Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

<p>Well, one of them is definitely in my area!</p>

<p>To the co-worker who thinks he's all that because he's been getting the plum assignments lately -- what goes around comes around. All it takes is getting 1 or 2 new cases with one of the tougher law firm partners to change your daily life, hours, and attitudes. Remember that before you go around patting yourself on the back for always getting the winning cases with the nicest associates -- and saying that you're getting these easy cases because your attitude, reputation, and accomplishments exceed those of your associates. You're kidding yourself if you think you've distinguished yourself in less than 2 yrs of legal practice.</p>

<p>to my friend (who has no idea about this site- phew)- love ya, but geesh, living vicariiously thourgh your daughter's looks is making us all bonkers</p>

<p>she has been blessed with a pretty face and nice figure, but that is not enough to compensate for her average smarts and talent</p>

<p>Lady, you amaze me. I have heard you trash other women, and their kids, in the most unmerciful way imaginable - and then seen you greet them fondly within the same minute. Yet if you suspect that someone might have made even the slightest negative comment about your daughter, you investigate it like Bulldog Drummond and make certain that everyone knows how mean/jealous/nasty the alleged gossiper is.</p>

<p>You have portrayed my daughter in the worst possible light to people whose opinion she values - then asked me for favors. </p>

<p>I'm not a confrontational person and don't want to have it out with you (hence this post!). In just a few more months, we will only see each other in accidental encounters at the mall or grocery store; and even then, only if neither of us sees the other coming. But how about if you do a little favor for me until then? Please stop with the veiled insults to my kids. I am neither stupid enough not to know an insult when I hear one, nor intimidated enough (by whatever factor you apparently think I find intimidating) to keep my mouth shut forever. One day I might just run out of nice - and when I do, it won't be pretty.</p>

<p>Dear Customer:</p>

<p>Well, here it is again, the day your taxes are due, and today you call and ask why you received that 1099 from us. Did you not read the 3 previous notifications from us about the consequences of your actions regarding your account? Did you not sign the form on which you stated you understood that a taxable event would occur? I'm wondering why now, months later, you decide to complain about something you rightfully knew the answer to when you requested us to send you the required forms. And why are you compaining to us now when we gave you every chance to back out of it?</p>

<p>In the future, please read you mail. Do not sign anything unless you fully understand what you're signing. If you do not understand what you're signing, please take the appropriate steps until you fully understand what you're doing. And futhermore, if it truly is a mistake on your part, please do not call someone up and scream at them.</p>

<p>Thank you,</p>

<p>Your Customer Service Representative</p>

<p>Dear Concerned and Aggressive Parent,</p>

<p>You asked me probing questions and insulted my school. You told me that my school was terrible due to its "poor" performance in this round of college admissions. My school, which happens to be the one that your son will attend, apparently had too few Ivy admits for your taste. You had the audacity to say this in front of me. What do you take me for? A dumb post? I take it as a personal insult because you insulted my friends.</p>

<p>Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you that people have priorities other than getting into Harvard. I'm sorry that you consider it disappointing that someone else's child "only" got into NYU. But to measure the worth of a person based on the schools he gets into - that's low, and for this, I feel sorry for your son who has to start dealing with it so soon, when he isn't even in high school.</p>

<p>By the time your son applies to college, admissions will probably be even more competitive, and let's see what you have to say then about my school's performance. I'm sure you'll be wishing for the "good ol' days."</p>

A Harrassed and Ticked Off Senior</p>

<p>To my boss: PLEASE stop referring to me as "your little southern belle" and trying to talk in a HORRIBLE fake southern accent. You think it's cute - it's not. </p>

<p>To my sister-in-law: the next time my dad comes home from the hospital after surgery and my mom is exhausted from her chemo treatments, bring them dinner and offer to run errands. You live a mile away, I live 1000 miles away. You don't have a job, have no kids at home, do no volunteer work, no yardwork... you could at least pick up the phone and see if they need any help. Calling a week later and telling them you were "thinking about" them wasn't very helpful.</p>

<p>Wow, that feels really good!</p>

<p>Ok....I really need to get this off my chest!</p>

<p>To the student I teach who always shows up late to EVERYTHING:</p>

<p>You come to class 30 minutes into a 50 minute class and ask questions that you think are insightful and fresh. You know what? The professor answered that question 10 minutes ago! If you were in class on time, you'd be doing much better in class (and on my labs)...Do you really not notice the other students rolling their eyes at your questions time and time again? </p>

<p>Also, you come to lab an hour late normally, if at all, and expect to be able to tell ME what's going on. You know what, you really don't know what's going on because you don't come to class on time and are never around when I explain the lab to the rest of the students in class. It is really getting tiring having to explain the lab to you every week outside of my office hours to get you started because you don't have the common courtesy to come to class on time (or email me that you are going to be late).</p>


<p>Thanks, that feels better...</p>

<p>Ophiolite: is it possible the student is taking two classes that meet at the same time? I actually did that my last semester of college--it was one thing that let me graduate a year early. You might be better off confronting the student directly.</p>

<p>To every teenager, from your parents- I am so sick of..... There, that's the generic venting about things our sons/daughters say that we're either too polite/mature to correct or don't want to start yet another disagreeable conversation/shouting match... Reading Zits sure helps. </p>

<p>And thank you everyone for not unloading on my CC posts, wait, those are the thoughts I was, believe it or not, too polite to voice... Some of us give out praise etc, we vent... (which brings me back to the teenager...).</p>

<p>To the entire male gender category,</p>

<p>Please start making logical sense and stop being so absurdly cryptic.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance,
Someone who thought she'd be more sensible than this</p>


<p>I liked this thread. I hope no one minds that I'm bringing it back.</p>

<p>This is my dirty secret: I secretly resent anyone who had a great social life in high school. Everytime I go on Facebook and see their fun, spontaneous, ohmygodbestfriends! pictures, I feel profoundly inadequate.</p>

<p>To all t3h N00Bz, </p>

<p>Wazzapnin'? :cool:</p>

<p>To the people that run events and every year have them run 1/2 hour behind schedule at a minimum- LEARN FROM THE PAST AND FIX IT....and waiting to start something because you want to accomodate the latecomers- DON"T, they can miss part of the show, that will teach them to show up on time....</p>

<p>Dear Mom and Stepdad,</p>

<p>Remember when your granddaughter (my daughter) was just in elementary school, and I asked you if you would be interested in setting up a 529 plan for her, to ease the financial burden when she goes to college. You told me that you "would rather not put money away then, talk to us when it gets closer." Well, daughter is going to college in September and while we've put away a fair amount, there's still a little gap. Would you like to help? After asking you several times, I need to remind you that it is later, and you two are pretty well off in your golf club community in Boca Raton, so can you help daughter out? </p>

<p>Dear Son,</p>

<p>Stop asking us. We're very emotionally attached to our money.</p>

<p>Dear Mom and Stepdad,</p>

<p>You've been lousy grandparents for 17, almost 18 years. Hardly ever visiting, hardly ever calling, and hardly ever calling daughter each time I faxed you her school awards and report cards. Come to think of it, you weren't particularly good parents either. Don't worry about us - we'll be fine.</p>

<p>to my child
If it wasn't for my bringing this school to your attention- you would have no idea of what thiswas all about & probably would be still living at home while you worked to pay off your loans instead of being too distracted to call your mother once in a while!</p>

I think youth is wasted on the young- they don't know how to enjoy it ;)</p>

Thats a little</p>

<p>That is one scary geek-fest.</p>

<p>I thought the parade actually showed how happy they are to have survived-
I didn't think it was scary- I thought it was sweet- I think it shows how much that experience bonds them as a class and as a school-</p>

<p>A scary party to me would be one that is destructive- and fueled by alcohol and fear/anger, like some I have read about after big rival sports events.</p>

<p>But of course context is a lot, and I feel pretty comfortable on that campus.
Not enough to Pict however-</p>

<p>( reminded me of the V-day parade)</p>