Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

A friend has parents who got Covid before vaccinations were available (assisted living facility), and subsequently got vaccinated in late 2020. Both parents got breakthrough Covid lady week; her dad died Monday, her mom was admitted w/Covid pneumonia last night. My heart is so sad for her.

Oh, more lying? Of course thereā€™s more lying!


Son borrows car #2 because his is in the shop. No problem.

The day before we leave for a much anticipated mini-vacation, car #1 develops a loud and ominous clunk in one of the front wheels/suspension. Trip cancelled.

Can we reschedule in a week or two? Of course not! Wifeā€™s work schedule and holiday in a couple of weeks make it impossible.


So glad you had a nice time on your first date in 6 months. Happy to hear that you hit it off and there will be a second date!


You ran over your buddy with your boat while you were drunk. Heā€™s dead. Is up to 4 years in prison enough to make up for that? Nope, decidedly not.

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Another relative dead of Covid, this time my 95yo uncle. He lived with his son, the doctor. The whole family is unvaccinated. So, so sad.

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I was worried about an old friend when I heard about the mass shooting in Tennessee. My friend is okay, but her friend went to the grocery store today and never made it home. When will this madness end??

I am so tired of selfish people.


You said results in 3-4 hours. Itā€™s 8 hours and crickets.

Fire him!!!

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Itā€™s not just poor execution of the offense. It is just a bad offense.

You have covid and you are out running errands. ā– ā– ā–  is wrong with you. You literally donā€™t know how you caught it but itā€™s probably exactly from reckless behavior just like yours!


Neighbor, neighbor, neighbor.

Youā€™re really nice people and I like you and your kids. But youā€™ve moved into a quiet lower-middle-class neighborhood, into a house built for fewer people than you have because you want to live Europeanly, and you also have high aspirations for your earnings and your children. Our walls are thin, the backyards are basically for show, and Iā€™ve been treated to your kidsā€™ very loud recreating, and Dadā€™s trying to coach them, for nearly two years now as Iā€™ve been trying to work and sleep. Iā€™ve been trying to be nice about your wildly unrealistic ideas about backyard chickens and how much Iā€™ll enjoy their being 20 feet from my bedroom after Iā€™ve been up all night working because itā€™s the only time I know I wonā€™t have your kids screaming in my ear. (Why, why are they so loud? Nobody elseā€™s kids are this loud. In decades.) I canā€™t keep wearing the noise-cancelling headphones all the time, itā€™s starting to affect my hearing. And really, stop bugging me about the chickens, the answer is going to stay no.

Your kids are back in school, the supeā€™s won the right to tell everyone to mask up, your wife makes a jillion dollars and youā€™re a man of leisure. Itā€™s time now to be more considerate of neighbors. Turn the volume down on your voice when youā€™re on the phone 15ā€™ from my home office window and itā€™s the middle of the workday. Teach your kids that neighbors also want to enjoy their homes and that this level of noise is not okay. Teach the younger one new ways of dealing with not having her turn on the swing or with a toy immediately besides emitting ear-splitting shrieks. Please tell them both not to climb on the fence: itā€™s old and it wonā€™t support their weight, and I canā€™t get it replaced this year; thereā€™s a wood shortage. It is not time to get angry when asked to be more considerate and start hacking away at my apple tree in ways that split the branches. Yes, I did say that you could prune the limbs that extend over your property, but thereā€™s no need to be savage about it.

Iā€™m doing my best not to just flinch when I see your kids outside at this point. Itā€™s not their fault. Theyā€™re nice kids. But theyā€™ve been incredibly stressful to live next to for a long time now. Iā€™ve dealt with it because they were in a terrible situation, but itā€™s better now. Please help them reel it in. If theyā€™re this loud in my house, theyā€™re also this loud in the three other houses adjacent.

You have lots of money and can afford to move to the sort of place you actually want to live in. At this point Iā€™d rather have a family with a dog that barks all the time. At least thatā€™s the same noise consistently and easier to block out.

I am incredibly tired and had hoped to catch up on sleep last night. Nope.


Iā€™m so angry I could cry. Iā€™ve waited 8 months for the wood flooring. Two young men, the sons of the man who installed the floors in the rest of my house, did the installation. They asked which direction to lay the wood in home office and M bedroom, and pushed to go with the length of the room. Two neighbors came by, even my cleaning woman, and knew that was wrong. It was easier for them, with less cuts. It took me 5 minutes on the internet to realize these rooms should follow the pattern of the rest of the house.
They took advantage of my naivety . They convinced me which direction to go. I used the same mom&pop store that I used before. Yes, Iā€™ll pay the balance, but you will receive my letter and the internet article, with the check. I may just CC it to our mutual friend, who happens to be an attorney. Will you make these young men come and redo these 2 rooms? I doubt it. I honestly donā€™t know what to do. I will never trust any workman again.


I hate that I lied to my friend about not feeling great to avoid going to her daughterā€™s engagement party. But after seeing the pre event photos, including 14 people in the limo going to the very large party, I know I made the right choice. I would have been the only person in a mask most likely, and already did this with a smaller party she had. Luckily, her family has been spared getting sick, and they all jet set all over the place, and never stopped going to events, restaurants, and venue. Maybe I take this a bit too far, but I want to continue seeing my elderly mother, kids and grandkids. If I have to miss an event with unmasked people, so be it. I am just sorry I can not tell my friend the truth.


Dear Grand Pup,
Itā€™s been fun having you, and youā€™re a good girl, but I wonā€™t be sorry giving you back to ā€œmomā€ and ā€œdadā€ this afternoon.
*If I owned a dog, one of the first things I would do is at least partially fence my back yard.


My dear friend, itā€™s so hard to see you suffering from Alzheimerā€™s. And you turn 61 in a few days. :cry: Itā€™s also hard to see your husband trying to come to terms with your diagnosis. He wants all of us to take a trip to Europe together but itā€™s too late for that. You canā€™t even put your shoes on without help and were wearing unmatching shoes last night (not sure why your husband didnā€™t spot that sooner). Ugh.


Lots of dead-horse-beating around here!


Ugh- I put my foot in my mouth again - canā€™t get this right