Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Okay, it is graduation time, and I am really tired of a lifetime of dealing with divorced parents, remarried parents, angry siblings, stepparents who obviously and cluelessly value their own kids more, people who won't be in the same room, etc. </p>

<p>And stop complaining about the drive - it's just as bad in both directions, and I've done it much more frequently (and with younger and more children and alone)</p>

<p>Coworker-- I gave you the stupid control plan for the WHOLE structure with COMPLETED beam marks about three weeks ago, and you said that you were gonna add yours on and take it straight to the drafter!! YOU DIDN'T!! Now I look like a huge delinquent, I have more work to do because all my beam marks are wrong, and you've generally been a huge thorn in my side during this entire project. You have at least two years' more experience than I do, and I've been doing this job for about eight months. Why is it that i'm catching YOUR mistakes?? This is NOT MY JOB!!!</p>



<p>i'm sick of your intolerance. people are ment to be different, and just because they aren't cookie cutter models of you doesn't make them bad. </p>

<p>please quit calling my best friend a whore. you don't even know her. and my other friend (who is Mormon) isn't a women-beating cult member. LDS is a religion, just like Lutheran!!! diversity is okay!!!</p>

<p>and mom, just to really **** up your world, I"M BISEXUAL!!! make that fit into your perfect world.</p>

<p>Since you chose to send your memo, pointing out what you thought was missing from that brochure, to the entire board, I must admit I took great joy in hitting "reply all," and pointing out politely that you simply overlooked it.</p>

<p>If you'd called me or emailed just me, I'd have been very happy to save you that embarrassment, but since you sought to cause some for me, :::click::: there you go.</p>

<p>To DD:
Upcoming separation anxiety is a very real thing. Please be more gentle with me.</p>

<p>Am I just being irrational? If it's my present, then why can't I decide where it goes? I give in to you every time on this kind of thing, and I'm just tired of it.</p>

<p>You selfish bas**rds. You voted down the school budget again. We spend 20% less per student than even the average town in this state, and our property taxes are the lowest in the area, but you're too stingy to pay to educate the students in this town. It's so much easier to say, "No, they waste money" and propose all sorts of ridiculous (and illegal) ways to save money, instead of taking the time to read, learn and find out the truth. What really ticks me off is that you act like it's selfish spoiled parents who want luxuries for their kids. The truth is that it is YOU that is spoiled. You want a nice town, police, fire, senior services, and good property values, but you don't want to pay for them. You got used to the state paying for everything, and now that this relatively wealthy town is being asked to pull its own weight you suddenly cry "poor." Half of you have summer houses in Florida! The real truth is that parents are paying out of our own pockets for tons of stuff previous generations got for free - sports fees, bus fees, activities fees.... we're becoming a two-tiered "public" high school, where those who can afford to play sports or be in activities can participate, but those whose parents can't afford hundreds of dollars in fees are left out. I cannot wait until my last child is out of this school system. The saddest part is, it will be the most vulnerable kids who will suffer most. I can pay for a tutor, and my child has a stable home and can focus on her work even in an overcrowded classroom. But the kid who is on the fringe, who is struggling, who doesn't have the home support system - well now the teachers won't have time to spot and help them. And all those administrators who you think do "nothing" - well, they do nothing but work to try to help the kids who are falling thru the cracks. Calling houses, visiting parents, talking with kids, doing whatever it takes to keep these kids from dropping out. But you think they are a waste of overhead.</p>

<p>"Public" education.... what a joke. Apparently the only people who are supposed to pay for "public" education are the people with kids in school. Never mind that the entire society benefits from an educated populace. Never mind that someone else was paying taxes when you were in school, and when your parents were in school, and when your kids were in school. You are quoted in the paper as voting no because "it doesn't benefit me." </p>

<p>I can't even articulate the disgust I feel.</p>

<p>i'd like to stop these mindgames please, thanks very much. i'm just tired of it all.</p>

<p>I also wish the people without kids in school would stop being so selfish with the "it doesn't benefit me" attitude. I bet you didn't feel that way when your kids were in school. Heck, I didn't see you complaining when the senior citizen activities were funded and the rec center where you socialize was being built. You have your homes, nice cars, vacations, etc, so you are not really needy. But ask for school improvements and everybody is suddenly poor. Step into the present! What was fine for you and your kids is outdated, inadequate and sometimes downright dangerous. (Too bad those folks won't be reading this).</p>

<p>Stay away from my daughter. I'm serious. I've had it up to here with you. GO AWAY.</p>

<p>I don't know if you hate me or not (and if not, why??).</p>

<p>I hope you don't.</p>

<p>I hope you know how much you mean to me.</p>

<p>I hope I don't bother you, that you find something good in my writing.</p>

<p>I hope you can see me as a friend, your unequal equal.</p>

<p>I wish would tell me the truth, without fear of hurting me--because more than anything, I want to know.</p>

<p>...and from that sentimental note to a dear mentor/friend, here's an extremely shallow one...</p>

<p>Dear hot, sweet guy who was my function date,</p>

<p>Don't move away to California--I was so looking forward to hanging out/dancing with you next year!!</p>

<p>To my S's employer...He has worked for you for two and half years. He has two months left before college. He really, really really needs more hours. Put him on the schedule. If you're having to cut employees hours due to the economy, please stop hiring new people that take the old employees hours.</p>

<p>To the mother who bemoaned to me when her d was forsaken by her friends...why are you letting your s do the same to my s? Don't you remember how it felt?</p>

<p>Dear high school Spanish teacher:</p>

<p>I hate you for making my senior year of high school a miserable mess. I hate you for stressing me out to the point of breaking. I hate you for trying to turn my other teachers, with whom I had a great rapport, against me, even though I never antagonized you. I hate you for running your class showing obvious favoritism to a select few, and in a manner that nobody but the most severely dyslexic person could follow, but mainly I hate you for resenting the fact that that I could run circles around you in the language after three years of study.</p>

<p>You should not be allowed to be a teacher.</p>

<p>To the hypermilers who live in my neck of the woods: I do not have a crystal ball, but I still can see that you are going to be in an accident in your nearest future! Would it be worth the pennies you saved on gas by driving like morons?</p>

<p>Because <em>I</em> would like to go, with you. That isn't reason enough? Apparently not. Because kids doing fabulous things should be supported. That isn't reason enough? Apparently not.</p>

<p>I'd looked forward to all of us doing this <em>together</em>, but after one of you mentioned in the car that it was bound to be miserable because the music will be played by high schoolers, and the other one of you pitched a fit about going, going to this event with the two of you doesn't seem like such a good idea now. So I'll go by myself.</p>

<p>I told you at dinner: If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And look what happened: mama got unhappy, and now ain't nobody happy. Congratulations on your victory; I hope it was worth it.</p>

<p>i don't feel sure of anything anymore.</p>

<p>I think that being out of school is really getting to me. Working my mindless job has made me so miserable that I can barely get out of bed in the morning. I'm exhausted, lethargic, and the most unhappy I've been for a very long time. But I feel horribly guilty because my job is better than the ones most teenagers work and feel awkward complaining to them when their jobs don't pay nearly as well and have just as little job satisfaction.</p>

<p>God, I hope these new meds start to work because if things keep going as they are, I think I'll just break down. </p>

<p>In addition, to my employer: your excuse that giving us even <em>one</em> window in the entire building would be "distracting" is bull and everyone knows it. Did it ever occur to you that <em>that</em> might be one of the reasons that your employees look so pale and unhappy?</p>

<p>to GHP supervisors- just because most good h.s pianists are asian, don't ignore all nonasians- hope you have a fabulous time with the no-personaility drones you chose to go!</p>