Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

My neighbor had a party yesterday. He came over to invite me saying ‘there’s going to be 50 to 60 people there’. I almost replied “No, I don’t want to come to your superspreader event”, but I was nice and declined more politely.


This morning I was doing some generalized *itching about how my usual routine is being thrown off this week for a variety of reasons. Then I found out a neighbor has an aggressive form of leukemia and will be receiving chemo 24/7 in the hospital for four weeks to hopefully put her in remission and then to hopefully be able to receive a bone marrow transplant.

Perspective is super important. Gonna stop my *itching now.


So sick of hearing bad news.

I know it’s selfish, but I have problems too.


I hate drones. So does that gator, apparently!


Yep, with wedding a few weeks away, I get hit BY a deer coming into neighborhood. It’s a 2012 and I’m afraid they’ll total it. I totally hate the current styling of cars and hate idea of having to pick from what happens to be available.

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OK advertisers with pop up ads. I am now boycotting your product or service. Pop up ads are almost as annoying as robo calls.


To the thieves that stole my D’s catalytic converter this weekend. May karma smite you … HARD! Unfortunately, I’ll never get to enjoy the schadenfreude I would experience if I knew it happened.


I’ve been learning German from scratch with Duolingo. I love it but some of the sentences crack me up. I can now say:

My dog is unemployed. He has only one eye.

My plants love to eat meat. Is that bad?

And now I always tell H: I don’t love you. I only love mayonnaise. :joy:


I’ve been waiting for karma since 2012. A small bit of karma happened, in 2019, but it wasn’t enough. I must be a very bad person to wish for you what I’m wishing.


I’m so glad I don’t live in that state. What a crazy governor.


I’m so glad I don’t have to rely on them for my education. Sheeesh.

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I have been upset because my computer died. I took it to the Geek Squad today and the woman next to me was trying to get her laptop to work. The power cable had been underwater, and all she needed was a new cable. However, her whole house was flooded with several feet of water and she needs to replace her car, all of her furnishing, etc. I have nothing to complain about in comparison!


Sooo, OK, the solution is simple…we’ll eliminate rape! Brilliant!

If that’s so easy, isn’t it kind of criminal that you guys have allowed it to continue for thousands of years?

What about consensual acts…are y’all suddenly going to zip it up except for purely procreation purposes?

Didn’t think so.


Finally, we get to go away for just a couple of days, and weather doesn’t cooperate. Hopefully we will get some dry time.

So happy! My wife just received the National Visa Center email stating her mother has been approved for an immigrant visa interview! The process to legally immigrate is painfully slow and expensive. It has taken 2 full years just to reach the interview stage.


Just saw a video clip on tv showing parents at a nearby high school, which has a mask mandate, urging their maskless kids to push past administrators to get into school. What is wrong with people???


A sweet family of 6 accidentally hit my car in the baseball parking garage last weekend - they waited around until we got to our car to give us their insurance info. 4 grade school kids in the car, husband asked how they were fairing in GA’s schools - parents said all 4 are in an Atlanta private school that requires masking, as they did last year. They have never had a sick teacher, nor student. The students all wear masks, the teachers all wear masks, the parents and vendors coming into the school all wear masks - they don’t know they aren’t supposed to be able to breathe and that their rights are somehow lost in their wellness. Oh, how nice and normal and dramaless!


Not this week. Or this month. Maybe this year but it seems as if it will never end…

Quoting Denzel Washington:

"If you hang around with 5 confident people, you will be the 6th.

If you hang around with 5 intelligent people, you will be the 6th.

If you hang around with 5 millionaires, you will be the 6th.

If you hang around with 5 idiots, you will be the 6th."


How do we get from, “I am sorry I can’t get together tonight because I have a (cold, flu, stomach virus)” to “I am sorry I can’t get together because I tested positive for Covid.”