Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Happy beyond belief to be able to gather with our far flung kids in a few weeks, but would have been happier if kid1 wasn’t joining us after a business trip (dh is immunocompromised which makes everything harder…)


So happy to be stepping down as treasurer of our road association. Goodness. Whoever heard of a board of directors being composed of all members of an organization? It’s nuts. But I’m done speaking up.


I’m hoping they aren’t turning this into something it is not but it looks like it is already happening with support from the top.

Met a friends today who lives a plane ride away. She was in town visiting with her son and his family. Because of the pandemic, she hadn’t seen them in person for over a year. It was obvious that despite video calls, her 2 and a half year old grandson didn’t know her. It was so sad to me.

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It just dawned on me that it is 9:55pm and someone is outside cutting their lawn. What the heck?!

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recognition is nice.


Cost of a lemonade at the stand down the street: 50 cents.
Being able to buy a lemonade from the kids down the street: priceless.


Sports parents are the worst. There’s so much crap talking by certain dads that don’t like that their kid is a bench warmer. Listen, how much someone plays or doesn’t play is up to the coaches.

Yes, I know my son had an off day. But whether the coach takes him out or not is up to him. And no, I really didn’t appreciate you taking jabs at my kid’s playing. I say nothing when your kid messes up.


Facebook Marketplace, you’re driving me crazy, constantly pushing pushing pushing the stuff to be shipped. I can shop the internet for stuff to be shipped, FB marketplace is where I want to find local deals, but you make it so difficult.


Just stop. There are many wonderful men and women police officers who risk their lives each and every day to protect us. Thank you for all you do.


I’d answer that one a thousand times if I could.

“We don’t need the money, but it would be nice to get it. So I am going to push for more.” I understand, but I am really happy that I don’t have to deal with that anymore. It’s exhausting.


Thank you, Captain Obvious!!


Do you really work for a title company? Remind me never to use your company if I ever need one. I gave you the date, liber and page for the release of lien. I told you that the county mislabled it as discharge of mortgage. You can go online and see it … I am not going to provide the document to you. Go get it yourself - that is what your client is paying you to do. I am a volunteer for a homeowner’s association, lady.

Wow, I think you’re still batting 1000 in recent years on canceling our dates. Knowing your history, I even texted you early this morning to see if we were still on, and you said, yes, you were looking forward to it and you would be here between 10:30 and 11 am. So I got everything picked up and made sure I was ready. At 10:45, you texted and asked if we could reschedule, since your back is hurting after a fall on the ice in January. Sure, whatever. This is why I haven’t seen you in years.

People are going to believe what they want to believe. Justify their decisions and make their moves smooth and tidy. If you’re so confident WHY do you constantly justify your decisions?

Drives me insane.


I prefer the preschools stay in the hands of the thousands of private owners rather than be controlled by Uncle Sam.


So many posts to write on this thread. So little time!


My heart is full tonight. I feel optimistic.