Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Only three more days of waiting to see you!

Hoping for an excuse to come up to not attend my newish neighbor’s party this weekend. Being an introvert, I absolutely hate socializing with near strangers. I can’t just stay home since you are directly across the street from me and it will be obvious, unless I turn off all the lights, I suppose. The alternate plans with family that I thought I would have on Saturday were changed to Friday. I made you some candy, though!

One more straw

I wish there is a “You are an idiot” button on CC.

Maybe it wasn’t legacy, URM, or athletics
 maybe they had better essays or their personalities showed through better. Stop assuming people who DID get in are “not worthy”.

I think of you all so often, but always on this date. I am so sorry, families of Sandy Hook.

I’m flabbergasted at the number of people who think college admissions offices would outright lie and at the same time, assuming this is true, don’t seem surprised that no one working in admissions has written a tell-all by now.

No, I do not have a perm. I have curly hair I have fought my whole life and by the end of the day it is sort of jumpy and frizzy. yes, I use conditioner each day. No I do not want to straighten it or borrow your flat iron (I have my own). Yes, I have crazy hair that does not fit my job which is why I wear a ball cap all weekend. Thanks for your advice. :slight_smile:

She is practically perfect in every way. I hope he picks her.

Gee, the IRS must really want us. They have called twice today with threats to “call the cops”.
Where do they get this stuff?? Too ridiculous for words.

It’s really silly, but maybe this is a humble brag:

I have my own laptop on my desk at home, and I spend way too much time on it looking at CC, browsing Facebook, and watching CNN. I also work for Company A part-time, and they’ve given me a laptop, on which I can connect to their network, log into my Company A email, etc. I also work part-time for Company B, and they have provided me with a laptop so I can access their systems and email. I literally have two of the laptops stacked one on top of the other, and since I have only so many outlets, I have to unplug one before I can plug in the other.

If a bad guy breaks in and takes all three computers, he’ll really make out like a bandit.

When you send a subpoena to someone out of the blue to appear as a witness in a case you should really make it very clear at the very top what it is for. It was quite perturbing until I read through it a couple of times and realized I’m a witness (& my poor husband was freaking out about it pretty much all day till I got back from work - well maybe not that long as the mail seems later every day). I’m guessing it’s related to my car being burglarized? Less than 2 weeks notice and 2 days after Christmas at 8 am 100 miles from where I live - guess it’s good were not going away for Christmas this year like we do most years!

A heads up that this was on the horizon might have been nice.

Having a new phone number sometimes really stinks.

After 6 months I still don’t want to pay ‘Laura’s’ bills, find a new job or go for her eye exam. On top of that I don’t want her ‘beautiful young skin,’ ‘latest weight loss pill,’ ‘braces,’ or cool ‘new vape flavors.’


DD has had roomate drama this semester . A stubborn virus and strep throat this week of finals. Hard enough being a freshman pre med with super smart gunners in your science classes. I know you are a sweet and gentle kid who has a hard time making friends. Please let you have a successful chem and bio final today and Monday. You’ve worked so hard and being sick. I don’t want your dream to fade away. You’ll do great. I have faith in you.

I’m so grateful you are home and feeling beyond blessed that I have some alone time with you before family and friends descend. You are truly an awesome human being and I feel so lucky to call you my daughter.

The hackers still have hold of my email account. I had almost 800 spam subscription notifications in my inbox this morning. Looks like I will have to jettison this account, which will be a nightmare, since it’s the one everybody uses to contact me. Ack.

So, scheduling person. I brought you and the clinic a dozen donuts today as a thank you. I asked if you could go ahead and make the next appointment with a specific person at a specific day/time; you say you want to first go make coffee for the donuts, then come back and take another person ahead of me and offer her the specific person/day/time I had asked for. I wish I could take my dozen donuts back.

Want to tell my friends about D19’s college acceptances and scholarships because I’m so proud of her but that would be seen as bragging. So world, I’m proud of her hard work these last 4 years and so happy for her that it’s being recognized.

You are sitting at the table studying. Watching you is almost painful. I am so happy for all you have accomplished. I am going to miss you something fierce next year.

I swear Christmas shopping brings out the rudest people who must not shop any other time of year. Cut me off, cut in front on the line. We are all there doing the same thing. Ugh!

Common decency people!