Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Explain to me how shoving 75 hot dogs into your mouth is a “sport” ( but figure skating is not).

I’m having a stressful week and I’m cranky.

D leaves in less than 48 hours for her internship. I’m going to miss her terrible. She’s been a joy to have home for the month. Also keenly aware that we’ll never have so long of a block of time together again. That thought makes me want to sob.

I hate when student posters lecture the adult long time posters. You asked a question. People answered and tried to help. And yes, adults are going to point out other issues that you may not have thought about. That’s how this works.

Lastly, I don’t want to hear the lamenting about your college costs when there were multiple much lower cost options on the table. You’ve upgraded not only your car but your house in the last few months. This is why people don’t want “free college for all.” You are no where near “poor”. You just live way beyond your means and didn’t bother to prioritize saving a penny. Planning on having merit scholarships pay only works if you actually take them.

Not mine, but saw it and loved it.

Why, oh why, does everyone think that Seinfeld episodes hang the moon? I couldn’t stand the show 30 years ago and I finally gave up and started just smiling and nodding when people go on and on about how amazing it is. I just don’t get it.

I wish video games had never been invented

You are 89 miles away (as the crow flies) from the earthquake epicenter this weekend. When there is a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, I need you to send me a POL (Proof of Life) text!

It was so wonderful to talk with you and hear your internship is going great! Just wish you would call every once in a while.

If police officers drinking coffee triggers you, that’s your problem. Shut up and leave.

You’ve been a friend for over 20 years, or so I thought. You KNOW how I feel about having my picture or video taken. You know that I declined an opportunity to be in your wedding party because I didn’t want to be in photos, but that, as a courtesy to you, I sat for the table photo. I never looked at the thank you note you sent. You know that I leave the area when you take photos at your holiday party. Yet, when my family gave me a surprise birthday party, you deliberately defied and ignored my wishes and both photographed and videoed my arrival, the cake ceremony and other aspects. You laughed as you told me that you knew that you could get away with this insult to me because I would not be able to raise a fuss. When you showed me the video the next day, I almost vomited. Yet you have refused to erase it and delete the photos. Today, H said that you and your spouse want to have dinner with us in a few days. I told H how I feel. He doesn’t get it. I told him he can go alone. I am done with you. Whenever I think about my birthday party, my memories are ruined thinking that there are photos and videos out there. Thanks a lot.

I am not a procrastinator, my H is. The roofers are coming tomorrow and there is one thing that I need him to do that I can’t. I’ve had my part done for days. He’s playing games on the computer. I figure he’ll start around 8 tonight and then I’ll have to clean up the mess.

Lord, give me strength not to erupt today

Ugh what a run of things breaking down - first the car, then the central air, then the dishwasher, now the iron.

I’m going to try to not let your ignoring me bother me. We had fun without you, but your lack of response to my two invitations was just weird. Sometimes you
make me mad; other times I am legitimately worried about you.

Ugh, Dad, I know you’re still recovering from surgery in April, but please follow through on things you tell me you’ll take care of. I can’t do much from a cabin in the Maine mountains with limited access to email /phone calls.

Can we just call it “soccer” now? And I guess the other one is “men’s soccer”. :slight_smile:

You haven’t spoken to our daughter since she missed your birthday party nearly four months ago. If you are waiting for D to make the first move, you will be cold and dead before that happens. Grow up. And I’m so glad I divorced you 20+ years ago.

You’re turning 80 next year and want “everyone” to get together in Europe in July to celebrate? All 16 of us? Or 24? Depending on how you count… oh, can I start banging my head into the wall now?

I love Maine! It feels so great to be home (despite the jet lag). Can’t wait to live here again. It’s been a lot of years away. A few weeks home in the summer is going to have to do for a couple more years.

Wow it’s been long since I was active here last time. I remember how often I posted here lol.
On an unrelated note, one really important stuff is done, so I hope the another is resolved soon.

Today I watched the last fledging bluebird in our box take its first flight. It made me misty-eyed. The analogy is painfully obvious.

I am guilty of using the exclamation mark and emojis often, probably too often. I also have a predeliction for the “like” and heart on social media. This morning I woke up to news that has pushed me into overdrive on all those little idiosyncrasies. Wishful thinking in all its glory!