Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>CGM and justanother,
OK My bad. My impulsiveness got the best of me. Sorry. :)</p>

<p>To the friend who knowingly helped her kid lie on his college essay:</p>

<p>Now I know why he thought it was okay to cheat his way through high school!</p>

To all those people who get puppies and then put them up for adoption when they're about a year old: "It's your own fault you have a rude badly behaved dog who poops in the house--you didn't train the puppy. Sure, puppies are cute--but now you're getting rid of the DOG. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You should have done your research. Any good dog book would have told you that border collies are high energy dogs, that labs weigh 75 pounds, that beagles are food-obsessed, and that poodles require a lot of grooming...."


<p>Amen to that. Especially when they get another puppy like, four seconds later.</p>

<p>Although I don't call it "putting them up for adoption." More like "getting rid of them." </p>

<p>Also, I'm sick and tired of people coming on rescue boards to gripe about rescues. I'm sorry you needed a fence to adopt the dog you had to have because there was a fence policy clearly stated on their website. But don't come in and accuse people who are doing whatever they can of "killing animals" because they're committed to finding the best situation for the animals they take responsibility for. Yes, you CAN go pay $10 at a kill shelter and get a dog, I guarantee it. No one is growing these rescue dogs out of water or something. They CAME from those shelters. And they're being euthed to the tune of millions per year. Nothing is stopping you from starting your own rescue without a fence policy. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. </p>

<p>Also, a "puggle" (or any other cute name for mixed breeds) is not a breed. It is a nice brown beagle mix, but we have to euth a whole lot of nice brown beagle mixes in Va every year, very sad that we're creating more and calling them "designer." But I bite my tongue every time because I don't even know what to say to everyone who tells me they want a puggle. No, it doesn't get rid of the breathing problems of a pug and the howling of a beagle. It might give you both. But when you try to tell people, you get "there's nothing wrong with mixed breeds" - EXACTLY MY POINT. We have plenty of them and they are lovely and IN DANGER. Even the puppies. Even the babies. Many puppies under 8 weeks are euthed every year in America, just because people don't like to think about it doesn't change reality. </p>

<p>Sometimes, it seems so hopeless. Education is the key, but no one cares. They want what they want, when they want it, no matter what the repercussions are. And I fear that culturally it's only going to get worse. There is no relief in the near future. My heart can be consumed with sadness for the plight of homeless pets in America (mainly the result of accidental litters) but until something changes, it just seems like they're invisible.</p>

<p>Amen...and to those who haven't fixd their dogs</p>

<p>Why not? The dogs will be fine, and life will be easier all around if you get your cute little Chiauaja taken care of. We have been friends along time, but your husband is an idiot to not want you to neuter your dog. </p>

<p>And to the neighbor lady who lives in a small house and breeds mastiffs for $$$$, what are you thinking? Those dogs are huge and should not be created in the city.</p>

<p>Sure, we have a couple of medium sized dogs, but they are rescue and we walk them for hours a day, not just once around the block</p>

<p>And to the old guy who doesn't pick up after his dog, come on know, you aren't THAT feeble....</p>

<p>I always have an extra bag when walking my dog. When I see someone not picking up after their pet, I offer them my bags since they must have "forgotten" to grab one on their way out the door!</p>

<p>When my neighbor continually allowed his Rottweiler to defecate on our lawn, I picked up the poop and left it on his doorstep sans plastic bag. (He never did it again, and he no longer owns the dog.)</p>

<p>My daughter does pet walking- why do people who cannot walk a dog buy a mastiff...not happen to have one and get old or have injuries, but seek out and buy a puppy, yet cannot give it sufficient exercise???</p>

<p>After a trip to the grocery store.......Why can't you walk just a little bit further and put the grocery cart in the corral? Do you really think it belongs in the handicapped space?</p>

<p>OMG Kathiep, you hit a nerve!
When you're shopping, can you refrain from parking your cart right in the middle of the aisle where no one can go around, and then staring at the canned goods with such concentration that you can't hear everyone saying "ahem," "excuse me," "beep beep," and then acting all shocked and bewildered when someone finally MOVES your cart over, jerking you out of your stupor????</p>

