Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>would you please shutup about your "ethnicity" and acknowledge that affirmative action is corrupt. "equal opportunity" means EQUAL for everyone, not bonus pts for the minorities. and underrepresented minorities-thats a joke and a paradox. the fact is, enrollment at college should reflect the percentage of ethnicities nationially. wow that makes me SOOOOOOOO mad.</p>

<p>will you shut up and acknowledge that yes... after hundreds of years... there is still ( I stress STILL) a stigma behind bieng black/minority in this country. Whether its the the Latino guy that walks into the convenience store at night, the three young black guys that park next to you, or the lady that is tolds she's just not the right "fit" for the company... bias/racism/preference still exists!!! Please don't tell me people are soo naive to believe "equal opportunity" is taken seriously.
unfortunately unless you force diversity down peoples throats NO ONE will embrace it...thats America..its the way it has always been</p>

<p>Dear everyone:</p>

<p>Word limits exist for a reason. It appears as though I am the only person who treats them with the respect they deserve. Part of writing an essay with a small word limit is being able to edit your essay to fit into a certain length. If you go over, you're sort of missing half of the point of a word limit. It's not called a "guideline," it's called a "limit." I stayed rigidly within the word limits. When Tufts demanded 50 words, I gave them 49. You gave them 55, 60, 65, even 80. That's absurd. I don't know if colleges consider whether or not you stayed within the word limit, but I think they should. Editing is a science, and I think you should be penalized for being a poor editor. Sure, my essay wasn't perfect. It was 49 words: how could it be? But I worked hard to make sure that my essay wasn't over the limit, while you typed it in 10 minutes and went 10 words over.</p>

<p>My essay took work and effort, and yours? You barely thought about it. Sure, it's nice, and it's eloquent, but it didn't follow the rules set up for the essay. And I think people who fudge the rules should not get the same consideration for those that actually try to stay within the lines? Why is it that people who fudge and lie and cheat just a little bit on their applications are not punished? They should be. People who are honest and who work hard to keep their applications within limits are the ones being penalized here, and that is in no way fair.</p>

<p>Dear stalker parent of friend,</p>

<p>Stop pushing your student on our schools limited resources. ABCD has everything, and ABCD does not need to consume more titles and positions to supplement ABCD's ridiculous resume.</p>

<p>We all want to participate and have fun, but we can't do it when your precious ABCD is taking everything plus the sun with ABCD.</p>

<p>I wait when your child fails at life. </p>



<p>I am on my way to vote in Michigan's primary. I am mad at the whole political idiocy that has made our state's primary essentially worthless. We are spending millions of dollars that our state does not have to run a primary that does not include the two Democratic frontrunners. The Republican results are sure to be skewed by Democrats who don't want to waste their votes (no one to vote for in that party!) ... so will the Republican results really be representative of what MI Republicans want? And I HATE having to declare a party in order to vote. It really isn't anyone's business. Just give me the freaking ballot & I will check off either a Democrat or a Republican. But no ... I have to tell the world which ballot I want ... and now I will be SURE to get EVEN MORE recorded telephone calls all day & night long!!! You know, if I vote for a Republican who doesn't get the nomination, I may well vote Democrat in the election. I am not a fan of either party, so it's not like I vote R or D just because. Why is that so difficult to understand?</p>

<p>And along the line of political campaigns ... how come the bozos who are campaigning don't have to pay the police overtime costs when they fly into our very busy noncommercial airport? Just because my town has an airport shouldn't mean we should get stuck paying THEIR bills ... and if President Bush comes campaigning here for the Republican candidate, he needs to foot the police bill, too. Last senate campaign, he cost us a small fortune. What did WE get out of it?!</p>

<p>I'm not asking for an answer. Just venting!</p>

<p>To my oldest
If you are just calling to vent. Call your Dad.</p>

<p>To all of them</p>

<p>HA !</p>

<p>To all car makers: you should be prohibited from selling asphalt-colored cars in our state!</p>

<p>To all Western WA drivers with such cars: please turn on your lights! I know, it is not sunset yet, but your vehicle camouflages well on our gloomy winter roads!</p>

<p>To Chevrolet: your van is terrible, no wonder you are losing to Toyota. It ate half the tank of gas while I drove from the rental place to my house!</p>

<p>To Enterprise: where are your promised compact cars?</p>

<p>To Toyota dealer: get that @$%^ part fast! I'm sick of the abovementioned van.</p>

<p>To my co-workers: Grow up!</p>

<p>Echoing Bunsen Burner- I live in Fog Land and with so many with silver and gray cars- TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS YOU DOLTS!!!!</p>

<p>And to my D- love you ooddles, but you owe me after I looked for three days for something we thought was stolen/missing and it turns out you packed them and shipped them to yourself at school!!!</p>

