Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

No Matter how many threads or replies you have it doesn’t mean that your speculations and assumptions are correct. And because you are wrong, you really shouldn’t keep trying to have the last word. I really can’t with all of these experts.

I love the way helpful is used as a hug on this thread. Fitting.

I absolutely hate the Kazoo Facebook commercial!!

Cannot change channel fast enough.

I hate “Journey” threads.

I’m terrified that I won’t get in to any of the schools that I’ve applied to and I’ll be trapped here in my hometown with my parents and terrible state schools. I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get in anywhere. I’m so scared tbh.

Why do posters start threads and refuse to provide any details which might help others similarly situated? Is it just to humble brag that they did college research and got good results for their own kid? Good for them. Next time, share the wealth. It wont hurt your kid at all.

The best part of retirement for me in this first month has been the lack of stress on Sunday evenings over Monday and seeing the boss. There are people I miss, but the boss isn’t one of them.

Stop asking what you can do to help to make you feel better. The time to help was when your son or brother was suffering, needed company, encouragement to eat and help dealing with his own eminent death. We asked for years. You said no because it was hard and gut wrenching, leaving everything to me and his teenage children. Guess what, it’s too late… He is now at peace. We are healthy, independent and prefer to spend our time with selfless compassionate people.

The rachet that I fight so hard to suppress really wishes that there was a disagree, hate, unhelpful button to press but then again that would create more reality show drama than there already is.

Dear neighborhood bunco group,
This is really really stupid reason to hate bunco but I do and this is why I never join your group.

Bunco is a dumb social game. That requires no skill except apparently to keep score.

To keep score, you need to add. That’s it, add numbers together.

So when I go once a year, it’s super annoying that no one will keep score. “Oh, you wouldn’t want me to keep score”. Well actually, I would. If you can’t add (which I’m pretty sure we all learned that skill in the first or second grade) there are these crazy things called calculators.

You could use a calculator or your fingers. Don’t care. But the fact that more than half of this group refuses to keep score should be embarrassing.

It’s adding people, not calculus!

Said tongue in cheek, but I still will only go when begged. Stupid game! I had to keep score 7 of the 9 rounds and one I sat out, someone begged me to keep score because she was tired of always keeping score.

I do not care about Harry and Meghan. At all. They seem to be lovely young people and I wish them well, but I am sick and tired of their filling up my AOL newsfeed every morning. Every. Morning.

Please let it be a good news day for 3 of my dearest friends.

Please stop telling me how you think kids are making a mistake by not going to larger schools in or near cities. Not everyone is you or your S. And no, I don’t want to hear about your neighbor’s D who is miserable and looking to transfer out of Middlebury because it’s “in the middle of nowhere.” Perhaps she should have done better research before committing last year. I was thrilled for you when your S was admitted ED to Tufts last year. Why can’t you be happy that my D was accepted ED to a SLAC she loves? I don’t need the raised eyebrows and “doom and gloom” forecast about rural locations and small student populations. Enough already.

And you wonder why we don’t meet for coffee more often…

Why does CC keep making me log back in? I click the remember me button. So annoying. First world problems

I feel bad that our Italy travel plans are in limbo but, really, feeing crushed about all those study-abroad kids stuck in the nightmare. Even if most/all will return home safely soon, I’m imagining the weight of
all that disappointment. Many of these students will have anticipated this adventure for a long, long time and may never get the chance again. Not to mention the missed credits and delayed graduation from college.

OMG can no female under 30 talk without adding “Like” to every single sentence! Learn to speak!!!

It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet. It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet. It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet. It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet. It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet. It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet. It’s OK if someone’s wrong on the Internet…

Walk away from the keyboard, ChoatieMom.

The past 24 hours have truly, truly sucked. My brother leaves behind a trail of tears, damage and lost opportunities. I pray he’s at peace. So thankful for my friend who picked me up, took me to shiva minyan, held me while I cried.

I didn’t ask her to come to the ER tonight, though, where I’m currently waiting for care. To add to the suckiness, it’s the same bed where I was diagnosed almost 18 years ago.

I wish my husband and sons weren’t all thousands of miles away.

The decision ro put my 14 year old Westie to sleep due to the fast growing cancer that has invaded his mouth/nose has been one of the hardest decisions of my life. He’s always been the sweetest, most laid back dog since the day we rescued/bought him from that backyard puppy breeder.Tomorrow is going to suck. We don’t deserve the unconditional love that dogs give us.

In the true spirit of this thread and with the knowledge that it isn’t a popular opinion, I have to get this off my chest… grandchildren aren’t owed to you!