Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

People at the mall parking garage: do not wait for that other car to pull out while holding up a line of cars. If you are returning to your car, planning to leave and see the line of cars, do not futz around. Get in your car and go! These things are common courtesy. Meanwhile, li et me through! I will go to the highest level because unlike you lazy butts, I am willing to WALK.

if I don’t use my Kohl’s credit card for a year
I have to reapply for a new one? Yep
another reason why I just don’t need to shop at Kohl’s at all.

I just can’t win this holiday season. I bought a $50 itunes gift card yesterday on amazon for a great $42.50 only to see Walmart has it today for $40. Didn’t get the $5 off amazon book sale of $20 because I never bought a book over $20 (but if I had planned properly could have bundled two of my book orders together and gotten it). Didn’t get the pendant everybody on CC recommended with the ultra cheap discount code (used another code which wasn’t as good). Screwed up on the double free cheesecake slices by ordering my gift card too early.

I realize that none of this is really important as long as my family is healthy, happy, and together for Christmas!

No, no, no Amazon! I just wanted to check the balance on the card, I didn’t want to link it to my account. So now I can’t give it away as a gift?

I really, really, really, really, really didn’t need that car repair bill this month. It’s not even my car. I don’t even like the car.

Proud of myself for not losing my patience when I just talked on the phone with Social Security on behalf of my son. :slight_smile:

Also happy to figure out that D’s main Christmas present can be our paying the insurance on the used car her grandparents are buying her. I think it’s a pretty good gift!

Please pray that I can bite my tongue this weekend and just smile convincingly. D1 needs to handle her in-laws in her own way, but I could happily shred her MIL.

D’s coming home for Christmas! Yea!!!
Now to clean out her bedroom–it’s where I dumped EVERYTHING ! :slight_smile:

Thanksgiving & Christmas both at my house because now no one else has a house big enough. Fine. It shouldn’t mean that I have to coordinate two holiday dinners. Why didn’t any of you start the conversation? You didn’t, so I did and got nothing in response. We’re all busy, so please, give me some help.

Dear, any chance you’ll go out and get those last couple of things? You say a lot, but never follow through.

I over it and done.

Should have seen this one coming
 Yes, now that you are making more money you have to pay more taxes. I don’t think anyone likes paying taxes but it’s life as an adult. We pay a far high percentage in taxes than you, the more you earn the high percentage you pay, that’s the system we have. Try to think about all the good things your tax dollars support, parks, libraries, roads, helping people less fortunate than yourself 

Is there any reason why you have time to chop veggies, fry bacon and make a nice omelette but it’s asking too much to get those dirty dishes in the dishwasher?

I wish I was an eggnogs drinker because I would totally get into that boozy eggnog in the kitchen to help me figure out what the devil they are asking me to do!!! Let me get this straight
 it is a translation from your native language
 where someone made a mistake and corrected it by making it look like a pile of gibberish. Oh, and never mind, there is a mistake in the correction because they were correcting a wrong translation?! Lol.

My son texted me to let me know one of his friends died last night. Great kid, Auburn grad. He fought off cancer once in high school but this time was too much.

I’m sneaking out the back door to go call my kids.

I don’t count my blessings enough.

I am not a religious person, but I am praying for your speedy recovery.

When you were little you were a very tough baby and you reminded me a lot of my friend’s challenging daughter. The same high-strung energy, similar LD’s, a need to push the limits. That friend’s daughter became a teen mother with a heroin addiction. You are a college bound student active in sports and arts, and in a committed relationship with a boy we like very much. We were prepared for a rocky road, but while it hasn’t always been smooth, you have found your way and for that I feel extremely, extremely fortunate.

Hey newish next door neighbor dude,

Your chainsaw usage starting at 8AM on a Saturday morning is not appreciated. I was up anyway but the rest of the family and house guests are trying to sleep in a little on a weekend morning and the start of their holiday break after arriving late last night.

I am resisting responding to your social media posts. Here is what I would like to post:

No, we are not abandoning you. Yes, you are homeless but you are not helpless. Quit lying to yourself and others. Your problem is your addiction. Any money or help we give you is wasted as long as you are using. Your father would pay for rehab. If you actually work a program, you may stay here or with your other aunt. But no, you can’t stay here like this. Your “cold, heartless, rejecting family” is not the problem. We are not casting you aside. You are not a victim. Look in the mirror.

You say you will do “anything” to be near your children and be in their lives. Anything, I guess, except get clean. By the way, they are old enough now to see through your lies. It breaks my heart that they don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

Such a terrific Christmas present! No, not the wrapped kind, the “Mom, dad, I want to tell you about a nice girlfriend I have now” kind, esp when what you hear sounds awesome. Looking forward to meeting in person

So good to have middle son home from Lebanon! Within 30 minutes of getting back to our house, two of his high school buddies were ringing the doorbell. Awesome to hear them laughing and playing those loud video games that used to drive me nuts. :slight_smile: