Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Use my whole, long, stupid job title, please. Dropping parts of it because you don’t want a prospective student to contact me instead of you just shows your immaturity and lack of professionalism. I am so over you and this stupid place, but I have committed to staying and training the next person … and I plan to DO MY JOB the whole time.

I hope before I die I learn what they have on you.

Time to wake up, I miss you

Hey, big fancy T20 university. You can’t afford a decent phone process for incoming callers? It took me 30 minutes today to get your phone system to navigate me to Undergraduate Admissions. It dropped me four times. I had to say AD-MISSSHHH-UNS at least five times. This really reflects poorly on you. Kind of makes me mad that you stand in judgment of other’s academic performance when you can’t get this basic thing remotely correct.

I needed to call and cancel our visit to your campus. I had planned on rescheduling. Not going to reschedule.

2019 - “the year everything broke” - now we need a new roof.

I’m so proud to be your mother. Every single day.

I didn’t handle that very well. I’m asking for a do-over.

I have decided to learn line dancing. This is a secret from the world.

Many thanks to all of you who work for or volunteer your time with Hospice trying to make the end as best as it can be even when it’s horrid.


People are kind. They have donated $850 to my Facebook birthday fundraising campaign for NAMI Maine. I’m speechless. :slight_smile:

Get a grip on yourself. There is not one thing you can do about it. Accept it. Put your time and attention elsewhere, someplace you can do some good! Love, laugh, live. No one gets out alive.

I snapped at you at I’m not sorry. Enjoy your golf (sarcasm to match yours)

Why are you telling this person on the phone all your life history. She doesn’t care about this. And you are wrong about several statements you made about her boss

Dear son in the hospital in a former Soviet satellite, please take this seriously. Don’t assume you’ll get the same kind of attention and expertise that you get at home. If you don’t follow-up w/the American clinic when you get back home, I will haul you there myself.

And I’ll never tell you, but I am freaked out.

Deathwatch on two internet friends. One I’ve “known” since the 90s. An extraordinary woman. She mentioned my chocolates in several of her books. I bought a huge bag of callets to make her some, but now it is too late.

Mom, so sorry that you are going through this. You are doing a great job taking care of him.

Wow—that’s the waste of an entire day, trying to sort out the weird screw-ups by my insurer. Taking money back from an account and claiming it’s stale when it’s only because you refused to release funds for 6 months!

Well, got unsettling answers from one of my inquiries—no BCBS preferred lung transplant enter in ANY west coast state! Wow!
The other issue is still pending as well—such a mess! Will never use Apria Rx again! Never knew they aren’t participating and preferred. I have no interest in paying the huge nonparticipating fee!

So, the assignment is to discuss potential pricing structures. Everyone likes the “package” model but me. I like the hourly fee model. I have acknowledged that I am in the minority. I have heard you say it’s burdensome to account for one’s time (true fact - it’s not. In the dark ages I worked in a profession where I was required to account for each six minutes of my time. On paper. It’s just. not. that. hard.). Please stop trying to convince me that your model is superior to mine. It’s a matter of personal preference. The question asked which one I would choose and why. Asked and answered. You run your hypothetical business your way, and I’ll run mine my way.

Hooray! Just used the ignore button again and remembered how to do it from the first time.

Greater Seattle - 1, 2. Silicon Valley - 3, 4.