Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Hey everyone, thanks for paying your federal taxes. It pays my salary and bonus (if I get one that year)!

yey my tuition is finally paid for! Now I have to pay for 1,200$ of tuition fee, which would also have been paid if UMD didnā€™t pull of such stunt on me and waste my time.

My whole life is a list right nowā€“lists of gifts to buy, errands to run, menu for Christmas, the grocery store. I hope I remember to write everything important on one of the lists!

The recipe I made is just a tad weird. Tasty but 1970ā€™s comfort food. What I am telling you is the 2018 version of what it is :)). Your H will love it and you will like it. If I ever admitted that there is a can of celery soup in it you would not touch it. Glad you think the picture looks good. I personally have nicknamed it ā€œdog foodā€. But it still was delicious.

You donā€™t want cake, you donā€™t want pie, you donā€™t want ice cream. What would you like us to put the birthday candles in?

Christmas ships!!! Yay.

I am so sick of the toxicity and BS. I have to join to be valid. NOPE

I feel embarrassed. Humiliated. What in this universe was I thinking all of these years?
Eyes open going forward.

Iā€™m so glad I made the doctorā€™s appointment for today.Iā€™m really worried about this.

There is no such thing as a ā€œPre-Medā€ major. It literally does not exist. You are just telling people that to puff up your own ego and itā€™s pathetic.

I really donā€™t need a ā€œHappy Holidaysā€ e-mail message. from every online retailer Iā€™ve ever done business with.

Ugh, please give me strength. DS is not doing well and will be in the hospital at least several more weeks. We are scheduled to leave for vacation on January 19. I am determined not to cancel this trip.

Not looking forward to this ā€œprocedureā€. Please let it be benign.

Okay, ā€œladiesā€ ā€¦ if you are going to trash the ā€œold peopleā€ at work, please do so quietly & with the door shut. Anyone could have overheard you (and someone did). Or is that what you want? You think that we donā€™t know what we are doing, and you know how to do things better. Right, because years of wisdom and experience just make us stupid. Fortunately, I am too professional to let you know how I feel about what you said. Perhaps you could spend more time around us old folks - instead of huddling together in the hallway while you gossip - in case some of our professionalism might transfer to you.

In total shock over cousinā€™s daughters diagnosis of pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma. Seems to have been caught early but still scary. I think it hits even closer to home as she could be my DDā€™s twin - even her sister mistook the two from behind a couple of years ago. And with two parents as doctors I wish they were working with Dana Farber/Childrenā€™s rather than their own hospital about an hour away. And trying to figure out when and how to tell DD who is halfway around the world and not coming home for Christmas. I didnā€™t think I could miss her any more but now I do. As for cousin, not what your senior year in HS should be like. Her chemo starts Friday so I canā€™t imagine sheā€™ll feel that great for Christmas or her vacation. Just hope itā€™s all successful!

Why wonā€™t my old library card work for ebooks any more? Can it be you discovered after 3 1/2 years that I no longer live in town? But you renewed my card automatically last year! And I canā€™t call to askā€¦

So you support a $15+ minimum wage but you think itā€™s totally ā€œoutrageousā€ for you to pay the reduced student rate of $215 for a three day conference sponsored by a nonprofit held in a big city at a Marriott Hotel. Exactly who to you think should pay for it?

So my Christmas card from old friend whom I havenā€™t seen in years and havenā€™t heard from in several years arrived with a long note saying how she saved my old cards for past years and finally can write. Her son died four years ago and she just now is telling me. He graduated college posthumously. Iā€™ve been crying all evening. I canā€™t imagine. At all.

Nothing that a fire, a book and a good glass of red wine canā€™t fix.

Shipping charges just tick me off. They must be making millions off this, seriously. Find a good deal and it costs and arm and leg to ship it.