Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>to my mom</p>

<p>I love you and love doing things with you, but does each and ever outing have to have some sort of political nagging or complaining to someone</p>

<p>The guy selling newspapers, can't help what the editoral staff does and is just making a living, he doesn't need to be nagged about his bosses</p>

<p>To those working in my endocrinologist's office - my pharmacy has faxed you the form you told me (quite rudely) you needed THREE TIMES now so that I can get the prescription for my maintenance medication renewed. It wouldn't be such a problem, but this is a medication that I have to take daily for the rest of my life, and said pharmacy has been more than accomodating, extending me with a few pills THREE TIMES so my levels don't go out of whack since you can't get your act together or your fax machine fixed. After two weeks of frustrating calls, I am about to just let my family physician handle this going forward - I can just imagine how things are for your patients that have to take insulin!!!</p>

<p>For years I've wondered whether you're aware of when you've gone ridiculously out of bounds. Do you realize that no other mothers call 13-year-old girls on the phone and tell them they'll go to hell unless they confess to saying things about your daughter that you don't like? Do you think that a well-adjusted adult drives to an acquaintance's home, blocks her driveway, and has a screaming match with her in the street about what a third acquaintance's daughter might have said about what part your daughter might be cast in in a production that is months away? Do you know how pathetic you look when, as an adult, you say to another adult, "But I thought you hated [my child's name] too?" </p>

<p>Hint: if this was normal, everyone else would do it. They don't.</p>

<p>Can you at least see how, if there are 15 dancers in a rehearsal room, and none of them applauds after your daughter finishes dancing her solo, it can't possibly be the fault of just one girl? I promise you my daughter was busy talking to a friend or warming up for her own solo. She really, really didn't get everyone together ahead of time and say "Remember, nobody applaud when she finishes because we're all just so jealous and mean." She's applauded for your daughter often, and probably didn't realize the crisis she'd create if she took her eyes off of her one freaking time. It's odd enough for you even to notice that some dancers were applauded and some weren't in a rehearsal, let alone to fix the blame on one kid because you've always had a problem with the fact of her presence in your daughter's world. </p>

<p>I'll admit my daughter probably has been rude to you. You've earned it.</p>

<p>Dear Work:</p>

<p>I know I'm only okay at what I do. I've accepted that: I don't plan on working in retail for the rest of my life. However, could you please stop treating me like a second-class citizen in the workplace? I'm an officer of a club, and I have attended a total of one meeting this season because you have decided that Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days to work. I would settle with just having work one of those days, but when you decide to schedule me both days multiple weeks in a row, I get a little irked. (I noticed that this week you have kindly refrained from scheduling me during rehearsals. However, in doing so, you have prevented me from going to dancing. I like dancing. Couldn't I just dance on Tuesday and work on Friday?)</p>

<p>Oh, and by the way, please do not schedule me during rehearsals. I may be in only 5 scenes in this play, but I am still a major character. Other characters talk about me all the time, and if I come onstage unrehearsed, the whole gravity of the moment will be ruined. I hope you understand that when you schedule me during rehearsals, I simply will not show up. I told you about my theatrical commitments when you hired me, and given that there are now only three weeks of rehearsal left until the show, I cannot afford to miss any rehearsals. Also, it is not my fault that the show I'm in is being directed by a different director than the one I've worked with 13 times previously, so please stop glaring at me when I tell you that he's suddenly changed our schedules or that he has asked me to come in for an extra rehearsal or costume fitting or whatnot. Glare at him instead.</p>

<p>And to my Assistant Manager:</p>

<p>Nobody likes you and you're a micromanaging busybody whose constant hovering impedes work. Last night I sorted all the rugs and got most of the towels done, and the girl in my department made the frames impeccable. Why? Because you weren't there hounding us to do what you wanted us to. Thank you for the assistance, but please go back to your office and play on your iPhone some more.</p>

<li>Employee xxxxxxx</li>

<p>Dear Boss</p>

<p>Its a RECYCLING BIN! I don't care if you would have put paper in it differently than I did. It doesn't matter! And stop asking me to make decisions and then questioning every decision I make. If you are so set on it being done in a particular way, then do it yourself and quit wasting my time and yours as well! I DARE you to find anyone else on this planet that would put up with your control issues.</p>

