Scared =(

<p>The decisions are going to be up soon and I'm really nervous about getting in!
I am a hispanic/middle eastern female and have a 3.7 gpa. I am a certificate IB student and have a lot of AP credits. I am a president of a community service club and im in a national honor soceity .I have gotten into the University of Colorado, the College of Charleston, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Maryland. Only deffered then rejected from Tulane.
Since I am out of state I really have no idea what my chances are but I was told that virginia tech needs more diversity so that may be a factor that is working with me. I am really nervous because it has become my top choice and I really want to get in.
Does anyone have any input to make me feel better/more nervous?</p>

<p>What program are you applying to at VT?</p>

<p>I applied as undecided but am thinking about environmental science</p>

<p>im out of state, living in deleware if that makes any difference</p>

<p>If you got into UMD you should be fine for vtech goodluck.</p>

<p>With one at VT and one at UMD, if you got into UMD you should get into VT. Both have the same OOS admittance rate and both look for diversity, not only the student, but where the student is coming from. </p>

<p>For ex: to get into UMD from NJ/NY as an OOS is incredibly competitive, thus, Delaware students actually have a + going for them because they come from DE. The same is true for VT. They want OOS students to represent the entire country not just one area or one state.</p>

<p>I agree with invader71 and bulletandpima. You should have no problem getting into VT, because you got into UMD. VT welcomes OOS students who pay that OOS tuition :slight_smile: Seriously, you are not at a disadvantage applying OOS, unlike some schools such as UNC-Chapel Hill. Also…</p>

<p>There is something magical about VT. Current students and alumni seem to be very enthusiastic about that school. I know that is true of our daughter, who is currently enrolled as an OOS. She LOVES Virginia Tech. Her stats qualified her for schools that are significantly tougher to get into, but once she saw VT, that was it. She applied binding Early Decision, and has never regretted it for a moment. I talked to her on Monday and she said two different times, “I love my school.” So, the bottom line is…</p>

<p>I’m betting you will soon be a Hokie. Good luck!</p>

<p>thank you guys. even if i don’t get in this is going to make waiting a lot less painful. I wish i knew how badly i wanted to get in earlier on in the process so i could have applied early. Since everyone is comparing me getting into virginia tech to UMD does that mean that is a harder school to get into?</p>

<p>The following is the mid-50% SAT range of each of the two schools (from</p>

<p>1) UMD = 570-680 for Critical Reading, and 600-700 for Math.</p>

<p>2) VT = 540-630 for Critical Reading, and 570-670 for Math.</p>

<p>It is interesting how you put VT over UMD and UWisconsin. I am well aware that school choice is a really personal matter. But for some reason I would place UWisconsin over VT.</p>

<p>I am currently waiting to hear from UWisconsin and VT. From reading this forum, I’ve come to notice that VT students have a quite strong passion for their school. I got my acceptance from UIllinois: Urbana-Champaign and it currently is my first choice. However, after hearing from the other schools that I’ve applied (including VT), this may change.</p>

<p>Is there anyone that can explain why VT students are so passionate about their school?</p>

<p>By the way I will major in CompSci.</p>

<p>I know a lot of people have a lot of love for tech because of family members and I’m pretty sure Tech gets some of the best support from their alumni. It’s almost become a sort of family tradition for me. Since I was in middle school my parents have taken me to every football game, my mother, brother, and sister both went there. It might just be since I have been raised around a bunch of tech fanatics but thats why I’m so passionate for Tech</p>

<p>Hi OMGMIT,</p>

<p>As I mentioned in an earlier post, our daughter is OOS and absolutely LOVES Virginia Tech. And, we have no family connections to the place. However, when my wife and I visited the campus with our daughter:</p>

<p>1) Our first impression was how beautiful the place is, as long as you like a rural setting, and how incredibly friendly everyone is.</p>

<p>2) Throughout the entire weekend of our visit, we ate multiple meals in the cafeteria so we could observe the students and strike up conversations with them. We were impressed at how well-adjusted and down-to-earth they all seemed to be. And, they all raved about their school. They just seemed like a great bunch of kids. (Oh, and, Princeton Review that year rated VT’s food as the best in the country, and that didn’t hurt either. Several years later, my wife and I still joke to people that we’re going to retire to Blacksburg, so we can eat in the cafeteria every day.)</p>

<p>We returned to VT with our daughter several months later, just to be sure that her enthusiasm had not waned. It had not and, after almost two years at VT, it still has not. In fact, she came home last night for spring break, and was telling us how much she loves her school.</p>

<p>As for academics, it has just about everything, including engineering. Also, if you are an elite student, VT has a very interesting Honors Program residential community. Our daughter’s younger brother, who is an elite student, was very taken with what he saw, and applied. In the end, he will be going elsewhere. (Money played a big role. Another school offered him pretty much a full-boat.) However, he was very impressed with the experience he could have had as a member of the residential Honors Community. P.S… </p>

<p>Interestingly, our son had been very interested in UVA, so we made a visit to Charlottesville. At the end of the tour, he said to us, “You know, I think I like my sister’s much better.” Sure enough, he ended up applying to VT and not UVA, and subsequently to the Honors Program.</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply. It really helped me understand why some people speak so highly of VT. I won’t dig more about VT because after reading your reply, I noticed that if I read more about it, I may actually fell in love with it. :D</p>

<p>I can look into it after I get accepted, though. :)</p>

<p>Hi OMGMIT,</p>

<p>I am happy I could be of assistance. If you get in, please let me know. Also, below is a post I made a couple of weeks ago. There is quite a bit of overlap with what I said earlier today, but what the heck:</p>

<p>"Unfortunately, I do not have an answer to your question. However, I will say that our daughter is at VT and absolutely loves it. In fact, everyone I have ever met from VT – from current students to retired alumns – loves that school. It is almost like a cult, and I say that in a positive way. I am confident that, if you attend, you will not regret it. Also, three personal experiences:</p>

<p>"#1: Last January, which weather-wise was just about the worst in history for Blacksburg, our daughter told us (to quote her as accurately as I can remember after over a year), “I was walking to an 8:00 AM class, and it was so cold, and it was snowing, and it was windy. And, for a second I thought to myself, ‘I could have gone to college somewhere warmer.’ And then I realized that there is nowhere I would rather be right now than Virginia Tech, even in the middle of January.”</p>

<p>"#2: We have a friend whose son got rejected from every school he really wanted to attend. So, without much else as an option, he reluctantly enrolled at VT. Within a week, he called his parents and said, “This is the most wonderful school imaginable. I can’t even conceive of going anywhere else.” A year and a half later, he still feels the same way.</p>

<p>“#3: I was a bit skeptical of VT because our daughter’s high school grades and test scores were much higher than average for VT. However, after visiting the school, I came away a big supporter of VT.”</p>

<p>“It is almost like a cult, and I say that in a positive way” </p>

<p>I had to smile when I saw your quote MC, because it is so true! There HAS to be some kind of Chicago maroon and orange colored mineral in the water at VT. It just gets in the bloodstream and causes those kids to love that school so much! I think it even rubs off on us parents…</p>

<p>Personally, I wonder if I will embrace my second one’s choice as much as I do Tech. It will be interesting to see how they compare.</p>

<p>got in im so excited =)</p>

<p>congratulations!!! if you don’t mind me asking, how much did you get on your SATs?</p>

<p>i did not take the SATs but I did take the ACT and got a 27 I dont know what the equivalent to that is.</p>