Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Oh God. Here we go again.

I wish I knew what my third act was supposed to be. I need a sign.

I brace myself before the holidays because something always goes wrong. We woke up to no heat or hot water this morning. Service people won’t be able to come earliest Tuesday. Crossing my fingers that we have at least hot water for showers over the Thanksgiving holiday. I can live a few days without heat even if it is cold but I need hot water.

WHY NOW??? Why not when you were asked? What are you trying to prove? So very ODD.

FINALLY made it to Austin. My one-way trip from Maine to Texas was much more stressful than my round trip to South Africa through Qatar and Lebanon!! Unbelievable. The weather was a big factor, of course, but the airlines could have handled the situation better.

Does anyone else think it’s ironic that the Thanksgiving thread is currently next to the intermittent fasting thread?

Maybe people don’t like you? What you think is tough, they call abrasive.

Blue Bell finally has low sugar ice cream!! IIts a little gummier than I wanted, but the taste is there.

I hope I’m not making a mistake. The money should be good, though.

I really wish my mom could give me better advice on school. It’s weird when you’re a first generation student and even weirder when you’re applying to an ivy league. There’s no one in my family that can give me good academic/financial advice or even suggest avenues for me to pursue so that I can make sure I’m able to pay $50,000.00 a semester. sigh.

Dinner went well and I bent over backwards to connect with you dear D’s MIL. I complimented your hair, brought an entire dinner for 6 of us and talked about whatever you and your H wanted to discuss. YET! Once again you have nothing to compliment me about except my cooking. You are evidently a terrible cook so this is not very meaningful. Not once have you said, “nice necklace, cool shoes” etc. Even on their wedding day, after I said many nice things to you, you did not say one single thing to me. OK. Fine. But if I bring you wine, bread, pulled pork, coleslaw, roasted potatoes with aioli and a delicious dessert do you think that when you made yourself a cup of tea you might have offered one to me??? grrrrr

Hours later I am still disgusted with your lack of kindness. Seriously? We have done so very much every time we see you and you could not even ask if I wanted tea? At least just this once H got it.

I can’t believe you pulled that on me. Blindsided me and so disloyal as a friend. Why would you ever do that to me? I’m done with you, and I will never speak to you again.

You weren’t invited to the end of the year party for one big reason - because you did not participate this year, or for the last 4 years for that matter. Yet, you had the gall to invite yourself and show up. How nervy of you! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since you have demonstrated such poor judgement in the past.

You, and your wife, really need to get over your issues with this organization. Your daughter didn’t get the promotion for good reason. As sweet as she is, she made a lot of errors and didn’t demonstrate the skill set needed. OMG, she is 36 years old, not 22. You are still coddling her. Unbelievable. She has moved on. You need to also. Then, maybe, just maybe, your volunteer presence will be seen as a positive within this organization. Your are all bluster with little substance.

Dear niece,

If you’re wondering why none of the kids in your generation will want to sit next to you at Thanksgiving it’s because my kids and their cousins all know what you said to a bunch of people about my daughter behind her back. It was totally untrue, but even if it had been true, who says that kind of thing about their own cousin?! You made her cry and despite my usual desire to forgive and forget I’m finding it mighty hard in this case.

I’m in love with the Next Door App. Thank you, neighbors, for providing me with the information I needed to find someone to clean, re-insulate, and replace a vapor barrier in my crawl space. The first guy I found on a flyer wanted $8K. The company I found on the app (with wonderful reviews) is charging me $2K and can come next week. :slight_smile:


My luggage left, “expedited” (not my request) on the 8:30 am flight. We’ve been delayed to depart no earlier than 12:30 pm. And the arrival airport will be a zoo. Wonder who may walk off with my bag full of gifts and clothes?

OOH- Almost forgot— luggage has containers of homemade chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin seeds!! Argggh!

And the other shoe has dropped. Sigh. Hugs and prayers are about all we can do.