<p>ahhh, got that out, ready to go back tomorrow for some more.</p>

<p>To the young orthopedic surgeon--the one whose online credentials say his specialty is spinal surgery--you are NOT the right person to operate on an ankle that's broken in four places. And no, it's not appropriate to tell a 60-year-old that she will never run again and she's lucky you're not amputing her foot. And it's really not appropriate to get huffy when she asks to be transferred to someone who specializes in ankle trauma orthopedics.</p>

<p>To be fair, he did make the transfer... but my friend had to push for it. (She slipped on the ice. Did NOT hit her head. She was running with her dog. That's what she does. She runs. With her dog. No, she's not a typical 60-year-old. Who is, anymore?)</p>

<p>Speaking of recycling bins.... Dear orchestra students, It was wonderful to have you here visiting our school during the recent festival, however, I would appreciate it if you would RECYCLE your water bottles by emptying them, throwing away the lid and putting them in the big clearly marked RECYCLING bin! It was icky to pick out partially used bottles and properly dispose of them. After running the snack stand at the intermission of your concert I now understand that you learned not to recycle from your parents - we picked out their bottles and/or trash from the wrong receptacles too.</p>

<p>To those who make jokes about sending people to a mental hospital .... my sister's been, and trust me, it is not a laughing matter. Would you joke about cancer?</p>

<p>Dear D's teacher,
The fact that your tenure review is approaching, and so is standardized testing, does not give you the right to suddenly assign in one week every project and worksheet you didn't give the rest of the year. You are torturing my D and you're torturing me. Why is it acceptable for you to make them do a project you are admitting they are incapable and unprepared to complete on their own? You told them "Well, your parents can help you." No thanks! I already finished 3rd grade.</p>

<p>And on the subject of projects...I hate group projects! It is unreasonable to force anywhere between 4 and 8 kids to complete a project together within a week or two. Some kids always get stuck doing the lion's share of the work while others will not attend work meetings nor contribute. My D was recently up until 2am making a powerpoint presentation for a group that contributed such poor quality work that she did not only her part but also had to re-do theirs at the last minute. All to protect her good grade. Although public speaking and cooperation is valuable, I suspect this is all because teachers would like to check 5 projects instead of 25 projects. Not fair!</p>

<p>Dear Mother,
Can it dawn on you that there are other colleges in the world beside the ivies? Can you maybe realize or even comprehend that there are other schools beside UPenn and Dartmouth and Harvard? Why can't the school I like and want to go to be really acceptable? What is wrong with wanting to attend a school that will make me happy? It is my life. I will go to the school I like. Let me start making my own choices.</p>

<p>Second, yes, I am 17. However, I will be 18 quite soon. Yes, you can treat me like I am 12 till I am 18 on the dot. Yet, the more you suffocate me till my birthday, the more I will really push away when I really can. You talk about the battle, and how you win it? That is the most immature thing ever. It is not a is our lives. And with or without you believing or admitting it, if it is a battle, I win it next year. I can move away. I can do the things that you forbid me now. Treat me with more respect. Show me some more common decency, and I might do the same when I don't have to. You don't trust me or show me a sense of loyalty. Fine, the same can work both ways in less than a year.</p>

<p>Certain friend,
I was your friend for 12 years. And you threw away a 12 year friendship not only with me, but with five other people. You are responsible for your own situation. You should be happy!</p>

<p>If you freak out and explode over a .01 difference in GPA that you were told about before reports cards came home, how can I have any confidence you'll be supportive and not get irrationally angry when I tell you the onc called with my latest test results? </p>

<p>Honesty doesn't mean we only tell you the good news. It means sharing the bad, too. Your judgmental reactions to anything less-than-perfect make it hard to share.</p>

<p>To the girl in my office....I know you think I am a nasty 'b' sometimes but it doesn't help matters when you are the first one to start yaking at me in the morning, before I have taken off my coat, put my lunch away or even logged onto my computer..Yes this endless rambling from you sometimes sets my mood for the day. I don't need suggestions on what you think is best to handle work situations, I have been doing this for quite some time on my own. You are loud and don't know when to shut up. I am sorry if your home life in non-social and you use work to talk all day. There are many of us who would like to tell you to be quiet, but being professionals we don't do that. Also stop complaining about your work load. You come in an hour before your scheduled time, spend it talking to anyone who will listen, and spend a lot of time of personal calls telling everyone how busy you are. Enough already...
Wow I feel much better getting this off my chest....Now for that drink. Can you tell it has been one of those days????</p>

