Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>It's only the beginning of July and I'm sick and tired of the "city people" coming here and trying to take over our town. They come here "to be seen". They purposely talk loud on their cell phones no matter where they are just because they want those around them to believe that they're important or famous. Oh, and these are the same people that leave their token accessory item of a pet (purebreeds of course) locked in their Lexus's, BMW's, Mercedes, etc. with one slightly cracked window when the outside temperature is 80+ degrees. And to that ass of a woman that left her toddler strapped in the car seat in her van as she shopped in the air conditioned grocery store, you have a hell of a nerve being ****ed because I took the time to report your license plate number to the customer service in the grocery store. I hope you were embarrassed as they paged you for leaving your kid locked in a hot van. It still took 20 minutes for you to get to your car after being paged. I waited outside your van to make sure your kid didn't die from the heat. The toddler was overheated, sweating, and crying. These people make me sick.</p>

<p>Speaking of loud people talking on their cell phones: if you have the phone held up to your ear, you do not need speakerphone. Nobody wants to hear one end of your conversation: what makes you think we need to hear both?</p>

<p>Went to enjoy the baseball game last night. Sadly, the team stunk, but so did your @#$%%^ cigarettes! Can't you smoke in the " designated smoking area" like you are supposed to?!?!?</p>

<p>Which one of you dummies at DD's now former HS was responsible for having a Football coach who has never taught ANY physics class teach her IB physics class last year? :(</p>

<p>Auugh! I've marked these changes on the plans TWICE now! The deadline is in half an hour, you've already plotted all the drawings, and now what we've got are a bunch of plans with labelling errors in them that y'all didn't correct. So now we have to issue a bunch of addendums next week. Why couldn't you guys have gotten it right the first time? How 'bout when I marked it as being wrong? How 'bout when I marked it as being wrong AGAIN?</p>

<p>What shade of bright red pen do I need to use in order to get you guys to notice my changes!?!?</p>

<p>Sigh. Deadlines.</p>

<p>Get some sleep. I know the training is intense, I know there are deadlines, etc. but get some sleep. Do not tell me you are getting up at 4:30 a.m. and then drop the comment that at 3:00 a.m. you were printing out your materials. Stop thinking so much about what everyone else expects of you -- or of what your too-high expectations for yourself are -- and start taking care of yourself even if it means doing something less than perfectly. LOWER YOUR STANDARDS. And get some sleep.</p>

<p>Stop talking to me/leading me on/leading me off/talking about it/playing games. You're smart enough to know how I feel, honestly. Either leave me alone or really, really don't leave me alone. Make the decision. And for chrissake do not send me another goddamn personality query so you can play more mind games and change the subject.</p>

<p>I'm not really upset here. And you are a friendly and helpful boss. </p>

<p>But you have you really thought about the irony that you are so conscious of one of my colleague's minority-age status that she can't work a single minute above the state-mandated hours-per-week limit (even when school is not in session), but you don't bat an eyelid letting her as a 16-year-old exchange cigarettes and lighters with older colleagues and letting her go on smoke breaks?</p>

<p>Of course, I don't expect you to forbid her from doing so -- after all, I don't think the state ban on youth smoking is working, and to uptight about it would only unnecessarily hurt an employee not ready to quit, as well as her productivity.</p>

<p>Perhaps what I expected some sort of soft, elderlike chiding; that as much concern be shown for the youth smoking as for cumbersome state laws about youth labour over the summer. Of course you as a boss smoke yourself. And probably a lot of other bosses do this too. </p>

<p>Maye this is more of a small social observation that I can't make in public.</p>

<p>just because i have a position of authority doesn't mean that im gonna abuse my "power" and how dare you think so. we were really good friends before,when i was below you grade-wise. you all have changed so freaking much and some of you i dont even want to call my friends anymore. i dont need you to constantly undermind me when ever i try to rise up in my leadership position. whats the problem? you dont think i can do it or something? or are you just jealous because he choose me instead of you?! i love you and your my best friend but sometimes i wonder if you feel the same about me, i fear that when i leave to go to college we wont be friends anymore and its not like im gonna just cut it off, but you're not trying to pursue the same things i am. i wish you would just recognize how smart you really are, you could go to a UC just like i want to but you wont even try, and i dont know why. but try to stick with me instead of against me, despite our unspoken differences.</p>

