Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

A bunch of us were visiting a relative this weekend. One of the younger people took my and my H’s toothbrush home with them.

Doesn’t bother us, we have more.

I’m debating whether I should inform the thief?

LOL, you work for the company, but your mother is the one to tell you their systems are down :slight_smile:

I would have brought in a dumpster and loaded everything in it. I understand it feels like erasure, but honestly most of it is worthless. I’m glad there were 3 of us there for you today.

My lisfranc foot had been doing quite well 10 months post surgery but the last few days it has been hellashesly painful on and off. Like gasp (screech occasionally) out loud painful if I put my foot down wrong. When I feel the top of my foot It almost feels like the screws or plate have come loose or broken. I’m supposed to be flying to England to visit my brother in just over 3 weeks and this is making me very nervous.

And a little bit of Deja Vu as it was on the amazing trip with my brother back to our roots in Zambia that I tore my lisfranc almost a year ago

What to do what to do!

Another day closer

Bunch of lemmings just go jumping off the worse case scenario cliff whenever the subject comes up. SMH.

You really do have too much time on your hands!

The reason I keep snacks in my bedroom is to keep you from eating them all. How dare you now go through my dresser drawers to find them.

Time for me to go on a diet I guess. 

Not sure which is more challenging- being at the height where people’s backpacks are right at my face height, or that the person next to me for this 5 hr flight has really smelly food!

If you had paid attention to me, this would not have happened.

Don’t remember so many indecisive kids on CC. Admits in hand, in a tizzy. Or regretting the choice made.

It was nice that a friend called to thank me for recommending my private college counselor and let me know his daughter is going to a great LAC. He said they wouldn’t have known about LACs if it weren’t for the counselor.

I think I need to get out of my comfort zone. Now I have to figure out what I mean by that.

I love that I have this place to vent, because no one really wants to hear me continue to complain about this subject.

Thanks for letting me know how little you value my contributions. You can pretend that you understand, you can pretend that you respect me and the job I do. However, actions speak louder than words. It’s getting harder and harder to maintain my professional composure, but I promise you I will. I will not stoop to your level or acknowledge your disrespect. In the end, I truly hope karma bites you you-know-where.

Sis, can’t you be a wee bit more considerate of others? I’m missing MIL’s funeral to be here with mom. FIL is likely dealing with congestive heart failure. Mom has had close to 6 liters of fluid drained this week alone. Our son’s wedding is less than two weeks away. Do you seriously think I care about your lawn mower woes made worse because you’re too “distrustful” to ask a neighbor to help even though he’s offered more than once? No, you don’t need to make a 4-6 hour run downstate to get another lawn mower. No I don’t need to find someone to sit with mom so I can take care of your 8 cats and water your plants. You anger me by even asking.

While driving my mom in her car, I contacted Onstar to get directions to the Lyndon B. Johnson National Park. The operator hesitated after I asked. He couldn’t find it. My mom whispered, “Spell the first name for him.” I did so, and he said, “Oh! There it is…” I really don’t think he knew who LBJ was. Scary. :frowning:

Why didn’t I just click on “National Donut Day”?

Hope the four idiots who got rescued today will have to pay for their fancy helicopter ride off the mountain so we all don’t have to!!

Your arrogance is astounding.

Fidelity - your website is down, and your customer service is useles. Glad it was not the drop dead date yet. As soon as it is possible, all our funds will be moved OUT to a more reliable brokerage!!!