Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS)

Rats. That rental car might have turned into a pumpkin. Dagnabbit. Can you move faster?!!

The frost is on the pumpkins this morning at our Maine cabin. Heading back to Arizona soon. We’ve had a wonderful time here. Can’t believe we get to do this over and over and over


I find it incredibly sad that so much attention is being paid to one unintentional shooting when, on average, 100 Americans are killed by guns every single day.


I have had to listen to more than ten hours (and counting) of heavy equipment work from a dozen trucks and excavators today, as my street is torn up for water lines for a new house. My entire house has been shaking for the last hour+ as an excavator breaks up more pavement and deposits huge chunks into a dump truck. My headache is unreal. My pets are distressed. Legally, they can work from 7 am to 9 pm, and it looks like they’re going to use all that time, as they’re bringing in portable lighting. I want to punch somebody. I really want to punch somebody.


I was first generation to go to college. When I applied to Amherst 45 years ago, that was not a “hook” or an advantage, it was a disadvantage. I was treated like a low-class wannabe by the snobby alum who interviewed me. He looked down his patrician nose at me for being from a working class family, Too bad because he had no idea that I would become a collegiate golfer. He was disgusted by my presence in his posh house. I was rejected in part for my aspirations to pursue a career in health care and educational equity. Go figure. Now, it’s what they want. I am having my kiddo apply just to get in and reject Amherst. You will never be worthy of my student.



Why can’t I edit my post. So freaking frustrated.

Guess it worked :grin:


Sigh. I thought “we” were too old for the mean girl phase. Apparently not.


Nice job, Cougs. Even Huskies approve.


When you advertise a pumpkin carving giveaway with three winners in a drawing, and you get four entries, and two of them aren’t carved but rather decorated pumpkins - how did those two get to be two of the three winners?!


Miserable thank you, how are you?

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When a poster says “I have x schools on my list and want to apply to only half that many-- please help me cut down my list”, why can’t we do that? Why do we offer more schools to consider?

And why, when a poster says “I have talked to my parents and they have assured me cost is not an issue” do we feel compelled to offer advice on affordability?

There are so many really well-informed posters here. Why is it such a struggle to respond to posters’ actual questions?


Holy cow Braves, what a finish!!! One more!!!


ARGH! What did I nag you about for the past two years?? And now, October of her SENIOR year, you are taking her on her first visit to a college
and now want to know how she can get scholarships and grants. Really??? And she goes to a large public HS
don’t tell me that the school never gave you any info. Sorry, dear Sister
but you really dropped the ball 


Freedom of speech is one thing 
 a pilot making a clearly politically charged statement is another thing. Let’s put aside the fact that it’s unprofessional and focus on the fact that airline passenger violence is out of control. Why say something that could cause problems on the flight? It’s not only stupid, it’s dangerous.


Taking your kids out trick or treating while a sibling is home sick with covid is the epitome of selfish and stupid.


I’m old enough to remember when Envy was considered one of the seven deadly sins, instead of a virtue to be proclaimed proudly on social media.


Spent the day with my father in law yesterday, one on one. Alzheimer’s has made quick work of all he’s ever been. The formerly proud man with healthy ego is more like a 6 year old child now. I heard the word “wow” 20 times while driving around. Everything occurs to him now as a first impression. Remembers next to nothing short-term, and losing the long-term quickly. Constant incredibly blunt observations about the physical appearance of others, especially weight. Not altogether inconsistent with who he was, for sure; but now, no filter.

And then he sleeps. And sleeps. And sleeps.

The most startling thing is the noticeable deterioration between visits. A month can really matter now. What this has done to him, and the fall from where he was even 1.5 years ago, is astounding.

If this curse should befall you, know that time is not your friend and you don’t have much of it with the person you once knew. They just slip away and before you know it they’re effectively gone. You think there’s going to be some “point” at which you’ll know you’ve lost them. But there is no such bright line. You just realize it one day
 he’s not really there anymore, and you can’t point to when it happened.

I’m rather sad about it today. I’ve known this man since I was a teenager. What a horrible thing to lose yourself long before your body lets you go.

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I’m an old guy who works in an office of seven. All of the others are between 20-29. Virtually every Monday one of them calls in sick. Is this a generational thing?


I don’t care if you’re 85 and have lived in our little town forever. It doesn’t give you the right to insult people who disagree with your views on growth. I think it’s kind of cute that you think one development in the center of “town” (we don’t even have a traffic light) qualifies as unbridled growth. You need to visit Texas!