Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Seeing the soccer post above inspires this post. Thank you to D's HS coach, who made her varsity season the worst sports experience of her life. You were a no-class act all the way - even the last game of the season, when you did not play several seniors, despite the fact the game was not close (fortunately D got a few minutes). Guess what - kids get better when they get a chance to play. D sucked it up, had a great indoor season, and is having a fun spring season. She loves the sport despite you, not because of you - and that is wrong. You think you get to make your judgments on player's merit? Then you should be judged similarly - and 3-11-1 should have meant sayonara - our HS girls deserve better. Now I hear you are not coming back - good riddance.</p>

<p>wow, that felt good.</p>

<p>Dear Sister,</p>

<p>Once again, I kept my mouth shut yesterday to keep the peace in the family. I am thrilled for your daughter's accomplishments. She is planning to follow her passion and hopefully will be happy and successful. I do not look down on her because she did not choose to go to college right after high school. I love my niece and want only the best for her. Now why can't you feel that way about MY daughter??? These two girls were once as close as sisters. Why didn't any of you care enough to even ask which college she chose? Are you really that jealous, or just insensitive? I'm tired of not speaking of her accomplishments for fear of setting you into yet another snit.
I tired of your judgmental looks and comments. I'm tired of you making D feel uncomfortable. Grow up and get over it! I'm done being quiet!</p>

<p>That felt good...</p>

<p>Ugh! I need to vent!
To my mother in law: You have treated my husband as a second-class member of your family since his birth. When I had my second child, you advised me to treat her as a thing, saying "Ewww, yucky baby" to prevent my firstborn from feeling jealous in some misguided and twisted mothering philosophy. You did this to him all of his life, and continue to do it. This weird and hurtful attitude extends to me and my children. Yesterday on Mother's day, you opened my husband's thoughtful gift to you (a double silver picture frame engraved with a sentimental inside-joke message, containing pictures of you and your children from the 60's that we had painstakingly restored), said nothing for a few moments, then said "I look ugly in this...Too bad I have nowhere to put it." Following an uncomfortable silence, you put his present down and opened your firstborn' usual you thanked her generously and complimented the gift. I've had it with you and your unholy family dynamics. The whole crew is so skewed that I just sit there trying to smile, not knowing what to say in case I **** someone off. So do my kids. I've been doing this for 23 years to keep the peace. You are a wicked and mean-spirited woman, and you have begat a wrathful ***** of a daughter who thinks the world revolves around her. Golly, wonder why?</p>

<p>ahhhh, another person who dealt with a rejected gift. thank you tanyanubin, i feel not so alone now.</p>

<p>Sorry folks, but for those of you who gloat when someone else's child gets rejected, you guys are mean. For those of you who cannot be happy when someone else's child got in to a top college and your child didn't, you people are petty.</p>

<p>drb, I'm glad my post was inspiration. Now if only our HS would get rid of the soccer coach...</p>

<p>To numerous people (CC posters and not):
You AREN'T psychologists. I don't care if you read self-help books or are an avid viewer of Dr. Phil or are a "nice person" (though you may well be)--that doesn't mean the cosmos has suddenly granted you a PhD in clinical psych. You can't diagnose or treat people, and there's a reason for that--Namely, you AREN'T a psychologist, you aren't trained or licensed, and until you are, please, please realize that!</p>


<p>To the guy who drove over the barrier on the freeway and was driving toward our car going the wrong way on the freeway -- what the **** is wrong with you! And you tried to wave us out of your way and kept going -- hello?? kept going the WRONG WAY on the FREE WAY, did a U turn and then exited, crossing four or five lanes of traffic. And to the highway patrol. We gave you the guys the license # and you say you probably can't do anything because there was no accident and no one was hurt? Isn't is ILLEGAL to be driving the wrong way on the freeway, isn't there a FINE for that AT LEAST!!!!</p>

<p>And Thank You God, that no one was killed!</p>

<p>My turn -</p>

<p>To all the idiots I have encountered through the years: Years into our cordial relationships during which we have not had a single problem communicating, you suddenly notice my hearing aid which I have never tried to hide (frequently putting my hair in ponytails or buns) and turn into ridiculous morons who are unable to speak in a normal tone of voice again, "HELLLLO! ...HOW...ARE...YOU?" while simultaneously contorting their faces into suitable expressions to go with the sentiment. What the hell is your problem? </p>

<p>And to all the moronic parents who stand IN FRONT of the blind kid and ask me, "How much can she see?" What, does blind mean deaf, too? I want to ask them, "Have they figured out how to measure the depth of your stupidity yet?</p>

<p>Hiding in this thread, just because I think my screen name might be a bit too recognizable..but thank you DS for having the sense to not participate in drinking games. I know today (and its finally today) is a day you've been looking forward to all year and then to have it turn into one big drinking game is not what you expected or wanted..and to not participate is hard. But you've made the right choice.</p>

