Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

OMG! Eary sunrise, it’s light at 4:30 and I am pretty sure it is raccoon activity waking the dogs who want to go woof, nope, not letting you out, but also, nope, not getting back to sleep.

I can’t leave for a few days, get sick or just wear out and shut down and expect anything from any of you?

My disappointment is complete.



Naturally this is the perfect time for the clothes dryer to quit working even though it seemed perfectly fine yesterday (sigh).

Leavin’ on a jet plane tomorrow to go see ds!! Haven’t seen him since Christmas! Can’t wait! Squeeeeeeeee!

I hate jet lag!

Really? Don’t come here and basically ask others to do your google searching for you!

I would like to start a secret society that conspires to get people here overly impressed with Northwestern, Tufts, Ithaca and Oberlin. Then when the inevitable happens and students start to ask to be chanced for HYPNOTISM we can all giggle.

The air conditioning fix was surprisingly painless and surprisingly didn’t cost a fortune! A relief.

Only $12.50 for the dryer fix (new belt)! Adds more proof that H can fix or replace practically anything too. I love that man (for more than this, of course). Getting together with our early arrivers last night was incredible stress relief. It’s nice getting even a small bit of that.

Then this morning… waking up to texts telling me there were two more, totally new/different, seizure-type episodes overnight. Currently waiting on my dr in training to give me an idea of what’s going on there and really hoping something works out to not have to make the decision between wedding of my lad and death bed of my mom. Of course, “call the doctor to get her idea” advice sent back home is likely to be ignored. Caring, but not capable… Toying with calling myself, but I only have texts to go off of for what happened and stories are sometimes embellished a bit, so who knows? Wolf, or someone crying wolf? If I were there, I’d know.

Wonder what will break today…

Rat jumping off the ship? Can it be a sigh that the ship is finally going to sink?

Good gravy title company lady!! When I run through the numbers with you and point out that there are discrepancies and say I am NOT signing a paper with the wrong numbers on it … Do NOT come back with the statement that I have to sign it and they are rushing for my convenience.

I will not ever sign a blank check and I will not sign incorrect title company papers no matter how much of a rush there is and if it hangs the deal… oh well.

I expect the buyers to blow their stack tomorrow and drop out anyway when they see that we agreed to pay $1500 to the closing costs, not the $7000 … but oh, yeah, our realtor forgot to put that little thing in the addendum, so it was just an agreement between my brother and the realtor and poor buyers don’t see it coming.

Good grief, I feel like giving the dang house away.

What makes you think you and your child and dog can play in our backyard at your pleasure? This is private property!

I’ve told you twice that our room isn’t being properly cleaned. We are on day five at your hotel and our bathroom hasn’t been touched other than to refold towels. Don’t be surprised when I slam the cleanliness on our review.

When you adopt senior dogs, saying goodbye just has to be part of it. RIP Duchess.

Sorry for waking you two up after only five hours of sleep to get to the airport for a ticket counter that won’t open for another hour and a half. Oops.

I’m not sure my dad fully appreciates how much my sister and I have done for him the past three months, but I’m thankful he’s doing better and in good hands. So ticked off at the medical system, though. What a trainwreck. I’m really dreading getting seriously ill or old. :frowning:

Pet food delivery company valued at $15B?!! This market has gone bat crap insane. Meanwhile, they are out of my cats’ favorite litter.

Whatever happened to the Golden Rule? If someone did this to your kid, you’d be crying and playing the victim. I wonder how you can justify it in your mind. You silence people, tell little white lies to try to cover up–which does no good. There are no secrets–mostly because your kid can’t keep quiet. Being honest is better than being caught being unkind and sneaky. This pattern of behavior has gone on for years. Your D is a mean girl and it’s obvious she learned it from you.

Oh dear daughter, adopting a 10 week old puppy when you have just moved to a new state and only a year ago adopted a young cat may not be the wisest move. I really hope you guys will have the patience and persistence to make this work for the animals and the humans. Otherwise I fear I may end up with another cat.