Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Comparing vaccine mandates to Hitler is disgusting. Of course its the Christian mom who used IVF to have 3 babies in 15 months.


So Dā€™s wedding next weekā€¦ much smaller due to number OOS and having to fly family/friends of the groom. But we are forging ahead. Then last week a deer hit my car, so down a vehicle that canā€™t be fixed for a month. Last night H fell and is in the hospital. bP went low due to medication we think he missed. Think he will be out tomorrow but I am exhausted and stressed and hoping we are now ā€œpre-disasteredā€. I donā€™t think I can handle morešŸ˜Ÿ

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Great to see almost everyone at the grocery wearing masks even though itā€™s not required.


And some of you really want to take this upon yourselves.

20 years ago tomorrow I went to work at the WTC and felt safe, confident and eternally optimistic.

I have never felt the same again.

To the family, friends and colleagues that were lost, their loved ones, and the countless among us that have suffered related illness we miss you, stay strong and we will not forget!!


Iā€™m beginning to think youā€™re gaslighting me. Either that, or youā€™re really incompetent.


Itā€™s called deflection. Instead of addressing the real issue, blame someone else.


20 years ago tomorrow, I dropped my daughter off for her fourth day of Kindergarten at PS130 in Chinatown. I am still grateful for the principal and staff of her school for somehow holding it together for two days until all the parents could get back to pick up the last kid. I donā€™t know if I could have done so, knowing how our world as New Yorkers was falling apart.


Having graduation 16 months after the fact isnā€™t as bad as I thought. Instead of being sad that itā€™s the last day that they are here with friends at school, itā€™s more like a big happy reunion. And we couldnā€™t have asked for a better day weather wise. I am glad they did it and all came. And my S has probably one of the few grandmas that was able to find the live view at home, screen capture her grandkid getting his diploma and email/text it to everyone. She got a better view than we did.


So proud and at the same time heartbroken, to see my friendā€™s 27 year old daughter read names today at the official 9/11 memorial service. She spoke beautifully and lovingly about her father. My husband and I could not hold back our tears (and neither could she as she spoke). Her father would be so proud of the lovely young lady she has become. We must never forget!


You are correct: You really do live like children. Iā€™m embarrassed for you.

No matter how much you try to help, itā€™s never enough in the minds of some people. Itā€™s really hurtful when one of those people are supposedly your good friend.

She finished and is alive!! :slight_smile:


So bizarre reading a book with a character with my married surname. Itā€™s not a common name at all and not found in the part of the US where the author resides. Maybe theyā€™re a fan of the sport one relative played, but itā€™s been a long time since he was pro. Iā€™m not sure that Iā€™ll be able to read the next book in the series where theyā€™ll be a main character.


She is excited. I need to get excited for her, but Iā€™m just tired.


Soon to be ex sister in law,
Iā€™m sorry you and my husbandā€™s brother are divorcing after 32 years. Iā€™ve tried not to contact you while you were going through the divorce.

But you blocked me and my children on Facebook! I get me I guess even though Iā€™m not the one telling your soon to be ex what you are up to. But my kids? Are they not your niece and nephew anymore? Guess not :cry:

She had such a bad day today, the first day of in office was all messed up with not enough space for all the team members, Then a neighborā€™s pot smell made her sick.

Partially shameless brag, but mostly nostalgiaā€¦ I mentioned how my mom is digitizing and posting all of our old audio tapes from childhood through college. Sheā€™s getting toward the end now. This morning, she posted me playing with a symphony after winning the state collegiate concerto competition - the first non-music major to do so. (I was a civil eng major.) I had just turned 20. Hā€™s parents came to the performance. It was the first time they met my parents and grandparents. It was the last time my grandfather ever heard me play. And H proposed to me the following weekend. This morning was the first time I ever heard this recording. I didnā€™t know it existed. And did I mention today is my birthday?


Sorry we are so heartless. Dragging stuff we donā€™t want or need 13 hours from your place to ours, just so you can feel like we cared enough to take the furniture that should have been tossed years ago, is out of the question. Weā€™d just throw it away when we got it home, because it really isnā€™t in good condition. Just because we donā€™t want your stuff doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t love you. We will never lay a ridiculous guilt trip like that on our kids.


I am just so disappointed. We all fell in love with you in 2018 and weā€™re thrilled beyond belief when D20 was admitted ED. Last year was a train wreck but it wasnā€™t your fault. This year is a train wreck, too, but itā€™s the fault of the administration and their terrible policies. I hate that we are already counting down the days until she graduates.

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