<p>Dear J. Crew, and other mainstream retailers,</p>

<p>At 5'6 and 115 pounds, I may be slender, but I'm not the smallest woman out there. There is no legitimate reason that a size zero should be baggy on someone my size. Stop with the vanity sizing madness -- or at the very least, add a double zero to your catalogue. Thanks.</p>


<p>who has a small bone structure but a reasonable figure & shouldn't have such trouble finding clothes that fit</p>

<p>Dear H WHAT WERE YOU THINKING waiting to see if that running water sound in the kitchen wall would go away?!</p>

<p>Dear me WHAT WERE YOU THINKING listening to H? He may be a smart guy, but he did not get the home maintenance gene. And you KNOW this!</p>

<p>All US airlines officially suck. I can't boycott any of them because the next one is just as bad.</p>

<p>Ok, H - you have vetoed my totally-all-agreed-upon plan for the moving in college trek. Now where are the details for your plan - cost analysis ? etc. 6 busy weeks left - we need firm plans (& reservations) NOW !!</p>

<p>To a teacher?:
Why'd you have to embarass me in front of the class. Next time take me to the side and then tell me. Why'd you ruin my senior year?</p>

<p>To some people:
Why do you all want to be doctors???? It's something special to be a doctor. Don't abuse it and think it's easy or like your backup career. And you!!! Stop trying to establish a financial base or something what BS!!! And stop bragging so much. </p>

<p>To you: Why are you so perfect? Why can't I have a life as good as yours? </p>

<p>Some others:
Get a job and stop taking money from my family. Sure we're family, but we can only help you so much.</p>

<p>To those in charge: You are supposed to be professionals. How hard is it to make airline reservations for a couple of students when their destination is only one state away? How ridiculous that S received his itinerary with flight arrangements today for a trip that starts next week and you have him on a flight that stops two states short of his destination. What is he supposed to do? Hitchhike? </p>

<p>He would gladly drive his own vehicle but since yur organization will not allow it, please at least make an effort to get him a flight into the city he is supposed to land in!</p>

<p>To all women that decide to squat above the seat - please clean up your sprinkle. </p>

<p>Honest to goodness, the squatter toilets in China are starting to make sense to me! I am sick and tired of wiping toilet seats in public bathrooms because people are so germ phobic that they just spray all over the seat... Yuck!!</p>

<p>It is bad enough that you provide lousy internet and cable service, that your customer service people are rude and your tecnicians are incompetent, but now you have the NERVE to charge me for some throw-away, unreadable TV channel guide that I didnt order in the first place?? How much more smarmy can you get? Do you want your customers to hate you more than they already do?!?!?!? (Note to cc readers-- check your cable/internet bill if you suddenly started to receive monthly channel guides. We were getting charged an additional $3.40/month for this junk.)</p>

<p>Are you fricking kidding me?! GM's white collar cuts will hit design engineers hardest? Cut the folks who already do the amount of work many more used to do? What about the upper level managers who only have one or two people reporting to them? I guess it's impossible to expect the ones running the place (into the ground, by the way) to cut any of their buddies ...</p>


<p>Oh jeeze! It's absolutely not my problem in any way that you made a bad financial decision. It wasn't my problem when you first made the decision, and isn't my problem today. You're supposed to be so smart--hah. I really wish I could tell you to grow up and deal with the consequences of your actions. It was a dumb decision. Deal with it and quite calling me about it. NOT MY PROBLEM!</p>

<p>I'm honestly beginning to worry that I'll never find a career from which I derive genuine satisfaction, and it makes me feel as if I've failed at feminism.</p>