Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

It’s been over 3 years since dad died. 3 YEARS. You’re supposed to be taking care of his estate. All I get are texts with how much cleaning you’ve done and how much progress you’ve made. Then I get texts blaming your son for why you can’t do any more, because he won’t let you on the property he’s supposed to inherit for you to inventory and get “our” things out. You’re living in the place I’m supposed to inherit and the neighbor wants to buy.

So how come when we drop in to give you some last items from mom’s estate that I’m finishing up after she died 2 years ago, dad’s house doesn’t look ANY different than it did after he died? Ok, there are small differences. You’ve filled it with VCR tapes so you can watch movie after movie while you’re “cleaning” and the bathroom looks nice. But dad’s prescription meds are still on the dresser! And the whole place other than the bathroom is a hoarder mess complete with paths and no where to put the boxes we brought you other than on top of other junk on the floor and couch. How can you sit there staring at it all and it not give you the heebie jeebies?

And how in the world can you blame your son for not making any progress - he lives on a totally different property! You still have to do “my” house! (That I’ve told you you can have, but…) When I ask you if you’ve sold anything else other than the one comforter and guns you sold some time ago you just say you “could have sold” things at the other property, but you can’t get to them. What about what’s HERE?


I’m literally stunned. I expected a mess, but not that. Definitely not that.

Dad, you have no idea how sorry I am that I turned you down when you asked me to be executrix. :cry: I need to stay far away from there and just let her live her life. Can you work it out that her son gets his place somehow?

ETA: Anyone want to see “my” house from the front door?

Or maybe looking in a different direction? (sigh)

So happy things are back to normal for my daughter - she is planning Friendsgiving with her friends after missing last year!


In another thread, someone wrote:

“It’s not very healthy for a parent to live vicariously through their children.”

But, this is College Confidential; we must protect our heritage and our way of life.


Who ARE these people Facebook thinks I might know??? I used to see friends of friends in the suggestions, but lately, there doesn’t seem to be any connection whatsoever. I don’t act on FB’s friend suggestions, anyway, but it’s just becoming kind of creepy.


Wow, I had no idea that furniture chains were so local. Only one of the ones I have visited in NJ will ship to MA.

The woman who gave my husband his covid shot in Walgreens yesterday was very pregnant. When he asked her when she was due, she replied probably today or tomorrow - she had been having contractions all morning. So he got a shot from a woman in labor!


Pathological lying …you really can’t help yourself.

Is it a full moon??? :eyes:


I have, once again, successfully tested and proven:

  1. Dogs love fresh cooked roasted chicken; and that

  2. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you is advice that should be respected by all regardless of race, religion, creed, or breed.


Each week brings another reason for us to wonder how you’re successful as a custom home builder. When was the last time you looked at the plans? Do you ever check on your subs’ work?
Can you read a measuring tape? Can any of your subs read plans or measuring tapes? ARGH!

So now you’re going to sue all three lawyers and the judge… Good luck with that I suppose.

Sooner or later is there any hope that you’ll see it’s not really the rest of the world that is wrong? It just might be you who needs to change?

I’m truly sorry you’ve been crying all day. So many people have been trying to give you advice, but you totally refuse it, only listening to your online friends who have no idea what the real story is. And even now, you can’t see reality about this or a few other things in your life. I honestly feel for you. I don’t know what the solution is for you to have a happy life.


“Are we missing anything?” Prof. Verandah asks, bullet-pointedly. Well, yes. A spine, I suppose. Any idea what that tenure you worked so hard to get might be used for, apart from keeping you home and dry, wearing thousand-dollar specs and Lily. Like speaking up about how administration are treating the lives and health of everyone on campus, and why.

And what a waste. I understand all the usual academic sins if you’re actually going to have some fun. Run around like a fool having affairs, drink too much, take all the upgrades, give the dean panic attacks, develop merry prankster programs that turn out to be the most important thing going in your neck of the academic woods. But this? You do it all for meetings and the next crushingly unreadable proposal to the provost so that you can get another slice of cash for some other useless, unintelligible project? I just can’t with you anymore.

New phrase: health smugness.


I cannot believe that he shot three people and then got out on low bail and went to a party.

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Fire his butt!! Religious exemption, my rear end. :angry:


Are there any installers around here who don’t have criminal records as long as your arm? I swear, all I’m looking for is someone who actually knows how to do the job, won’t freak out with nerves when things don’t go perfectly, and hasn’t been caught drunk driving or trespassing or beating someone up lately.


Oh Russell… I’m so sorry. Hope your finger heals fast. Screw football. Hope you are going to be able to use your hand 100% just like before the injury.

To any employer in this position… what is your plan B when your star quarterback gets injured?!! Just think about it! Do you have a plan?


Buckle up. SWA is just the start…sigh


Again, after a month of being OK, neighboring apartment tenant smoking pot at 2 am and stinking up my daughter’s apartment. UGH!!!

You do not know if it contributed to the death but still you see it preached here constantly.