<p>oaklandmom, I agree with you, you DS did make a good choice!</p>

<p>So here's my vent:
Dear Kind Friend of Mine,
For many years, I've restrained from saying anything from you. I can't tell you how much I wanted to, but I didn't. We've known each other since 9th grade and even then it was almost a competition. You tried to get to every class before me, and get higher grades than everyone else, but guess what, I NEVER WANTED TO COMPETE! You never could accept the fact that I got into Columbia, even though you still got into Brown (an excellent school). Now we are grown up and have families of our own, but with you its still a competition. Your children are in the same schools as mine are (My D1&2 with your D in 9th and my S2 with your D2 in 7th grade) but yet you always have to go out of your way to tell everyone just how smart they are and how great they're doing. Never once have you asked how my kids are doing, which by the way are doing great in academics and sports unlike your D's which you forced to take piano even though they had no interest in it. </p>

<p>Despite all of this, there is something that has annoyed me even more over the past few years. The "subtle" hints about how DH and I have far too many children. Dh and I love our children, all 5 of them, despite what you think. Contrary to your beliefs they are doing great and having alot of siblings has shaped them into the wonderful young adults they are. </p>

<p>I sincerely hope that you can stop this ridiculous competition with people who aren't even competing against you. I love your two adorable girls, and they are good friends of my children. Your husband is lovely and aside from this competitiveness we enjoy your company at our house.</p>

<p>Now that felt good!</p>

<p>To A CC Poster,</p>

<p>I have never met you or seen a picture of you. I don't even know your name. But just from reading your posts, I've decided I have a crush on you. And my friends say I'm shallow....</p>

<p>To everyone who reads an application for admission to a school, program, or for a scholarship:</p>

<p>Leadership is a great quality. We need strong leaders with integrity in our communities. But leadership is not the supreme ideal for humanity! Many other qualities are worthwhile and should be valued, including the humility to be led and the willingness to perform less glamorous tasks behind-the-scenes. There is a good bit of genetic pre-determination of personality, thus through no fault or personal deficiency, some people are simply not endowed with the charisma to be leaders. I have seldom seen an organization fall apart for lack of a leader, but I have seen many projects go undone due to the lack of followers and worker bees. What happened to the concept of too many chiefs, not enough Indians? (other than the fact it's not PC)</p>

<p>Secondly, do you remember when you were in high school? Think about who got elected to office back then. That's right, think about that football player who later dropped out of college, and that cheerleader who missed your first class reunion because she was in rehab. Have you considered the fact that at some high schools, being elected to a "leadership" position might mean the opposite of what you think it does? Do you know that sometimes for a joke, kids get together to decide to vote for the least qualified person? Remember that ESL student who hadn't learned English yet but still got voted Class Secretary? These things do happen and maybe more often than you think! </p>

<p>Have you considered the fact that many serious and mature kids see high school clubs as a silly waste of time? They'd rather not spend hours embroiled in arguments about which DJ to hire for the next dance. Are you looking at the positive ways these kids spend their time, or can't you see past the titles?</p>

<p>I agree with TheGFG, every one in admission offices should be aware of this truth. Popularity leads to “leadership” and usually the best students are not the “popular”.</p>

<p>Leadership? My mother used to say "too many Chiefs and not enough Indians." Leaders need someone to lead....</p>

<p>Still stinging from the "Honors" ceremony the other night. Wish there were a requirement for "truth in naming" at these things. For the award for community service (actually several, under different headings, all awarded to the same girl for the same thing) that went to the girl who is an only child who's mother does EVERYTHING for her, how 'bout calling it the "mother's award."</p>

<p>Then there were the special awards - named to the ten best of the best of the senior class. They were announced as being based on the conglomerate of academics, community service, school spirit, yada yada yada. What are the odds that, of the 700 plus kids to choose from, the top 10 include five teacher's kids? How 'bout we call it the "teacher's kid club"? </p>

<p>Unfortunately, I could go on and on.</p>

<p>And you really, really missed some good ones.</p>

<p>Five teacher's kids? And they are picked by the teachers, I presume? I bet that was a really objective choice!</p>

<p>To Everyone On C.C.</p>

<p>I don't read all the posts on every thread. Oftentimes I skim. SO , Don't get all bent out of shape and hang on my every word and give me grief if you don't like what I said or misinterpreted what I said. For heavens sake this is a FORUM. I don't have romances with everyone here or care for great associations lunch out or shopping. I can see friends. Here I am just expressing ideas and so what if I get it wrong sometimes. I just make stupid comments becasue I have a few minutes or am bored on the computer.Gosh, keep this place in perspective!</p>

<p>Now there is my rant. This is my favorite thread.</p>

<p>Binx: And don't you just love the way they pick ONE KID and give him 16 athletic awards even though he plays one or two sports? Give me a break!</p>

<p>To nacnlmom: call me crazy, but isn't soccer a fall sport and baseball a spring sport? How could the soccer coach be angry at your son for wanting to play both sports? </p>

<p>To theGFG: My mom's pastor told this story. Once a college admissions office had a large number of applications. One of the questions on the applications was, "Are you a leader or a follower?" All but one of the applicants said they were a leader. The follower was admitted for two reasons: one, he/she was honest, and two, SOMEBODY has to follow or there's no need for leaders!</p>

<p>PS This is my all-time favorite thread!</p>

<p>To DH,</p>

<p>Please don't contradict me and/or make fun of me while I am trying to parent the kids! (I will tell him this later, but I had to get it off my chest)</p>

<p>I feel much better! :)</p>