Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

College is not a 5 star resort experience. And 17 year olds are not the best judges of what college is best for them. They have little information and tend to go on emotion.

She didn’t get the job - again. Already six months of time and energy looking for a new job. Probably close to one hundred different interviews (speaking to many people for each job - sometimes a dozen different people for one position). She says she can’t do this any more. It is too draining, too mentally exhausting, just too much rejection to deal with. I don’t blame her, even I am in tears today (hard to cheer her up when I am so down myself).

She needs to start anew. She hates her current job, she may hate these jobs she has been applying to? Time to rethink what she wants to be when she grows up, maybe a totally new career?

How in the world do you not set aside an understudy? I feel for the kid stepping in with 3 days notice.

Oh my

This is a hot mess express

Would have been nice to hear from you except we (we being your half brother and sister and your dad) immediately were waiting for you to ask to borrow money. We were simultaneously not disappointed and disappointed (funny how when someone lives up to your low expectations it is even more annoying somehow).

Interesting approach this time - sending each of us a promissory note as a way of asking? Still nope. And nope. And also nope.

Doubt your aunt’s side of the family will fall for this approach or any other especially after the last time. You really really burned your bridges there.

I would be so embarrassed to be you

I miss your smile, Dad. It feels like you’ve already gone. ?

Please let him get an interview for the dream job. Even if he doesn’t get the job it would show him his hard work is paying off.

How could you NOT know that you would need to be at an event on the morning of May 1st? This is not our first child to go through this process!

I wish you would stand up more for your sister. She’s 100% right in this situation and having her back would have been a nice gesture instead of trying to stay neutral.

I’m not saying I doubted you, but it’s a huge relief to get a solid ACT in the bank. OK, I was kind of worried.

Told you so?. You should have listened to me. Hope you do what doctor says.

It saddens me that you are telling us you have cancer and that we don’t even know whether to believe you. And that we are turning our brains inside out trying to figure out how to support you if you actually do have it, without getting scorched by you in the process. You are so toxic and we are so exhausted by you, but you are family and we love you.

She got accepted! Now, please, let the funding come through for her.

Why? Why? He always has had more hurdles to jump to get to where he needs to be and now, not only was he laid off, the economy is tanking so finding a new job will be so much more difficult, and the coronavirus may threaten his upcoming wedding and honeymoon. Why?

The OP asks for help in choosing between two colleges that he has been accepted to. It is not helpful (in February) to suggest he apply to a different college.

It’s so hard to not rub your eyes and touch your face in allergy season!

You could pee in the rain. You just THINK you can’t.

Really? Convey versus transfer? Do you have to correct every darn thing I say? Adjusting to retirement is harder than I thought it would be. Still beats working with the boss though.

Thank you to the bridge buddies of my husband who are willing to give up an afternoon of their time to help him regain his accomplished bridge playing skills after suffering a stroke. It’s the one skill both he and I want him to regain, and since he doesn’t feel ready to go back to the club to play, without embarrassing himself, this means so much.

If you say you want to have a baby but then say you didn’t know how much a stamp costs so you will have to wait until tomorrow (payday) to send out invites to engagement party, maybe you are not ready to have a baby.