Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Why are you so perfect?
You are just too old for me. I keep trying and trying to find your flaws, but everyone you come in contact with melts in their love for you. But I cannot. You are 22(20?) to my 17 and that is not acceptable and way too old for me so stop being so perfect and sweet, go away.</p>

<p>To someone's parent,
Stop imposing impossible restrictions on your D's trip to Europe. Why don't you just come out and say it directly to your kid that you don't really want her to travel period. It saves a lot of time and hassle. Pure honesty does work sometimes, please give it a try.
I usually don't care what other parents do with their kids but this time it's involving one of mine. Your restrictions such as only direct flight, no flight to NYC airport, no flight to England because of your fear of a repeat of 9/11 is completely stupid(for lack of a better word). It shows you have never travelled and this is one reason why you should let your D do. The restrictions you impose is unfounded. England has lots of experience dealing with terrorists. The restrictions you impose will cause the rest of the group more headache, more money, and they have to expense unecessary energy to find a different route, while they could concentrate on something really important like their college application process. I know you don't care about yours but I do care about mine.</p>

<p>So, you got what you wanted, huh? Even though I am way more devoted than you... You know I wanted this... You probably campaigned... It shouldn't matter, but it does... It matters because you are so darn competitive, even though you never want to admit it... You always spin it around to make it seem like I'm the crazy dramatic/competitive one... I honestly cannot wait for college so I don't ever have to deal with your drama/competitiveness ever again</p>


<p>My turn to whine and complain:</p>

<p>Dear Dining Hall Staff,
Please give me more than 3 fries/pieces of broccoli/noodles after I have waited 15 minutes in the line for dinner.</p>

<p>Dear Work,
Please disappear.</p>

<p>Dear Parents,
I don't actually need to see and speak to you daily to prove that I am a grateful and loving shut up.</p>

<p>Dear Significant Other,
If you're mad about something, kindly express yourself. I like you and it sucks when I can't tell if you're mad at me.</p>

<p>Dear Freshman 15,
Go away.</p>

<p>Dear dozen ladies in pjs supporting your sister with cancer:</p>

<p>When you all marched in to the appointment waiting room in matching pjs people thought "cute". When you then started loudly making comments about how stupid you looked to support your sister: not near as cute. The medical center is not just naming random buildings after diseases. It's called the cancer center because all the folks inside are dealing with cancer. If you want to shock and awe your audience, cancer isn't going to do it. Oh, and all those folks standing there because you are taking up all the available seating, those are cancer patients, just like your sister, who can't sit in other areas because they are waiting for their name to be called. Do you think maybe some of you who aren't going in to see the doctor could wait elsewhere and give them a seat?</p>

<p>Also, helpful hint. Telling your newly diagnosed sister about all the acquaintences you have ever met in your life that have died of cancer, probably not what she was looking for at this juncture.</p>

<p>And dear hospitals/cancer centers:
As you may have noticed, some people bring incredibly large entourages. Perhaps you can set aside places for these people to wait together, so they can have their family reunions in peace.</p>

<p>(I have obviously spent too much time in hospital waiting rooms with large families lately.)</p>

<p>OK you leading foreign company in a certain technology sector. When you canned those two departments yesterday, without warning, I suspect it was because some bean-counter overseas couldn't find another way to get the headcount numbers in line before 31-12. It's bad enough that there are young single-earner families involved, and I hope you're doing everything you can to help them adjust. But when you canned my H along with them, you made a big mistake in a business sense. That project he's been planning for the past year? He has contacts now all over the world who are eager, enthusiastic, and ready to work together to make his vision into a reality. And he doesn't plan to stop until he sees it through. You there, Boss Guy. The one with the Attitude, who likes to be told he's The One With A Vision, the one who doesn't much care for different drummers who might steal a solo?</p>

<p>So maybe H is not your cup of tea: that happens in business. But you didn't have to grind your heel so hard as you stepped all over him on your way up, he didn't appreciate it (nor did he deserve it). And now you've ejected him. Bully for you. Remember what Little Feat used to say: </p>

<p>The same people you misuse on your way up,
You might meet up.... on your way down.</p>

<p>He will succeed with or without you, and now you will not succeed along with him. Your loss. Definitely your loss.</p>

<p>Dear school,
I wish I have learned more from you. Half of the classes I took in my college career will never help me doing my job right.</p>

<p>Dear work,
I wish you are not boring and hard to learn. Please have mercy on me come busy season.</p>

<p>Dear women around ATL,
Can I just get a date? Is that really too much to ask?</p>

<p>Dear H,
You are not the only person in the whole world who is sick. You have a virus. Yes, you have a fever and you feel bad and you have to stay in bed. This is not life-threatening. No one wants to hear all the details. this includes your business contacts calling you at home. </p>

<p>Your wife is not the maid or the nurse. It's not nice to complain about the size of the water glass or the kind of dinner brought to you on a tray. And sending the server back to the kitchen to get lemon for the pitcher of water? Lord, give me patience.</p>

<p>Dear MIL, I am sorry you have a hard life. FIL's health is poor and you are the full-time caregiver. It's not what you expected retirement to be. I get that. </p>

