SCEA: What major did you pick?

<p>If you applied to Yale under SCEA, tell us what major you said you would be doing.</p>

<p>I said "Environmental Engineering".</p>

<p>My daughter applied to Architecture</p>

<p>hey, if I put “undecided”, will it be a disadvantage? but I really can’t decide on a certain major now… I have chosen three potential majors though.
Anyone has a comment? Thanks.</p>

<p>I said theatre studies.</p>

<p>Undecided is perfectly fine. No one expects you to have a 100% certainty about your future.</p>

<p>Philosophy. </p>

<p>It’s just a way to try to understand your personality a bit better.</p>

<p>Why not psychology then?</p>

<p>Theater Studies :slight_smile: Though I wish it was officially spelled “theatre”… [/theatre geek]</p>

<p>Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies</p>

<p>DisneyGuy - sounds like you will be having a lot of fun :)</p>

<p>surprised to find so many theater studies majors already!</p>

<p>theatRE studies here.</p>

<p>I just had to pick 2…English and Cognitive Science.</p>

<p>Political Science :D</p>

<p>international relations</p>

<p>Economics and Math here</p>

<p>grc061390, yale doesn’t have a major called international relations.</p>

<p>English (:</p>

<p>Even though I put down theatre studies, I am probably going to double major with political science, economics, and ethics!!</p>


<p>Thespians unite! :slight_smile: I’m a techie though haha. Stage managers rule… ;)</p>
