Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I find the pop up ads and the site bouncing around really annoying.


Sending Positive thoughts, prayers and all that is good for a very special person who will be getting test results later today. :heart: :pray:t3:

You left behind a husband, two kids, and three grandchildren because you refused the vaccine and only in your early 60’s. Was it worth it?

It sounds like their tails are on fire, and their left hands do not know what their right feet are doing! :angry:

So tired of these shootings.


 this is like watching the USSR Olympic team creaming Krakozhia minor league. Ugh!!!


Oh, my. Babies in our family don’t usually have much hair until they are older. I swear, there is nothing wrong with a 9 month old who doesn’t have a full head of hair yet. SIL is having a heck of a time convincing his middle eastern mom that his little girl is fine & will eventually have more hair! :wink:


Have mercy! Why do you all burn pizza??!?? Why?

Can Temporary Insanity Due To College Applications be a legal defense?


Oldest child just “oh-by-the-way”ed that he applied for graduation yesterday. Stopped me in my tracks. It’s like I blinked and 4 years passed.


The gift of the last 18 months is a simple black and white world. It has granted us permission to let loose our tribal nature. It is a simple world. We know who too venerate and who to denigrate. Makes the day so much easier
you wake up confident in your own righteousness
 You KNOW - You bad. Me good. Unless of course it’s Me bad. You good. Still, binary is easy. Clearly it’s what ‘we’ want.

I watched the 60 Minutes segment on military members’ problems qualifying for loan forgiveness. Believe it. It’s unacceptable.


The money part’s going to be tricky, but everything else is fine. I have to laugh about the gods’ flipping me off the suburban-middle-class carpet as soon as the kid went off to college and shouting NOW GET BACK TO YOUR WORK, YOU RAISED THE KID LIKE A CHAMP ON YOUR OWN AND SHE’S GREAT, BUT NOW YOU’RE PRACTICALLY OLD AND YOU HAVE NO TIME TO SPARE: GO GO GO, GO BE YOURSELF AGAIN.

Okay, okay
But I mean can’t I pay my house off first? No? Fine, stop shoving

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Well, THAT"s an odd coincidence


And to think, if you had just gotten the free vaccine, you wouldn’t have all these underlying issues exacerbated and you will now have to deal with for the rest of your life :cry:


I stink at waiting.

N.B. This may be a repeat post. Guess I’ll never improve in that regard.

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Instagram went down today. Millions of HS students freaked out as they did not know how they were going to build their non-profit. :rofl:


Oh, lovely college parent group on Facebook. The university removes posts that do not reflect the values of the community and yet fails to remove the students from the community that do the things parents post about. Sigh
 Only 2 years and 7 months to go

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Yet another sweet young former teacher friend imploring prayers for a family member. Another under 55 unvaccinated healthy dad in ICU. I’m exhausted by last week’s prayers for our neighbor (who died). I’m really exhausted.