<p>Admit that doing a big Christmas meal/family gathering this year is just too much for you. We all know it. We are just wishing you would admit it since you refuse help from us and will never listen to our ideas for alternate plans.<br>
We are frustrated and worn out with spending miserable holidays with you because you are determined to be the martyr to the cause. </p>

<p>For many years now,our family has given up all the normal things people love about Christmas, the church service, stockings by the fireplace, exchanging gifts on Christmas morning, a relaxing day of food and togetherness, just to make the trip to see you. . My kids' Christmas memories will be of long car rides, cheap hotels, and waking up on Christmas morning to a continental breakfast in a hotel lobby with strangers.<br>
All of these precious moments have been sacrificed to come and vist you and you don't even realize it or appreciate it because you are so busy complaining and letting us all know how miserable you are. It pretty much wrings all joy out of the holidays.
Time is running out. Our youngest is a senior this year. Our oldest will be off in the military soon and who knows when we will see him again for the holidays.<br>
Go ahead and be miserable MIL. We just may not be there it hear it this year.</p>

<p>Dear parents,
When I come home to visit from college, can we do something besides watch TV? </p>

<p>It makes me feel sad - for you. :/</p>


<p>To all the kids at our high school - actually, to teens everywhere:</p>

<p>You're all in shock that a boy could end up dead from a car accident in a residential neighborhood, when a distracted driver hit a curb at 40 mph and the SUV rolled over. The two in the SUV wearing seatbelts crawled out of the wreck on their own power, were treated and released. The one without a seatbelt was thrown from the car, ended up lying in the road with massive head inuries (did the car roll over him? Did he go thru the windshield? I've heard multiple versions of what happened). He died today, 4 days after the accident, at the age of 17. </p>

<p>PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wear your seatbelts. You don't have to be drinking to get in a car wreck. You don't have to be going 90 mph to be killed. It happens in an instant, to anyone, anywhere. PLEASE wear your seatbelts so it doesn't happen again. It's not fair that such a "minor" thing as not buckling up is punished with the death penalty - but the laws of physics don't care about "fair."</p>

<p>Dear Mr. Seventh-Year Senior with a superiority complex:</p>

<p>Shove off. There are several valid reasons for me to be using the repeater to get in contact with my s/o: my HT is fracked and can barely receive, they're often in a location that does not get cell reception, and as a licensed ham and member of WPIWA I have a frickin' right to use it. Stop telling me to "get a simplex". Why don't YOU and all your buddies get a simplex when you take up the repeater for over an hour with your drunken friday-night antics (not that I have anything against most of your buddies).</p>

<p>Dear PC people:</p>

<p>It's your right to believe in whatever you wish, express your beliefs or not express them--your choice. You can celebrate every holiday, just those within your own tradition, or none at all if you please. But here's what you really shouldn't do. Please don't take pieces from certain familiar holidays, rename them something empty and meaningless, or twist their elements into a shadow of the real thing and think that by doing so you're being enlightened and sensitive.</p>

<p>Santa really is NOT at the heart of what Christians celebrate at Christmas, but Jesus isn't PC at all. Stick with Santa, if that makes you more comfortable. Rudolph is cute too. But do stop inventing knock-offs like the "Secret Snowman". Who the heck is he?</p>

<p>Note to self: STOP putting my foot in my mouth. THINK before I speak. Twice in 2 weeks I have made offhand comments around D's bf that left the impression I thought D could do better than him. That wasn't what I meant at all, but there's no way to explain that to him without making it worse. Why can't I just keep my mouth shut?</p>

<p>To self,
You must be nervous about your performance review, how else could you explain that you forgot your password to access your compute and your performance review just minutes before having a 1-1 with your boss. Take a deep breath and relax, it turned out great.</p>

<p>Dear Holiday Party Organizer(HPO for short),
I felt extremely guilty for receiving this "big money" gift card at an electronic store. Why? I feel that I don't appreciate it as much as the other people at our party, the ones who would love to have it more than I do. I felt guilty for feeling "blah" about the gift. I even feel more guilty when you were so excited and said that was the biggest $$$ gift card. I think I would appreciate the smaller Starbucks or Nordstrom or even Olive Garden. Weird? I know.</p>

<p>To my s's friend who is enjoying reading my posts and relaying them back to him:
It will probably get pretty boring to read my posts after a while-- unless I decide to write REALLY embarassing stuff about him here. Wait-- here's a better idea! Let's play a joke on him! PM me and I'll tell you something about him that you can then claim I posted on CC!!! Hahaha!! I'll think of something really good! It'll be great! Shhhhhh.....</p>

<p>To my MIL:</p>

<p>I spent hours and hours looking for the just right sweaters, and they were very nice</p>

<p>You tried them on and they FIT, but take one noisy nelly of an acquaintence who tells you they are too tight, and that you can't raise your arms They were not too small at all, but hey....whatever</p>

<p>Well, yes you could move easily and move your arms alot, and most of the time you were your cardigans over your shoulders anyway</p>

<p>So, NO, I will NOT take you shopping, just so you can reject them once again</p>

<p>I love you, but sometimes, just be gracious would be nice</p>


<p>to MY MIL--
So I'm not catholic. It's almost 25 years now. Get over it.</p>

<p>My boss is having one and we have to go. I'd prefer being at home safe and warm watching football.</p>