Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

I still wonder what you thought was going to happen when you made that decision not once but twice.
“I am sorry and I won’t do it again” and then wham! same thing repeated. It still does not make any sense at all. How is this suppose to be forgiven. And your minimizing it is never going to fly.

I don’t have time to get sick. There’s just too much to do before the break.

Weather, please cooperate so that travel is only very long and not complicated!

I understand why I received a larger bonus and no raise…top of the pay scale and all of that. And you understand that there isn’t anywhere else for me to go in this company. Neither one of us wants me to leave and I do appreciate the larger bonus. You have to realize that it hurt like heck to sit there with a smile on my face while we had that conversation. The salt in the wound was me walking around giving everyone else the good news about their raises and having to fight for YOUR secretary to get a better one. Honestly, where would you be without her. Shame on us for being here a long time. Great way to reward loyalty. Anyway, here I sit, sucking it up. At this point in my life I have no desire to start over but I do wish I had left years ago. It was a great job during my working mother days but I’m paying the price now.

I know, I should be happy that I have a job and received a bonus at all but this is the say it here thread and I’d never say it out loud - except to my husband who got an unexpected earful about this last night. Another day begins…

Your son is coming for a visit. Be happy and stop complaining about every single thing.

When I hear sports figures say something ignorant, I search where they went to school.

I really am sorry for your loss. But when you adopted a cat and let it roam free on your property that is on a busy road I knew how the story would end.

Three deaths at Georgia Tech. Two suicides and one “accidental” death (possible suicide by cop) in 8 days. Truly heartbreaking. The ridiculous pressure students put on themselves (many times to satisfy others) is alarming, unhealthy, and sometimes deadly. We need to do better as parents to let our kids know that no one is perfect and no one is expecting them to be.

I am going nuts. I found pretty much the perfect coffee table online and failed to bookmark it. Now I can’t find it anywhere. ARGH!!! I have been looking for a LONG time!

Let’s see. I am a pastor. I’ve used up my 4 Sunday’s off allowed for the year. And I’ve already told my secular boss that I will work New Years Eve and day, which are tough slots to fill.

But I’m the bad guy because my mother asked TODAY if I could come home the weekend before New Years. Because my RETIRED sister isn’t planning to arrive until Saturday so if I “insist on coming during the week” I’ll leave the morning she will arrive.
And oh , I’d need to get a hotel room because said sister is staying at the house. She’s a millionaire and I have a four digit balance in my savings account.

No. $&@% no.

Husband actually just volunteered to preach for me since he’s unemployed. But not gonna play this game.

I hate that one of the thoughts that goes through my head at the end of every semester is “Whew! Made it through another semester without a school shooting on our campus.” Why do I have to be grateful for this?

Please let this get straightened out soon. All the fun has left the season in one act of one lying person.

Note to self: don’t tell your coworkers that you would be OK with sticking around for the holidays. Their work due first week of January suddenly becomes my work. ?

Wow, I tutored you for 4 hours and you don’t even buy me some snack? We aren’t that close, buddy.

Happy that DS is doing better, but sad that it looks as if he will be in the hospital until after Christmas. We’re hoping the doctor gives him a one-day pass for the 25th. This illness sucks.

Oh, my dear youngest child.

Your high level of intelligence does not mean you get to decide to just not do any of your middle school work in one particular class because you feel it is beneath you. You are normally a great kid and you work hard and you achieve very high in all your other classes and pursuits and you volunteer a ton and you care about others and you have been through a lot this semester with our family’s situation etc etc etc BUT - you blowing off your work for A SOLID MONTH in that class and lying to me about it means I will be all over you and your business for the next hundred years. I love you and I know you are young and thank God this is a middle school course so it won’t be on your high school transcript - but good lord child.

Dear child,
I love you like crazy, but why do you have to make everything SO HARD?

Dear owners of the business I work for,

Yes, I know you “don’t care who does it” and you “just want it done by the first of the year” – but don’t you see that there is a person in the organization whose job this is?

You are essentially asking the rest of us to scramble and finish this project, doing this other person’s job. We’ll do it, but it’s not going to sit well with us. And during the holidays!

Please make the effort to replace this team member once and for all. He’s not pulling his weight and it’s not only hurting morale, but it’s hurting the business.

And finally, I wish you were the type of business owners we could talk to plainly and openly about this ongoing problem instead of feeling like we need to be “positive”.

I understand wanting to protect the products and keeping them secure, but opening someone of the things I have ordered lately seems to be quite the battle and involves scissors, knives and ripping of tightly glued cardboard or blister packs.

You may be the boss of our team but you are definitely not a leader