Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

You are two peas in from the same pod.

I was trying to read a thread that I hadn’t visited for a few days and kept getting bumped back up to an earlier post because of the blasted pop-up ad on the lower right. This was after having to repeatedly close another ad on the upper left that often covers part of the forum. It’s been a problem for too long. I enjoy Parent CafĂ©, but not when these glitches contribute to my high blood pressure.


I keep reading threads and then being bumped back up to where I began that day, be it 10 or 100 posts back. I am starting to glance at which post number I am reading, what the heck CC?


Thank your for thanking your mom and dad. No Schitts Creek, Sherlock. We the ‘rents will always helicopter you.


Wow, I sure saw a lot of Emmy award winners this time around. That’s what a new computer, faster modem, and a pandemic can do for television watching habits.


Jaxson Dart. Nice job!

Seriously, a FB ad for breast enhancement?! Oh, FB, you may THINK you know me 
 but clearly, you do not.


TIAA, I am not twelve years old. I’m not scared of money. I know you’re trying to rob me, it’s what you do. And I don’t like you either, and I wouldn’t be here if I had a choice about it. Just put the plan documents, pointers to relevant IRS publications, and prospectuses on an easily-accessible page, get out of here with your thirsty annuity marketing and stop sending me insulting sales messages about kittens or whatever.


She did it!!! Wow.


$228,000 per taxpayer

and increasing
.talk about debt that will crush the next generation.


Is she really the mayor of a major city?!


lol at the Beatles in the PBS documentary about Muhammad Ali.

May today be a better news day for you both. It is time for something to give and good karma to flow in your direction. :pray:t3: :heart:


All of you Medicare supplement and Hearing Aid companies:

Mom died over two years ago now. You need to update your mailing list or the company you get the list from. She’s not coming back. All you’re doing is making me either irritated or sad - or both.

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The national debt rose by $8 trillion during the previous administration. I wonder what’s different now. It’s almost like some people want the economy to collapse. :thinking:


Remember you telling me “it’s just the flu” and “no one is really getting sick from this”? Remember me saying, “Yes, but your decisions impact others”? It’s hard not to say I told you so. I just hope the impact doesn’t get any more serious than it already is. I am trying to be the bigger person but it’s getting harder and harder as it becomes clear you are still not going to take any responsibility here.

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My :broken_heart: for her parents, siblings and friends. I simply can’t imagine the anguish they must be going through. RIP.

Faking cancer is so low. We’re onto you and hope to “out” you soon.

You are not 15 anymore.

If any of my careful, vaccinated family or friends die of COVID, I am going to be super freaking angry!