Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

You just can’t keep your nose and unwanted advice out, can you?

You dove right into my trap

I’ve got to admit…I would love to know the backstory behind some of these posts. Lol

It sure is tiresome seeing people make sweeping negative assumptions, and smug, mean-spirited generalizations about schools and people they know almost nothing about.

Maybe next time you will listen when told to not carry raw salmon in the woods. Don’t blame the bear it’s what they do.

Speedy recovery.

Stupid and lazy is a deadly combination!!!

Dearest children,
I’m pretty sure you weren’t raised in a barn. But really, neither one of you knew how to dress for your cousins graduation.

D, when you asked, I told you I was wearing the dress I wore last year for another cousins college graduation. You were there. When you asked if your black romper was ok, I said don’t you have a nice maxi dress. I’m sorry ALL of your dresses were in the wash. But don’t tell me I didn’t tell you. And it isn’t a good excuse that your ex was in the pictures from last year so you didn’t look at them. At least you had time to buy something before the ceremony when my sister called you out.

S, no it wasn’t appropriate for your wife to show up in jean capris and a t-shirt. I am pretty sure that both of you have been to graduations before.

Wow it getting on my nerves how unsophisticated you are…I grew up much like you and at your age I was a lot more polished. Your diet consists of pizza, chicken, and hamburgers and at age 32 is totally annoying. Your wife wants to go to our amazing restaurants but you end up at a hamburger joint.
You make a reservation in an out of the way town without asking— no one ever stays there, it is not near the beach or the places you want to see.
You want to move here but will never get hired. I know your presentation is partially why you have not la need a position in desirable places so fa.
And sadly you are going to end up divorced I predict. You use marijuana way too much. And I had to tell you not to drive our car after edibles? Seriously? I almost wish you would get stopped and questioned.

Wow, you know my son is ill and you still posted a joke about mental hospitals on Facebook. Thank you for removing it but I’ve lost some respect for you. Along with the two mutual friends who replied with laughing emoticons.

Waiting to find out if you’re getting the job is stressful, even if you’ll still be employed either way.
Knowing the job was yours to lose, but you didn’t do a great interview makes it worse.

Oh, my gosh (trying not to use profanity), another friend, unconnected to the first, just posted the same mental hospital joke on Facebook.

I wrote a new post, explaining why it’s so inappropriate and asked people to share. I pointed out that if you substitute “cancer ward” for “mental hospital,” it doesn’t sound so funny and people would be infuriated. :frowning:

AAARRRRRHHHHHGGGGGGG. Epilators HURT! I think the sounds were heard one county away. Will have to wait to see if this was worth it.

I think people with new puppies and kittens should change their avatars so we can share in the fun.

It’s interesting how strong some people’s opinions can be based only on a Google search of a school that they have never visited or have no connection with.

Too many people choose schools for the clout instead of whether the school will help them in the future or not.

Alabama is a good school, but golly, the cult-like following on CC is really way over the top.

Dear Daughter, did it not occur to you last night that the calluses on your feet are there for a good reason? And why did you decide this was a good time to find out what silky-smooth baby feet feel like…two weeks before we will be hitting city pavements and rugged trails for hours per day on our much-anticipated summer trip? AARGH, I will NOT have sympathy for your blistered extremities! And no complaints!!! It’s boot camp for you (literally!) to toughen them up before we fly out!

Well, the huge banquet honoring mom and another man went off very nicely. Sadly, as they were leaving, neither mom nor dad could remember why they were at the dinner or that it was to honor mom. We have all talked with them about it all week and there was a big article in the Sunday paper about it last week. Scary and sad!

Praying for my dear friends as they endure the unimaginable pain of burying their only S this week - a victim of suicide. He was a lovely young man who was successful in his life and career… oh my, the devastation they all must be feeling. Their only D is to be married next weekend - I pray that the young couple, their parents, family and friends will have a blessed day filled with joy. I don’t know how this can happen, but this is my prayer - to celebrate S’s life and then celebrate D’s future life with her new husband. “With God, all things are possible,” will be my mantra for us all as we go through this week. Dear CC family, please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers as well.

I wonder what her family thinks about you.