Heaven knows what the hold up was. His first deposit will be for three months…

You have to wonder what took so long!


Dear Salvation Army person dressed as Santa-

Eyeing random women once they walk past you on 43rd street, pointing and yelling HO HO HO in that tone is simply wrong. You belong on the very naughty list.


I hope to never sell a house again (mostly because I hope to never buy one again). But if I do, I want the inspection contingency to say "There will be no monetary concessions for repairs outlined in an inspection. If you find something in the inspection which you deem a major issue with the house you can break the contract with no penalty.’


Shine bright like a d…
Shine bright like a d…

…dumpster on fire!! :laughing:

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Don’t you dare bow your head before the meal and then treat the waitress the way you did. Pretty sure that is not what Jesus would do.


Rest in peace - and please say hello to Ruth for us all and fill her in on how she continues to be our compass.


Really, judge? You agreed that my husband proved the wall our client’s neighbor built on the property line was in danger of collapse. You agreed it would affect our client’s property value and that he would have to disclose the wall’s condition to any potential buyers (interestingly, you did NOT specify that the neighbor would have to disclose that to her buyers). You agreed that the neighbor’s contractors and engineers trespassed in order to build the wall.

Yay, team, right!

Then the bombshell: Our client gets $1 per count in the claim. So maybe ten bucks? Plus some reimbursement of costs related to the trial.

Just unbelievable to me. Our legal system sucks. I feel so bad for our client who was badly treated. At least the judge commended my husband’s thorough structural analysis.


You have been away for six days, and now your flight is delayed? I’m so tired and the dog is so sad thinking his favorite person is never coming back. Ugh.

So buyer number 2 has now officially fallen through. Once again I believe there was some dishonesty going on with them. They made a cash offer saying no mortgage and I was just told their lender was ready with their funds? Also, I made a final offer and they countered - problem understanding the word final? Well, on Monday it will go back on the market (I will ask my realtor to also reach out to previous buyers who had made offer.)

You can’t get a plastic bag in a supermarket because of environmental concerns (even though it was easy to recycle them) and today I read this.
“In the heavily regulated cannabis industry, nearly every product is required to come in child-resistant packaging that is typically made of plastic. Most of that plastic is not recyclable and ends up in the trash or tossed on the ground.”

Yesterday was a hard reality check. Glad it came now instead of later though.