<p>Yes, that one drives me absolutely nuts. Put the cart in the corral. Seriously, I don't want it rolling around the parking lot, possibly hitting my car, because someone was too lazy to go the extra 50 feet or whatever to put the cart where it belongs. Or even worse, coming out to find one left by my car because some thoughtless clod couldn't be bothered to put it in it's proper place. I don't care if it's raining, put the cart where it belongs.</p>

<p>Yes, this really is a personal pet peeve of mine.</p>

<p>Dear Columbia University,</p>

<p>Why did you tell our counselor that you were this [ ] close to admitting a student if you weren't going to follow through? Besides the fact that it's rude and insensitive, do you even realize what a mistake you've made? Please be sensible and take Melanie off the waitlist.</p>

<p>Thank you,
Mel's friend</p>

<p>Dear female-relative-who-shall-remain-nameless,
No, we do not want a few extra bags of shredded cheese. We can only eat one bag of cheese in a week, and if you give us five bags, they will go bad. In addition, we do not want those boxes of cookies, those crackers, or those boxes of pasta. In fact, we know how to go to the grocery store and buy all of those things, so we have plenty for ourselves.</p>

<p>I am sorry that you can't help but buy in bulk when food goes on sale, but if you try to unload your expired sale food on us, I will gleefully throw it all out after you leave.</p>

<p>Hey XXX - would you stop comparing your kid to mine!! This has been going on since they were both 5 and wrestled together, played football together, etc...JUST STOP! Your son does not have a 3.8 or he would be listed in the newspaper with the rest of the local kids at the same college on the Dean's List...and my son is an engineering student and cannot be compared to your Phys Ed...excuse me, kinesiology major son. So, please, just stop. Vibrations, Calc, Physics and Thermo just don't compare to Volleyball, Swimming and Intro to Writing..and while you're at it...stop getting your haircut like mine, reading the same books I am, and buying the same's getting a bit creepy!!!!</p>

<p>To a woman I recently saw at our local Walmart:
Put shoes on your child. I don't care if she's screaming and running away from you or if you live in a hovel. She needs shoes.</p>

<p>Okay, me in car:</p>

<p>Can you please make up your mind and cross the street already, and don't suddenly jump into the road after standing there for two minutes and deciding to cross just as I am pulling out</p>

<p>And you teenagers, walking sllloooowwwyyy across the street does not make you cool, it makes you annoying</p>

<p>And to those people on the bridge this morning having a very minor fender bender, why don't you pull OFF THE BRIDGE at the next exit, after exchanging drivers licences, and swap information there, the Caltrans truck was blocked traffic for an hour and your cars were drivable, because you drive away as soon as I got past you </p>

<p>And to the skateboarders (both in their 20s) last night who skateboarded in front of my car for blocks, and scared me to death with your antics, grow up already</p>

<p>And to my dog.... Your barking is not what is keeping the cars on the road and the people walking on the street and the birds in the sky - they were just passing by! woof! (see what you started cgm??) But it does keep certain church groups at bay - thank you!</p>

<p>But if your dog didn't bark, how would you ever know your neighbor is coming home at midnight, or know the killer squirrel was climbing your tree at 3:00am, or that the paper is being delivered at 5:15am, or that nice man down the street is jogging at 6:00am? I guess I would be getting a better night of sleep without the barking!!</p>

<p>to the two guys talking next to the leg press machine at the gym-
I am sorry you have to work underneath the bridge where so many suicides take place- but is it really appropriate conversation to have in a public place about the fact that most of them don't land in the water?</p>

<p>Just a little less than a year ago, a young woman, barely 16, who we had known through lots of soccer practices over the years, took her own life off that bridge- I had been able to put it out of my mind, although I am sure her family and friends are rarely ever able to do that.
But listening to your crude jokes, that my headphones couldn't mask, completely ruined the rest of my workout and my evening.</p>

<p>No matter how coarse the woman, I just can not picture a female joking about the physical reality of a suicide. Why are men such pigs?</p>

<p>to lots and lots of well-meaning people:
Don't ask me "Where are you from? " when you want to ask "What kind of accent is this? " . Be brave, I will not get offended and you will get the answer you really want. :)</p>

<p>we have accents?</p>