<p>To my D: I told you so. </p>

<p>(Definitely one of those things "you can't say directly." That's why I chose to "say it here". And yes, it felt good!)</p>

<p>to the adult students in my para legal classes:</p>

<p>don't ask stupid questions, you are making us nuts!! when the teacher/prof hands something out describiing the program, look at the TITLE of the paragraphs and SEE if your question is discussed there before wasting all our time</p>

<p>and IF you want to talk about aspects of the law, while we are discussing how to look stuff up, hold it in...and save it for the RIGHT time</p>

<p>If the teacher had an eraser, he would have chucked it at your just come across as annoying and stupid, not smart like you think it does!!!</p>

<p>And to the prof- you have the patience of Job, but stop calling on that girl everytime she raises her hand</p>


<p>To all audiologists and hearing aid way to make appointments online? Hello, some of us need to come and see you and we ....can't ....hear .....on ....the ....duh! What kind of oversight is that?!</p>

<p>To the track coach:</p>

<p>You do not have the authority to tell my daughter she can stay home from school today because your team returned home late from a meet last night. As a teacher in the school, surely you're aware that students skipping school because they were up too late--even for a school-sponsored event--is an unexcused absence. So, I guess you were thinking I would lie for her and say she was sick, or that her grandmother passed away, or our house burned down? And, are YOU going to attend her classes for her, learn the material for her, and take her AP tests for her? (Doubt you could pass them.)</p>

<p>and to DD: Please heed my advice in the future. Unlike your coaches who are sometimes motivated by their own ego, I have always YOUR best interests at heart.</p>

<p>I know the shift after the super bowl has got to be the low shift on the totem pole, but seriously. How hard is it to train undertakers to be polite to the next of kin. Yes, he was young, but telling his widow "WOW" when she gives his age, yeah, not necessary.</p>

<p>to the election board:</p>

<p>IF I was going to steal my mothers absentee ballot, and forge her signature on the envelope and then drop it off, don't you think I would have forged her signature in BOTH places? Or just in the one and drop it in the mail a few days ago?</p>

<p>The logic of needing a signature that gives permission for someone else to drop off the ballot at a polling place just makes no sense= if someone DID steal the ballot, which i am sure is a pretty rare occurance, don't you think they wouldn't take the chance of going to the local polling place, and would go to a different polling place, or just put it in the mail...?</p>

<p>its like fake security when its the paperless machines that fail alot that is the real issue here</p>

<p>To DH's company's benefits department, regarding the mail-order pharmacy you are pushing us to use because it's less expensive and "more efficient."</p>

<p>Here are my choices:
1) Call the dr's office. Ask them to call the Rx to the CVS here in town. Go to CVS, pick it up. Same day.</p>

<p>2) Download a form off the internet. Fax it to the dr's office (30 minute drive from my house), with a cover sheet asking them to fax the Rx to Medco. Wait 3 days, contact Medco online to see if they got the fax, receive a reply that says I will have an answer in 24 hours. Wait 3 more days, contact Medco again, wait another day to find out the fax was never received. Call dr's office again, have them re-fax it. Wait 3 more days to hear from Medco that it was received, it will be "in process" for 2 - 3 days, then it will be shipped. Wait 1 1/2 weeks for the Rx to come in the mail, only to receive a 30 day supply (I was expecting a 90 day supply) and a bill for $48.65 (full price of Rx). Contact Medco online again. Wait a day to find out that the dr only wrote the Rx to dispense 30 days at a time, if they wrote it for 90 days my total co-pay would be $60. There are no refunds and no credits, and in order to dispense for 90 days my dr will have to write a new Rx. Download fax form from Medco again, fill it out again, fax it to Dr office again, and begin the waiting process again....</p>

<p>THIS is supposed to be efficient? THIS is supposed to save everyone time and money?</p>