Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>No, we in the NW do not have accents. It's everyone else who tends to talk a little funny.</p>

<p>I do, but it's not "stereotypical" Russian accent. :) And people get curious, but ask the wrong thing( out of politeness probably) . It gets really confusing if we are traveling somewhere and somebody asks "Where are you from? " .I answer "**** Washington" , but of course it's not the answer to the real question. So I take pity and say "The accent is Russian" and that's that. :) Sometimes there is a standard follow-up : "How do you like it here? " .</p>

<p>Love this thread! We have to keep our trap shut for our kids' sake, but I sure would like to say, "Your son is a nefarious little snot!That Eddie Haskell routine he's got down doesn't fool me for a minute. I pity your cluelessness!" and to the other one, "Your son has a screw loose and it'll take more than a couple of anger management classes to get HIM back to normalcy!"....Ahh.....felt great......thanks!</p>

<p>To everyone who nailed me because their dad was clergy and my kids were acting (up) normally for their age during services: back off. No, I don't think they are supposed to be an "example" for our community.
Or as I said it then, "Sometimes even the dentist's child gets a cavity." </p>

<p>P.S. They're all fine now. How are yours?</p>

<p>MollieB--please take the unexpired food from the relative to a food bank. Or tell her to.</p>

<p>kathiep & dogwood,
You've nailed one of my "favorites." Don't leave your grocery carts stacked against anyone's car or against a lightpost, hoping that the wind won't send it flying downhill into a car or the street! Take 30 seconds, be a good citizen and walk it back to the front of the store. It's what, 20-50 feet away? It won't kill you to get 30 seconds worth of exercise. And while I'm at it, will that overweight, overly made-up b*tch who lives in my town please not park in the fire lane in front of CVS to "just run in for a minute and get something." What makes you think that you are different from the rest of us and don't have to find an actual parking space in the huge lot? Walking would do a world of good for your health. And finally, to my S's 3rd grade teacher, who wasted a year of his life in the classroom because you thought there was "nothing special" about him? Why don't you check in with the rest of his teachers through middle school, high school and college and see if they agree with your astute assessment? You moron. Thanks, I have been waiting to say that for 13 years. :D</p>

<p>Oh, Momof3sons, you hit a nerve on that last one. To the battle-axe witch who made my daughter's life a living hell: You called her names like space cadet. You encouraged the rest of the third grade class to laugh when she was in what you referred to as "La La land". It was not until later that we found out that she had epilepsy, and that 'la la land' was a series of hundreds of seizures she had each day. When we told you, we got no apology. That laughter and reputation followed my little girl through elementary school, ruining her self esteem. While I'm at it, thanks to the ass of a principal who actually made me cry when he refused to do a child study team evaluation while I was searching for answers about what was wrong, saying "your daughter is nothing special." You coward---you changed your tune when I burst into your office waving that diagnosis in my hand, didn't you? Afraid of a lawsuit, were you? I wish there was something I could do to you to get rid of my anger, but there isn't. My daughter still struggles with the feelings you left her with. She is now 22. She is happy, in love with a wonderful guy, and in nursing school. She wins.</p>

<p>tanyanubin - I can relate to the anger you describe- it is so bewildering when people whose profession is teaching can be so cruel and rigid. I am so very happy that your daughter is now happy. </p>

<p>My wish for you is that you are somehow able to release that anger that you still feel, cup it in your palms and blow it over to those who created it, you don't need it any longer, I promise you'll feel so much better :) (beenthere & donethat!!)</p>

<p>To the lady at church: When our kids were in middle school, you told criticized the way I was raising mine. Let's compare kids now. Your oldest is in rehab -- again. The next one is married, had a kid, and is divorced. The third got his GED and is hanging around your house, repairing his motorcycle. Your youngest finally got her GED after attending half a dozen Alternative Schools in the area. She was just released from Juvenile boot camp for breaking & entering. I have one in college, carrying a 3.7 in theater and dance. My Son was just accepted into U of Mich in Engineering. And you told me I was too strict with my kids!</p>

<p>Mollie: Shredded cheese should freeze just fine- extending that shelf life- hey, cheese is expensive, ask her to give it to you before it is bad and freeze it ;)</p>

<p>Tanya: my peeve exactly- why do "professionals" who could have a wonderful influence on a kid instead resort to a life altering negative influence???? What is their issue??</p>

<p>It's entirely possible that it's bad already. :-P Said person-who-shall-not-be-named has a pantry full of pretzels that expired in 2001 and soup that expired in 2004... I have learned to be very aware of the dates on any food she tries to foist upon me!</p>

<p>Sounds like my mother! I swear she has stuff in her cabinets from the 80's...</p>

<p>Ah! Every time I go to my in-laws, I sneak trash disgustingly old food from the pantry and frig!!</p>

<p>My friend at work who is the same age as me (50) cleaned out his mom's refrigerator while she was hospitalized for surgery and he claims he found old salad dressing from while he was in college :eek: It must be a common characteristic of people of that generation! I wonder what our kids will be saying about us in 25 years!</p>

<p>It is common from people who lived through the Depression, not too surprising. They don't mean any harm by it for sure but I'm sure it can be dangerous.</p>

<p>Wow, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Lots of posts are funny, though many are sad at the same time.</p>

<p>The food stuff is scary. I have a friend that I adore - she makes simply ridiculous amounts of money, has NO debt, great investments, etc., absolutely no chance of a financial care of any sort, but, she has this one thing that drives me crazy - she'll pick the mold off bread and eat it; she'll put rotten bananas in cereal or otherwise use them to make banana bread, etc. </p>

<p>Once, I stayed at her house for a few weeks, and I'd bought some groceries, anyway, some of the fruit started to go bad, so, I threw it out. She actually retrieved it out of the garbage and ate it....for some reason she simply cannot seem to let go of bad food...I don't get it...</p>


<p>Sorry, I've been needing to say that for some time. :eek:</p>

<p>Man, for once I wish I were anonymous here. I would have plenty to say.</p>

<p>Me too, Hanna, me too.</p>