Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Oh boy, my state requires a warning label on anything, any place or any item that has any thing, any component or or any ingredient which may have possibly been shown to cause cancer. So, these signs are in the lobby of every building, in restaurants, in almost every single store you enter. They are on cars and they are on food.

Latest label to catch my eye - the one just posted by Big Box Store all along the coffee shelves. It seems that roasting the coffee bean causes it to create acrylamide. Which, when tested on mice at 10,000x human exposure has in a few studies caused mouse cancer. Never mind that the human metabolism processes acrylamide differently than mice and that it’s impossible to OD by 10,000 normal quantities
the public must be protected.

Also, my state will not allow one to purchase certain candy containing black licorice if the bag doesn’t carry the appropriate warning label. Funny thing, fantastic international candy company doesn’t want to create a special label just for my special state. So, no shipping to this vaulted and protected place.

But wait, I can ship to our business address in the adjoining state (guess they are willing to let their citizens eat black licorice and drink coffee in complete and happy ignorance).

So, I am going to live on the wild and dangerous side next week. I will eat my (illegal) licorice candy while enjoying a coffee.

So there. pftttthhh!

You know I love you, but a football game is not a life or death matter. I don’t respond to your posts because they’re icky. Being tossed out of windows and gunmen coming into town don’t make me laugh.
I love funny stuff about the rivalry game. Let’s keep it that way.

Happy Thanksgiving! It’s the day on my side of the planet. Feeling grateful. It is smelling great in the kitchen too! Cheers!

Darling secretary, how in the blazes do you forget to print Thanksgiving Eve worship bulletins? Did you not have a clue when the organist asked for one this afterward you handed her the proof copy???

You all have some gall. Thousands are homeless from the fires, living in tents in a parking lot and yet

So fed up with family. Today is Thanksgiving and it would’ve been nice to get together but instead things have been rescheduled to Sunday because someone is always wanting to be as untraditional as possible. These guys literally are lacking in values and are largely lazy. To top it all off I spent a lot of money on preparation. So much that we had no money left over. All for everyone to “reschedule”. Tired of trying to keep the family together and plan things, spend my last and etc.
Christmas last year, I plan for the kids and they go “let’s do Christmas on the 28th”
Thanksgiving the past 5 or so years I’ve either done by myself or it’s been a complete disaster. If issues were financial that would at least be an excuse. So done.

I bought something small online today (because I postponed buying it for over a year- Instant pot) but I have no inclination to part with my money this weekend. I don’t need anymore things in fact I am trying to get rid of some of what I have. I want experiences and good memories not more things.

This website can be so helpful, on the other hand, some discussions that repeat themselves multiple times (that I shall not identify) annually, give me a headache.

Dear guest, it was a nice enough day. My food was excellent given I have not made a traditional Thanksgiving in 40 yrs and you expressed appreciation. We have known each other for two years and you have asked me exactly one question about myself (and that was about my S, actually). You have never given me a compliment except for my cooking. You sat next to me and when I noticed a crushed grape on my shoe and our gorgeous rug and proceeded to spot the area you said nothing at all. I find time with you basically boring and unrewarding. D wants me to spend time with you and take care of entertaining you while you visit. I will do what I need to do but not with a ton of joy. I cannot decide if you are profoundly boring or simply self-centered.

Aaargh, help me hold my tongue. Son in law, grow up! Feeling a little better now

Before you add information to your wedding website about the Welcome Party that I have included after the rehearsal dinner is done and at my suggestion to accommodate your many out of town guests, you probably should have asked me about the timing and how to word the invite (and maybe acknowledge that it is the groom’s mother hostessing). Came as a huge surprise when I got the Save the Date with the website and found it part of the weekend events your family is hosting. Would you mind terribly if I, the person paying and hostessing the rehearsal, sent my own invites to those people or do you intend to do that as well? I think maybe your mother and you were a bit disappointed that I was following through on tradition and somehow (financially) making the rehearsal dinner happen without engaging you in choice of restaurants or menu. God help me if this is my life for the next 40 years.

Mom, it makes me sad to see the state of your beautiful house. You were always an excellent housekeeper but now the place is a disaster. Today will be Day 3 of cleaning just your closet! I’m glad you’re willing to get rid of some clothes, but many more need to go. I am SO glad I made this trip. I didn’t realize how bad things had gotten. It IS rewarding to help, though, since you and Dad have spoiled your two daughters their entire lives.

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with just my two daughters. It was fun, relaxed, and loving. I am so grateful for my two intelligent, kind, giving, and witty teenage girls. They are good people.

“I’m so blessed to be apart of this family.” It’s two words. A PART. Why am I seeing this mistake everywhere?

I raked some leaves in our forest last weekend and raked some more today. B-)

Oh noooo!!! Someone dropped and broke the hummingbird feeder. :frowning: Sorry little fellas
 we will be back with the new one soon. Dinner will be served.

Well, that was painful to watch.

Y’all need to settle down and get it together.

That was such a wonderful Thanksgiving family get-together.

Looks like 2 of my 3 won’t be able to join the extended family Christmas celebration in NJ this year due to work obligations. This makes me sad, but DD, SIL and 4.5 month grandson will get to spend time with everyone during their week long vosit from the left coast.