Say it here cause you can't say it directly- the get it off your chest thread (Part 1)

Not impressed with the new orthopedist. Three minutes examining me and you say I’m too old to expect significant improvement after PT? I’m 58!!

Is it possible to be too tired to go on vacation?

I am going through the college app process for the fourth and final time. And I admit I love the process. I pushed my kids pretty hard. And I do chase prestige a bit, because prestigious colleges really do have more to offer IMO. And I am so proud to have been there when the fat envelope or ‘congrats’ email arrived from a great college for each of my kids. It just happened for kid #4. My family is very fortunate.

Still a little pang of regret that none of my kids will get to share my wonderful experiene at Yale. But I have made peace with that.

I am not moving to Silicon Valley. Nope. Nope. Nope.

After having many opportunities to show resilience, LOL, my son got news he has been hoping to hear for four years. He has tried and been disappointed over and over again, and still keeps trying. It paid off! When he heard the news he started shaking. The best part is that he has reached a point where he can say “no thank you” and I think he will. Good work kid. You freaking rock.

I hate companies that do a bait and switch on price!

Certified until 2024!

What?! We are going to someone’s house for dinner tonight, in an hour? Do you think you could have mentioned this earlier? And we have people coming for brunch at our house tomorrow. I was going to do the grocery shopping tonight.

Instead of being yet one more of the dozens making a cell phone recording of that inappropriate behavior, put down your phone, and go over and do what you can to stop it. Sheesh. Channel your cranky middle school principal or your grandmother or your favorite avenger, and be the grown up.

Stop looking at your phone or texting while you are driving! It only takes a second of distraction to cause a serious accident.

It isn’t a great job, but it’s decent–and now the lab is moving to Sacramento? Ugh.

Listen, Dog, if you ever run off again for 40 minutes in the woods, I’m going to leave you there and you can spend the night in the middle of a blizzard or in doggie jail for all I care.

It’s going to be a long two weeks.

You were irresponsible telling hundreds of people - families with young kids - to ignore the storm and stay for the banquet. To just get a hotel and drive back home tomorrow. There is a massive storm hitting right when the banquet starts. You have people from all over the northeast at this ceremony today. The storm is going to be WORSE tomorrow. You should have encouraged people to leave early today and get home safely before the storm hits. You are the main authority figure for this extracurricular which encompasses five northeast states, and you should have done the right thing. You didn’t. I know you spent time organizing the banquet tonight, but to actually tell people to stay for it and then encourage them to leave afterward or tomorrow, right when the storm is at its worst, just because you don’t want to see YOUR work go to “waste” - well, that’s quite frankly reprehensible. If any of those families were swayed by you and end up getting hurt or killed on the road late tonight or tomorrow…well, part of that is on you. I guess for you it’s just all about the money and to hell with what’s best for the actual kids. As for me and mine, we’re now safely at home watching the storm already start to rage outside. Our respect for you dropped to nil today.

Apparently you young lads protesting against the Native Americans today have a huge gap in your education if you were indeed saying something to the effect of “Build that wall” as reported. Huge hint… Native Americans were here before your ancestors were.

Calling your actions appalling is such an understatement - regardless of who you thought you were harassing.

Do you have any idea how much damage you likely did to your futures at this point? It’s all on film and not going to disappear. I feel for your parents, teachers, and school, but hopefully others can learn from it. I know I’ll make sure the students I interact with this coming week don’t have the same gap. I seriously don’t think they do from what I know of them, but I’ll make sure.

The ads are annoying, but I can deal with that. Except the tobacco ads. Not cool.

We’re in a foreign land. Maybe $8 for an hour was too good to be true. I was very disappointed when halfway through she asked for a $17 tip for special services and, when I declined, what had been a good massage suddenly turned lackluster.

Yes, marching band is a huge commitment. The kids take this commitment very seriously. The parents volunteer and assist…and drive. So stop telling me practice is over at 5 or 8 or 9 and then leave me sitting in the car for thirty minutes later. Is it so hard to have some consideration? You aren’t saving lives in there - it’s band.

Why do you always make appointments for the elders that you want “someone” to take the folks to? Why is it that no one ever takes the responsibility to make appointments that THEY will take the folks to? Why is it always us who are the people left contorting ourselves and our schedules to take the folks to yet another appointment where we wait forever for no change in condition? What is the point of the visit? The folks always say they’re fine, get a literally pat on their backs and then no changes are made.

We make appointments where WE will take them to the next one appointment. Why won’t others do the same?

Take 2 seconds to read the top posts in the subforms before you ask the same question that has been asked/answered a million times.

Schools with under 25% acceptance rates are not matches!

(I really need to just stick to the parent and parent cafe forums).