Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Well said. Hope is so much better than despair.

Thank you!



What I learned today:

You can lead a horse to water, but you canā€™t make him think.


Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel has finally happened for my daughter. Her first fully vaccinated friend and her are going to get together this weekend.


Warning - VERIZON RANT comingā€¦
Over 2 days ago, Iā€™m walking down my street with a friend, and we notice a Verizon guy doing something to the normally underground stuff. I get home, and our TV/Internet are out. My husband goes out to talk to the guy, and he says heā€™s only dealing with 1 house, and had nothing to do with why ours isnā€™t working. After suffering on hold forever, and going through the painful stuff you have to do to talk to a live person, my husband gets someone at Verizon, and has to test a bunch of stuff. Of course the guy says our issue has nothing to do with the guy on our street. Fortunately, we could get a technician out ā€œonlyā€ 2 days later. So the guy comes, and OF COURSE it had to do with the guy down the streetā€¦ Very frustrating, especially in this time of WFH.

Aaron,I can support two teams - the one youā€™re on and the Packers. But Iā€™ll always root for you to win against the Packers. Do what you gotta do.


It is actually better than the old version and it is working fine now, At first it was looking different and confusing to use but now it is working fine.

After more than a year at home, our S just boarded a Southwest Airlines plane destined for San Francisco to search for an apartment. I hope he finds some good options!


D gets a boob job, you then get a boob job from her doctor a few weeks later. Then you tell me sheā€™s annoying you and you are reevaluating your friendship her. Then you go visit her new home an hour away and talk trash about their new town. Now you tell me 4 weeks after that you have just bought house down the street from her. Make it make sense to me.


After reading that old thread from an unbelievably entitled mom I am glad I am not the guy who gets to go home to that each night.

Did you ever consider that when everyone is against you, maybe youā€™re the one who is wrong and not the world? So many tell me to walk away and let you drown. I canā€™t. Iā€™m not helping you financially, but Iā€™ll still be a listening ear and offer my two cents with the hope that you might actually do something with it someday. Meanwhile I remain incredibly thankful that I avoided certain genetics (assuming thatā€™s what it is).

(FWIW this has absolutely nothing to do with politics or Covid - or CC. Just that mental illness sucks and for someone who prefers to solve problems, unsolvable problems - that could be solvable if any iota of normalness were involved - also get wearisome.)


I have 3 kids. Two of them are graduating this spring and both have jobs!! Woohoo!


I miss you son.


Ugh, after our neighbor said it was OK to treat the blue spruce trees between our houses (but that are on his land), now heā€™s having second thoughts. If we donā€™t treat them, all ten will probably die - they have a wilting disease. Of course, he has every right to not allow us to treat the trees, but I will miss them. (Our previous neighbor planted them as a barrier when he subdivided the lot.)

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A friendā€™s 23-year-old daughter died suddenly and horribly, only child, omg omg omg.


PLEASE im begging you. stop saying ā€œhe/sheā€, ā€œs/heā€ā€¦ JUST SAY ā€œTHEYā€.


We have feet of clay; we put on our socks one foot at a time just like everybody else. Sometimes you get the answer you want; sometimes you get less. A lot of times, more than you needed or wanted. This isnā€™t The Four Seasons.

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