scared about chances, opinion?

<p>I'm in-state and will be applying RD to Virginia Tech. I'm applying into the College of Liberal Studies and Social Sciences as a history major, so I know that could help me out, but being from Northern Virginia, I hear that a lot of exceptionally qualified students are rejected. My stats are as follows:</p>

<p>SAT: 1970/2400, 1290/1600 (first try, no studying. will retake in october)
UW GPA: 3.82/4
W GPA: 4.4/5
class rank: 8/130 (top 6-7%)</p>

<p>AP Courses by end of high school: Chemistry, Euro History (5), US History (4), Language and Comp (5), Literature, US Government (school offers very few AP classes).
All other non-AP courses were honors since the beginning of freshman year. So I will have about 16-20 honors and AP courses by the end of high school.</p>

<p>EC's include:
- Physics peer tutor
- National Honors Society
- National French Honors Society
- editor-in-chief for a division of a website which hosts international video game competitions for prizes/cash
- co-manager of another online organization for 1 year
- black belt in martial arts
- co captain on school's Georgetown University History Bowl team
- co founder of school's quiz bowl team (finalizing everything this fall, have enough people to start it up as well as a supervising teacher)
- chess club
- hundreds of volunteering hours at fundraising events and charity work </p>

<p>I know I have the stats, rank and whatnot, but I know how hard it is for NoVa students to get accepted. Since I'm applying into the liberal arts department, do you think my chances significantly improve?</p>

<p>Are you seriously scared about your chances, cant guarantee anything but i got into the College of Engineering, which is harder, with worse stats.</p>

<p>I mean I know I have the stats, but considering how competitive NoVa is, I’m a bit concerned that I might get rejected from here as well as UVA and W&M. I don’t want to have to go to GMU simply because I got rejected from the better schools.</p>

<p>i wouldnt worry too much. actually, i didnt worry at all when applying to colleges, and it turned out okay. I got into engineering with worse stats.</p>

<p>Im from NoVa too, trust you will be fine.</p>