<p>Dear "You Know Who You Are,"</p>

<p>I would thank you for the charitable donation you made in my name this holiday season but I can't think of any reason to do so. As a donor you get to enjoy the altruistic warm fuzzies, receive a tax deduction, and are spared the inconvenience of having to drive in holiday traffic, search the malls for gifts, wrap those gifts, and stand in line at the post office to send those gifts. I, on the other hand, don't select the charity or the amount of the gift, don't receive the tax deduction, and don't avoid holiday traffic and shopping and mailing hassles. Furthermore, by donating to a charitable organization in my name you are suggesting that my charitable giving is insufficiently generous. The needy who benefit from your donation have reason to thank you but I do not. Donate to whomever you wish but don't claim your donations to your causes are somehow a gift for me.</p>

<p>Sincerely, "You Know Who I Am"</p>

<p>Dear English class--</p>

<p>I raise my hand so much because a) what I have to say is intelligent, b) I want to learn and questions/participation are invaluable, c) you're not saying anything. So don't hate... speak up, and maybe you'll get an A, too.</p>

<p>Dear Teacher--
Please send my rec in without me having to ask you one more time. It's getting old.</p>

<p>Dear You--
You can't cheat your way through an Ivy League education. Hopefully you'll learn that BEFORE you realize that they grade on a curve. xoxo Fringey</p>

<p>Dear young lady at work,
When I interact with you - a 22-year old with an absent-minded and somewhat jaded approach to life - I realize how lucky I am to be surrounded by smart, ambitious people. </p>

<p>Dear Dad,
I can't believe you don't see how great it is for me to live on campus. You keep on insisting that it's a waste of money, and while I am glad I fought with you and won the battle, it truly saddens me that you can't see it as a positive. I wonder if it is because you don't want to think I can be a happy, functioning human being without your presence.</p>

<p>Dear hypocrite,</p>

<p>I don't understand why you feel compelled to tear down others in your attempt to make your case. Whereas before I thought you were just a PITA, I now realize there is some kind of deeper, perhaps medical, issue that causes your behavior. </p>

<p>While I previously was content with just not engaging you on this particular topic, I know feel compelled to work to counteract the damage you are doing.</p>

<p>In other words, gloves off.</p>

<p>Almost backed into a car the color of the dry winter grass that was everywhere in the background behind it. So, I second the previous posts about cars that blend in too well with the environs. Shouldn't this be a no-brainer, car manufacturers!</p>

<p>To an unnamed ticket agency, who is a master at their craft</p>

<p>Trying to charge me 14dollars worth of fees for 16dollar tickets- tsktsk</p>

<p>I went to the venue itself, spent the same amount of money, no a fe dollars LESS in total, and got much better tickets</p>

<p>So there</p>

<p>along those lines...received yesterday bill from EZPass. For 70 cents for toll violation for daughter, complete with picture of her car going through said toll. Plus $25 fee!!</p>

<p>Funny thing is this is the fourth time I've called you about this...your mistake. She has EZPass. On my account of course. I called you two months ago, the day after I lost my credit card. Gave you new information. This toll was a month after all that. Each of the times I called, the person said OK, problem fixed, we'll just charge your new credit card account. This time, EZPass person told me to fill out a form and mail it. Why didn't you tell me that the first time I called? 4 calls, a letter, for 70 cents that you admit was your mistake. Just shoot me.</p>

<p>To my children -who would be getting this rant in person if they were home!
You both complain that we never have enough spoons. Today as I was cutting back some plants what do I find- A mixing bowl stuffed in the bushes with two of my good spoons.
And not to mention my wood furniture that I keep in the corner of the garden found inside your fort. Granted you and your friend did a beautiful job on your fort. You made great use of leftover building materials. But the blankets, stuffed animals and towels are not going to be the same after getting rained on. Thinking as I viewed it that some cat is going to find a great place to have kittens.
YOU can use my stuff but please put it away when you are done.</p>

<p>Okay, I am TIRED TIRED TIRED of waiting for two or three light cycles because YOU think you're more important than I am, so you enter the intersection even though you can't clear it... and block it... yes, traffic is slow, you want to get home, I get that. But why do you think the rest of us don't want to get home too?</p>

<p>Next time, I'm going to forget I live in Seattle now and I AM GOING TO HONK AT YOU.</p>

<p>To my neighbors with three yappy little dogs and no kids. That little wooden lawn ornament with the crouching dog ( looking like he is going to drop a bomb ) and the NO on it sure is cute..but guess what you are not the only one on the street that doesn't want dogs crapping on their property.
Some of us walk our dogs on our own 2 acre lots and ** surprise** don't intentionally let them do their business on neighbor's properties.
There are kids that step in the messes you leave.
Did you ever meet my big dog ? She will happily leave her calling card for you the next time I stumble upon any sculptures from your beloved doggies. Heck, I may even send a few shovel fulls over your way to reciprocate.Or steal your nice little doggie sign and place it on my own !!</p>