Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>You “helped me out” by taking my Precious Baby King to get his going-to-middle-school haircut and he came home a laughingstock! The stupid barber didn’t fix any of his cowlicks and it looks like he placed a bowl on the baby’s head and shaved around it. This is the worst haircut I’ve ever seen in my life. What could you have been thinking? Did you even look at it? Don’t you think he’s going to be nervous enough about starting middle school? Did you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO make him feel worse? He knows he looks ridiculous. He’ll look like a convict by the time the stupid haircut is fixed with a trip to an actual stylist. If you weren’t already bald, I’d shave half your head in your sleep. I would like to rip your throat out. Next time you leave the house, TAKE YOUR BRAIN WITH YOU!!!</p>

<p>Send the authorization form in. Just send it already. Why does it take your office days to send in a prescription or an authorization form? What is the point of treating patients if you keep them from getting access to their medications? Why do I have to spend so much time trying to get everyone to do their jobs? And how about returning a phone call when I bother to leave you a detailed voicemail?</p>

<p>I did my research, I know the laws. I know the legal , moral and ethical obligations that are on your shoulders. I have connections and have no problem making a call or two to see that you make things right.
I was a lot more prepared than you thought I would be , and you will get no peace until we are all satisfied.</p>

<p>What, the AP Chemistry class is OVERsubscribed? This, the same class that the administrators weren’t even going to have on the selection list because they were so sure it would be UNDERsubscribed … that is, until the parents and students (via Facebook) agitated you to try better. You tried to tell me that AP Bio was held in higher regard by college admissions that AP Chem or AP Physics because it was “more broad.” Your own enrollments stats for the last few years showed more students signing up to take AP Chem than AP Bio.</p>

<p>Unbelievable. Next year, try telling the truth. Yeah, I know the budget cuts make everything including scheduling harder. But don’t get caught up telling lies.</p>

<p>Dear cats: it IS food. In fact, it is PREMIUM cat food. Delicious and nutritious. It is not my fault some doofus called it “Science Diet”. I know, it sounds much less appetizing than “Fancy Feast”, but really, I did not know that you could read!</p>

<p>I wish I knew whether you are scared or are being lazy or are being too nice. Good comeback, but I’m not buying it. At this point, there are few things you can do to help yourself, but this is one of them. I can’t believe you’re passing up this golden opportunity.</p>

<p>The time to check for xferring frequent flier miles, using credit card benefits for flights was several weeks ago. Not now, while we’re actually trying to book holiday flights before all the seats are gone.</p>

<p>Ok -to celebrate your first day of High School I spent 5 hours today making your self-proclaimed favorite meal . I slow roasted and grilled barbecue ribs, made coleslaw, corn-on-the cob,baked beans, fried apples and corn muffins. You take one bite of the ribs and say “What is this ?” You then eat a total of 5 bites and leave the table. Well I say- “You’re welcome. Hope you enjoy PB&J all weekend.” PS- that chocolate mousse is mine all mine !</p>

<p>I know you feel like you’re not you unless you’re facing a challenge, but sometimes I wish you’d take the easy way, just so I could see you relaxed and happy.</p>

<p>Why am I trying so hard when you’re not?</p>

<p>I play by the rules, abide by the law and don’t expect any favors because I have connections and can make things easier on myself if a situation should arise , simply because of who I know. What I want in return is that other people will not be considered above the law for the same reasons I describe…
principals above $$</p>

<p>Dear Airline Company,</p>

<p>You still cannot find my bag, which contains nearly $2,000 worth of my stuff. It has been FOUR WEEKS. You have been of absolutely no help the entire process, as I have just been tossed around from phone number to phone number, wasting excessive amounts of minutes while I sit here in a foreign country. I cannot express how angry I am. You called me two days after my flight arrived saying you had my bag and you would send it to me. You lost it AGAIN in that process and still can’t seem to retrieve it. How hard is it to find it with the description I gave you???</p>

<p>You think that’s a serious problem? Really? Heaven help you when you actually ARE faced with a truly serious problem.</p>

<p>Coach - make up your mind. Last week you told D to “back off,” that she was shouldering too much of the load and that other people needed to step up. Today you had a team meeting in which you told the team that they had no leaders. So which is it? OR is the truth really that D IS the team leader, but you don’t WANT her to be the leader so you’re looking for someone else? </p>

<p>Coach’s Husband - do you ever have anything positive to say? Do you realize that the girls can hear all your negative, sarcastic comments during the game when you’re standing 20 feet away? Do you know it’s not helping them to play any better when you berate them? You don’t even have a kid on this team! You don’t have ANY kids! I know why you don’t sit with the parents - you don’t want us to hear the nasty things you are saying about our daughters. And the glaring, arms-folded stance isn’t helping either. PLEASE - SHUT UP OR STAY HOME. OR BOTH.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what exactly is going on, but I suspect a lot of the confusion and dissatisfaction has to do with your lack of leadership, so don’t give me that “what do you mean you don’t know what’s going on?” attitude.</p>

<p>You’re an intelligent person, so how can you be so foolish as to think that something you say in a conference room with your brown-nosing underlings has been “communicated throughout the company???” Guess what! Lots of nodding and saying “absolutely” does not mean that stuff is getting done. Leave your office and walk around more, and you’ll see how things really are.</p>

<p>You are missed.</p>

<p>I have always liked working with you for the past 10 years. We have built our department to the professional level it has become. It hasn’t been easy, we have had a lot of criticism and adversaries, but you and I are very well respected and well regarded. You will be retiring in just a few short weeks. I will really miss you, even though you will be working 2 days a month, BUT please stop trying to control who will be working here in your place. I am the one who has to be able to work well with the next person. you are bad mouthing people to the boss and putting me in the middle of it. I didn’t expect you to go running to the boss to tell her everything and put my name in it. I like_____. I used to work with her many years ago. She is dedicated, rarely calls in sick, is in for the long haul. She was also very nice and compassionatetowards me when my husband got suddenly seriously sick many years ago and she didn’t have to be.You and I are going to be interviewing the candidates this week. The best person for the job, who I can also see that I can work well together will be my recommendation to the boss.
I don’t really care who you want.
The other person you are pushing on the boss is not a team player. STOP.</p>

<p>What do you care for anyway, you are leaving the load to me.</p>

<p>Enjoy your retirement and stop interfering.</p>

<p>Yesterday’s sermon included the admonishment, “Don’t let your moods control you.” Please take that to heart!! I get tired of your ups and downs. One day, I can do no wrong, and then the next, you tell me I’m doing everything wrong and you’re unhappy. Ack.</p>

<p>I found all these really fun smiley faces and I want to use them here (but they don’t work)!!!</p>