Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

My friend Jane Haddam (Orania Papazoglou) is dead. Such an incredible woman. Even though I never met her IRL, I’ve known her since the mid-90s. The RAMily is so sad, as are her many readers and admirers, I’m sure. Life is looking bleak right now.

The Ivy League is an Athletic Conference - there are 8 schools in the conference and Stanford isn’t one of them. The schools in the Ivy League are all excellent but many, in fact, most excellent schools are not in the Ivy League. Let the term go.

I would really like to know what moron decided to bold font discussions that have been completely read, it’s like “HEY - Pay attention - Here’s stuff you’ve already SEEN!!!”. smh.

No, I’m not going to turn off my adblocker to see your reposted video.

I hope you’re OK. This is a biggie. And I’d really rather not cancel our dinner party tonight.

I simply have to get over this.

Quit procrastinating! No one likes to talk about these things, but delaying the inevitable conversation is to helping the situation.

Well dang! The company is indeed stopping having the product my doctors in three states have ordered as medically necessary for me! I’m very unhappy and not sure what to do next. :frowning: I am in conversation with a national ombudsman as well as my insurer and have emailed my doctors in three states. This follows a national trend of discontinuing this vital product! The driver warned me of this when I saw him on Wednesday and sure enough I got a formal letter about this today.

So gym people- thank you for wiping the equipment after you sweat all over it, but it would be nice if you also wiped the pools of sweat you leave on the floor. Yuk.

Prayers for Addie.

Should have posted this yesterday, but better late than never.
My father was a mechanical engineer who helped create the air conditioning design of the Apollo 11 (and other Apollos) in Huntsville Alabama. Specifically, he solved a problem with the transition between pre-and post takeoff A/C systems (among other things). It was the highlight of his life to have spent a decade with a host of others in this effort, a tiny part in making history. (Not bad for a poor boy, one of eight children, whose father was a groundskeeper/janitor in the deep South). His work gave me an exciting childhood in a place that ushered in the future with a spirit of optimism and idealism. Congratulations, Daddy, and happy 50th, wherever you are…

Just because you can take four bags at 70 lbs each on vacation doesn’t mean you should. I cannot help you schlep all of this. I don’t want to use your smaller bag because it will fit your CPAP on a two-night side trip. The bag is 8 lbs heavier than mine and there will be no room for any of my stuff. You can put the CPAP in a different bag. I’m trying to stay under 30 lbs total.

You haven’t been listening to me about my limitations. You may have to learn the hard way. Unfortunately that likely involves something far more serious.

No, No, NO!!! Our friend’s children who themselves have 2 very little children, and who give so much of themselves to the community, are NOT supposed to DIE. My heart is completely broken.

That’s some pretty poor judgement you’re exhibiting this weekend, kiddo. I hope you get some good life experience out of it.

Please please find a place to live by August 1.

Also, I am appalled by my typo in a post.

I learned a lesson today. I thought I could have a civil social media discussion with some former high school classmates about a political post. It didn’t go well. I’ve lost some friends. I think i expected rational thinking, and that might not be a “thing” on facebook anymore.

When we didn’t respond to your email noting that we must have lost your grown son’s and daughter’s email addresses because they didn’t receive an invitation to our S’s engagement party, you didn’t get the message. You emailed again to say they didn’t get an invitation and really want to come. Really?

I’m losing my mind with some of these student posters. I need to stick to the parents forum and cafe.

Every time I see a teenager claiming to have started a business / nonprofit, I think of you, and your profile that makes similar claims. I was enough of an insider to see that your parents provided hundreds of thousands of dollars of funding, worked 80 hours a week with no compensation, and paid you for all the hours you wanted to work - 2 or 3 a week. When you went off to college, they cut their losses and closed it down.

I’m going to miss you so much.

I am trying my best to get used to this new format. It might just drive me away though.