Scary data about Binghamton University

Haha. Oops. You mean Binghamton isn’t one of the Hamptons? Nestled in between South and East?

look at the “crimes per 100k”

The main campus is in Vestal. OP, have you ever been to Vestal? It’s a lovely town, one I would be happy to live in.

I’m not sure why you continue to harp on this? Are you going to Binghamton? Are you concerned with your safety? If not, why are you concentrating on a non-issue for a school you won’t be attending?

I’ve had lots and lots of students attend Binghamton over the years. None have reported problems. And my brother in law lives in Vestal, and my nieces grew up there. Again, lovely.

So that’s been my experience. I’ve visited countless times over the years. How has your actual experience been different from mine?

Re#42, suggest you actually read the prior posts in this thread, most of your questions have been answered already.
( eg OPs motivation, opinion of Vestal as applicable to this thread). OP has not specifically cited his connection but based on his comments he is obviously intimately familiar with the area.

My own motivation and experience has also been posted previously in this thread.

How would I know why your experience was different? My guess is, because you were just visiting people in Vestal and did not spend any time driving around Binghamton? And your former students who graduated didn’t happen to mention it, whereas not only did my kid discuss it with me but I saw it for myself ? Maybe you never took your kid to the house he was renting in a Binghamton slum area, next to some even worse areas, whereas I did?

I do not know if owners of or have ever been to Binghamton, I just linked to an article and data they posted. Is it your contention that their data about Binghamton is wrong, because you had pleasant visits to Vestal? Perhaps you have contrary data to share ??