Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It started out wonderful, charming and eagerly awaited and you had to go and ruin it!

Today is a great day to unsubscribe to everybody’s email list. I had an inbox filled with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday emails. Felt good going through and clicking unsubscribe to almost everybody.


We went to the Christmas tree farm today, as we traditionally do on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Selecting, cutting down, hauling and loading tree on the car was done in record time with no bickering (one daughter cut the tree down, then both did the hauling while my husband and I trailed behind eating kettle corn). I think my kids are growing up :joy: It’s also the fifth straight day of glorious sun in our very rainy, dark locale. Amazing and a real lift for the spirit :star_struck:


Don’t tell my kid (your niece) that you won’t be coming to her wedding because you are not happy with her behavior. As of now you are off the guest list, and if you should get back on you won’t be sitting at the family table.

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Note to self - When you ask someone what they want for Christmas, you can’t complain about what they suggest, if it fits within reasonable parameters. (And you get extra credit for biting your tongue).


Wow. Talk about weaponizing your child

PSA - (from an ‘ends in Y’)


This is so crazy. New buyers asking for 10% of purchase price back in home repairs credits. My house doesn’t need any of this stuff - it is in great condition. UGH

Both our kids were here for about a week to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had a great time - food, wine, and just sitting around a fire talking.

D is back in her dorm room at Hopkins now, and S is back at work in the SF bay area.

Our time together was way too short. Its so quite now in our home. I miss them both.


I had no idea that Amazon changed its return policy to 30 days. I bought stuff at the Prime sale in October that I haven’t even used yet and I don’t know if the parts will even fit on my sewing machine. Wasn’t planning to use them just yet.

I did talk the supervisor into taking back the dryer repair kit I bought in Oct as the repairman (a friend) had me order the wrong kit and then then I ordered a replacement and didn’t return the original one immediately. I’ve been used to a 6 month (1 year?) return time at Amazon. I really will order a lot less through them.

So all those Prime day things you ordered for Christmas? They are yours now!


So much for “I am NOT calling Aunt & Uncle Butthole!” You had them over for Thanksgiving. When you swore on a stack of Bibles that you weren’t going to call them ever again after how horribly they behaved when your mother died.

and you didn’t even call your brother at all Thanksgiving weekend.

Hurry the heck up and come here to our house to pick up your dead mother’s junk that you said is so precious to you. You have until the end of this calendar year and then I’m storing it outside in the rain. I’m done with being your free storage facility.

Maybe I should not have appeared so anxious to close. We were pushing to close ASAP. That was only because we are moved out and the house is empty and ready for new owners. I was thinking the buyers would want to be in with plenty of time before Christmas. The buyers must think we are desperate because our first buyers fell through and we are already moved out. We are not desperate, we have been covering the costs of two homes for over 2 years now, and can afford to continue to do so. We will not be taken advantage of, because we appear to be such motivated sellers. It is still a seller’s market and we will hold our line. We will also stop listening to the professionals (realtor, lawyer, legal para). They have done us no good during this process and have not supported or advised us in any constructive way.


All I want for Christmas is to adopt a rescue dog. My girl passed in September. Since birth, I’ve never been without a dog. My H, Mr. Spreadsheet, has deemed three animals too expensive and said we can get a dog when the cats die. I tried to talk to him about it last night and he literally left the room. I honestly can’t even look at him.

United Airlines - you owe us the money, by law, but you make it painful to collect. Finally, over 3 months after I file, and several emails, we get a check. If multiple on-line calculators are correct, 1200 euros should be over 1300 dollars. So why did we get less?

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My brain is not wired to remember many scenes from television shows, but I retain more than my usual average from The West Wing. Have been thinking of Sam Seaborn’s speech, “Education is the Silver Bullet”, from season 1 often this week. Could not agree more.


United - so I send cranky response to your last email, and now we each get a credit we will likely never use
 but no response. Gee Thanks :frowning:

Why are we so unlucky with potential home buyers? We had so much interest in the house - dozens of showing in only a few days, 12 offers (all over asking). Now we have a second buyer which is basically going to fall through.

There was another wrong-way driver on a highway in Maine last night. The driver and his passenger were killed when the car slammed into another car. The driver of that car was also killed. It’s a stretch of road I drive frequently.

2:30 doctor’s appointment ran seriously late and I wasn’t out until 4:30. Finding the good, I really enjoyed seeing people’s Christmas lights on as darkness was settling in on my drive home. Needed to find the positive, because I was a little grumpy during part of that wait :wink: