Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I think I have responded the right way but, honestly I just don’t get it :pensive:

I am jealous of my boy mom friends whose sons have girlfriends. The girlfriends make sure the sons do something for their moms for Mother’s Day. I will get a text from ds - that’s it. Is it really that hard to purchase and mail a card???


It looks as if this terrible situation will be ending soon (fingers crossed). We will no longer have to spend time and money as well as mental and emotional energy on this.
Unfortunately it has resulted in a permanent family rift and that damage will not be undone. And, it never should have happened at all.


As a Longhorn, I’m crying tonight. Jake Ehlinger, the younger brother of UT QB Sam Ehlingher, who was drafted by the Colts five days ago, was found dead this afternoon (no suspicion of foul play). Sam and Jake’s dad passed away from a heart attack in 2013 during a triathlon in San Francisco. Very similar to my friend up here who lost a husband to cancer and a son to suicide just a few years apart. I can’t even stand it.

My nephew who took his life in 2015 would have turned 26 on Saturday. This story will be all over the news in Austin, so it will be very rough on my sister.

Jake Ehlinger


I know you don’t like me. Guess what – the feeling is mutual.

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My husband and I have not stepped foot into a local mall since before the pandemic. He had to go to the Apple store for something and went yesterday to the mall. He said it was scary empty and full legs of the mall are devoid of stores. This is a mall where they still have two of their three department store anchors, I can’t imagine how sad some other malls are where they have lost the majority of their anchor stores.


I really wish you could see life and what’s happening/happened the same way everyone else sees it who knows about it. Your mind making up history back to our wee years to fit your story is wearisome even when I tell people, “It’s ok and I’m fine.” And now you can add, “This is what they said, but they’re dead so there’s no way to confirm it,” as if that makes something you made up true.

It’s not what they said - we all know it because you had no “special talks” and they didn’t tell you different stories - but your mind just wants to believe what it wants to believe. I’m not sure why. What goes wrong inside the brain? I wish there were a fix. I wish we could have sibling fun as we did in the old days.

I point out the written known truth - in a lawyer’s letter - in the wills - and you still insist on placing blame on your son even though he had nothing to do with it. You said you hope he rots in he–. Honestly, I can’t believe God looks too favorably on you the way you show “motherly love.” There’s a reason mom and dad both told me to take care of him once they’re not around to do so.

Did I mention I wish there were a fix? (sigh)

At least I’m on your naughty list for who knows how long. I guess that will give me a break - if only I could stop dwelling on it.


Zoom session with about 35 people, many of whom do not know each other and getting together for this special session. So you want us to introduce ourselves with our preferred pronouns.? Maybe I’m just not that “woke” yet, but it made me very uncomfortable. The folks who want to share their pronouns already did so in the zoom name subtitles. So why are you forcing us to make it part of our verbal intro? At any rate - there is no reason for me to refer to anybody there by a pronoun anyway - it’s 35 people in squares. If I am going to be referring to someone, it’s going to be by their name. Sheesh.


Lot of pressure on you meeting the time lines of that huge government contract. Praying for your success and some stress relief for your peace of mind.

One of my bffs closed on her house of 20+ years today and is moving OOS. It made me teary so I don’t know why I think that I can do the same one day.


I wonder if surgeons consider the unintended consequences of their advice. Next time I’ll go prepared with many more questions and will probably be considered a problem patient. Not everything requires a surgical solution.

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I without reservation will continue to follow the rules/protocol of Covid but I have to say, I’m kinda done talking and dissecting it.


You got a new job! Very happy for you! Now let’s fix some other things.


How is it that people can be so sure their opinions are right that they think the end justifies the means?



Um…no. I don’t offer extra credit at the end of the semester because you failed the final exam. This is not high school. Read the syllabus.

I offered you the opportunity to rewrite the major essay so you could improve the D- you earned on it. You couldn’t be bothered. I offered extra credit on the last response paper if you went to see a writing tutor in the University Writing Center before handing it in. You “didn’t have time” and were happy with the C- you earned. So you expect me to bend over backwards so you can pass the course because you just decided you’re concerned about your grade NOW?

Sorry. It’s not my fault your athletic eligibility is in danger.

Here’s a tip for next semester: Do the work and care about your grade BEFORE you fail the course.


How can you not accept your own child? How could you post that on Mother’s Day?

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You do!!! Its right here. Say It Here Because You Can’t Say It Anywhere Else- Venting Thread (HS Edition) - Pre-College Issues / High School Life - College Confidential Forums

and so do the college kids . Say it here cause you can’t say it directly (College Version) - College Life - College Confidential Forums

This one is for the parents :slight_smile: