Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Bring it on!

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Laughing hysterically

when you realize you know someone IRL and posts about dear kiddo are impressively exaggerated


Recalled onions? Ugh, I just bought a big bag.

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Why so constantly negative? Its tiresome. Try saying something positive for a change.


He jumped on his horse and rode off wildly in all directions!

I couldn’t be happier to hear this news. May you rot in

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I think if I’m doing most of the work, it gets done my way, even if it’s slightly frustrating to you
 you’re welcome to spend hours doing things if you’d like.


People of color are apparently less likely to wear a helmet while riding a bike because helmets cost $$. For this reason, people of color are more likely to get cited for not complying with the helmet law. The logical conclusion? Let’s repeal the helmet law!! HELLO?! The law that saves lives? How about the county allocated some $$ to a program offering a free helmet to folks who can’t wear one because it is too expensive for them? Then instead of a citation, the cops would give a warning and info about this program. A repeat offender who refuses to get a helmet and wear it will get a ticket. Helmets do save lives!!!


I thought 2020 was supposed to be the bad year. 2021 was supposed to be an improvement. In the last 3 months, I’ve lost 4 co-workers. And last night, one of my office mates lost their grandson in a car wreck. Whoever is in charge up there - please make it stop.

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SOUTHWEST, you suck! I can’t believe you refunded my points/canceled my reservation, and ALL I GOT was a notice that my points had been refunded. Nothing about why, or what to do next
 And this is for travel in February, not soon.
Good news is it appears that I’m rebooked, but I spent 3ish hours of life dealing with this crap!

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AT&T you are seriously on my last nerve!


Why am I supposed to pay for that?

AT&T I now officially hate you.


Please don’t threaten me that you can get a $500K job down the street. Go right ahead! You’re not that impressive anyway, lack integrity, and you’re sneaky. Oh, and by the way- nobody will want to hire you until you get vaccinated.

And by the way- you don’t think I know you’re really not working yet your mouse jiggler you installed shows “available”- I know you’re not there.


Your drinking is catching up to you again.

Bomb cyclone. :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :scream:


If you are working at a school where there are active outbreaks of COVID, it might have been good to share that BEFORE you came to visit, yes?


My dear dad died yesterday, at age 87. I was my Daddy’s little girl and I adored him. He was the best father teaching me how to fish, canoe, shoot a BB gun (!), make sinkers for fishing, let me raise gerbils, and built me an amazing animal club fort in our backyard looking out over a salt pond, and complete with bunk bed, trap door, and windows.

We bicycled weekly, played card games, chess, and tennis often. He taught me to drive (and to curse😊!), and gave me sips of beer which I never liked the taste of but was happy to try, lol! He protected me, and loved me like no other. I am (too) stubborn like him, and fiercely believe in truth and character like him.

He was my dad. And I miss him so much. He was in pain so I am thankful for morphine and hospice. It was time for him to have peace. But I’m heartbroken. I am thankful that I was able to see him the day he died. And after he passed I was able to have some alone time with him and tell him repeatedly how much I love him.

He was just the best.


Okay, so, like
is this a test? We’ve been friends for a long time, and I know you’re happy ensconced in your rural-military wotsit, but why exactly are you telling me that your mildly autistic kid who goes to no-mask school is hacking away for days, but you’ve decided to send him back to school because he seems to feel fine otherwise? And no word of a covid test, which you can
do? And you’re traveling for another wedding
the mass of contradictions in your it’s-all-me “libertarian”/gritty rhetoric, how you treat your friends and employees IRL, and the risks you take with your health and your kids
it makes my head spin, as does the “I am woman”/anti-feminist combo.


It’s amazing to me that even presented with facts that should be a big wake up call, you continue to make the same mistakes.

Some people never get it and will never get it. Life looks shiny and rosy right now but I’m not sure how this is going to age.