Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

I can not find the photo album withe the pictures from my HS and college years. Looked everywhere. I also can not find 2 gold necklaces.

No idea where these things are. I scares me a bit…

So you took 2 months off….glad there wasn’t any sort of crisis at work requiring your attention.


Tennessee fans. Way to be a bunch of idiots.


Been a frustrating few days for my daughter (and therefore me). Construction in her apartment causing stress, relocated to a hotel (since apartment is a mess), being sick (hopefully not Covid), and having to miss an event today that she was really looking forward to (tough since there have been so few events in the past 2 years).

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The problem with seemingly getting everything you’ve asked for, is the fact that all the material things don’t make happiness. Happiness happens from within and it’s sad you’ve never learned that.



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You come in out of nowhere, pedantically make inapposite and half-*** assertions in a discussion you don’t seem to be following all that closely, and when called out you remind everyone where you went to school and become indignant and get your nose bent out of shape. You are one tone-deaf SOB. Please go take a long walk.

FIRED!!! :+1::+1: Good riddance.


Washington State football coach (and 4 assistants) loses a $3 million job over a vaccination.

Police 5 x more likely to die from COVID than from a bullet.

Stupid is as stupid does.


I hope you guys appreciate all I’ve done. Regardless, I’ve enjoyed doing it.


I’m so happy to be at the Kennedy Space Center today. Wish I’d studied aerospace engineering.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Washington State University for doing the right thing! My S19 @ WSU is thrilled to have those coaches gone, terminated for cause.


Now… Go Cougs!! (Says this Husky) :slight_smile:


I almost afraid to say it, but (in a very soft whisper) I think I just filled out my last FASFA


I just saw the house my friend bought. It’s more house than they can possibly need, and it’s ridiculously expensive. I would never have expected her or her H to do that. To each their own, but I don’t get it.


Disagree. They did the wrong thing.

Insurance gate keeper: your company has had his medical records for over a decade with everything about his chronic condition well documented. He should have started this treatment regimen months ago and you’re the hold up. If he has to go into the hospital, and he likely will if his treatment doesn’t begin soon, it will cost you far more than paying for these treatments. The latest letter is the last straw. Your suggestion of a cheaper treatment demonstrates that you have no understanding of the condition or his medical needs. Thank goodness his specialist has not yet retired and will raise Cain.

Don’t send your kid to school sick and then brag about it on social media that he’s such a “tough kid.” No, he’s not tough, your family is being selfish.


Hopefully just one more day of this and then it will be over


In a world where I feel that so many things are off course, at least one thing was done right today - Mary Berry became a Dame for services to broadcasting, the culinary arts and to charity. I miss her on The Great British Baking Show.