Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I try to stay away from the crazy folks on Twitter, but I found one today! Not proud that I got into a Twitter fight on my daughter’s thread!

What a gorgeous day! I wish I had more stamina for weeding the area that will one day hopefully be a thriving New England perennial garden. I got about 1/3 done. The rest will be there tomorrow.

Youdon’tsay, they are adults and will figure it out themselves. Keep opinions to a minimum.

But, I do have to say, I highly approve of this girlfriend!

I hate having my eye dilated. I can’t even take the dog outside without blinding myself.

Dear husband, it’s their decision to make and even though you are helping them with this project you don’t get to make all the decisions. It’s just paint, it’s just a little $ they might not save - not worth getting riled up about.

Stupid Boccherini earworm

The Verizon Fios TV signal got zapped, still had internet thank goodness, then the dishwasher broke and the AC went out. I hate it when the appliances and services revolt. : (

I can’t beleive I’m leaving an office for cubicle-land, when you asked me to take this job to help. Supposedly it’s temporary, but it makes me cranky. I know there are space issues, and this is a first world problem, but I’m having some “buyer’s remorse.”

I am glad essential oils are helpful for you - but some of us are sensitive to them-ESPECIALLY when they hang around you like a cloud around in a pigpen/charlie brown cartoon…back off them already! I can smell you before I see you!!!

It’s disgustingly hot out there. I had to take you on leash in your own yard to keep you in the shade. You were bred to be smarter than this.

:frowning: sad day, but I am happy for you.

OMG, how much more ridiculous can some of these “posters” be?

Yay for sisters, I guess? For 20-some years, it’s been “you’re so annoying “ and “you stole my clothes “ but now it’s “you know you’re going to be my maid of honor, right?”

What do you think when your 25+ something daughter says she has something to tell you in tears? (Mom, I am pregnant and a lot of other stuff). I was so relieved when she said she had adopted a dog and wanted to know if I was ok with it (we had talked about she would do it until she was out of law school).

The plus side is she also got offered a 2L internship today, which most likely would become her permanent job when she graduates. Just a lot of news for me today.

Petty - there are 2 'r’s in ‘forward’, radio announcer.
Less petty - people with long term chronic back pain should consider that gardening is not the wisest hobby. Or at least, people with long term chronic back pain should stop complaining about their back pain after choosing to do optional tasks like gardening.

When they redesigned this site I wish they had added a dislike button because sometimes I really dislike a post.

Too much “artificial” and too little “intelligence.” ?

The disclosure that someone has breast cancer is not an invitation to tell her all your worst nightmare stories about people you know who have died of the disease. She does not want to hear about your Aunt Sylvie who suffered terribly at the end or your friend who thought she’d beaten it only to have it return a year later. Seriously, just shut up.

I can’t believe he’s had a relapse. This is not good for you and your family. Not to mention your son, the patient.

When I’m dealing with the last two or three days max with my mom according to Hospice, it really isn’t helpful to hear that you know exactly how I feel because you lost your old horse decades ago. I’ve lost horses, cats, dogs, and my dad. People grieve. I grieve even if she’s not totally gone yet. Deal with it and quit telling me about losing your horse. I don’t give a _____ and it sure doesn’t make me feel better. Only time will do that.